October 4th, 1918.— November 11th, 1918.
Such impromptu cleaning up as was possible, was carried out during what remained
of October 4th, and we felt much better. We also carried out a certain amount of
reorganisation of Companies, which were now thinning rather more rapidly than we
cared for, but the opportune arrival of 85 reinforcements at this moment, helped
us considerably. The enemy caused a certain amount of annoyance, and a few
casualties, by every now and then firing in our direction with a high-velocity
gun, and at night dropped a few bombs uncomfortably near, so that it was not
quite as peaceful as we should have liked.
The next morning we were rather disturbed at hearing that there was more work to
be done. The 32nd Division on our right had suffered heavy casualties in trying
to get hold of Sequehart, and the 139th Brigade was now detailed to relieve some
of their exhausted troops. At this moment our Brigade was attached to the 6th
Division. Rapid reconnaissance was made during the day, and at night we relieved
the 97th Brigade. So heavy had their casualties been that our three Companies
for the front line and support each relieved a Battalion. These were Dorsets,
Highland Light Infantry and Royal Scots.
The line taken over ran through the village of Sequehart, and was the extreme
right of the British front, next to the French. C Company were on the right, D
on the left, astride the cross roads, with B in support and A in reserve. C
Company had the unusual privilege of forming an "International Post" with the
French, and Corpl. Simpson, who spoke the language, was put in charge of our
part of the garrison. We cannot say that after our visits to the French
Headquarters, we felt we quite knew where their front line was, but possibly it
was our fault. When they suggested "we are here," we certainly thought they were
somewhere else, but we managed very well, and materially assisted them in an
attack on the 7th, by conforming to their movements and giving them flank
support, and their Commanding Officer expressed his grateful thanks for our
We have before spoken of "Bloody Ypres." The Officer Commanding D Company is
reported to have applied the superlative of the same expressive word to this
sector, but then he had cause for doing so, for during the two days the
Battalion held it, his Company Headquarters got five direct hits. Perhaps under
such circumstances, he was slightly embittered! During the time we were there,
the enemy hardly ceased to shell the village—not desultory shelling, but
veritable barrages from end to end. It had already changed hands three times,
and we wondered if they were going to try and turn us out! Signs of fierce
struggles were on every hand. In the streets and all around lay bodies still
unburied, both of our own and the enemy's. It was a ghastly place to be in.
Signallers and linesmen had a particularly rough time, and lines were down
almost continuously.
October 6th, was a particularly bad day, as we lost Col. Dempster and the
Second-in-Command (Capt. C. P. Elliott), both wounded. They had gone to see how
things were going on in the forward area, and on returning to Headquarters,
which was in a dug-out behind Levergies, they were unfortunate enough to be in
the neighbourhood of a dump of shells by the roadside at the same moment as a
Hun gunner dropped a shell right on the dump. The result was that both these
Officers began to soar skywards, as if off for their "harp and wings divine,"
but eventually found themselves on mother earth once more, the Commanding
Officer badly shaken and cut about the face, the strap of his tin hat broken by
the force of the explosion, and Pynsent Elliott finding that for some little
time he would have to take his meals off the mantelpiece! The Commanding Officer
was anxious to be allowed to remain with us, but eventually was persuaded
otherwise, and they both left for the Dressing Station, and Major V. O.
Robinson, M.C., of the 6th Battalion, was sent to take over temporary command.
The following night we were relieved by the Monmouths, who had orders to clear
out the Boche from some machine gun nests on the Sequehart-Mericourt Road the
next morning, in conjunction with an attack by the 6th Division on the left, and
French on the right. Relief was complete about midnight, and we marched back to
Lehaucourt, where we spent the following day. On October 9th, Col. Dempster
returned, though not looking at all well. Major Robinson remained with us as
Second-in-Command, as Major Andrews had left a few days previously, to attend
the Senior Officers' Course at Aldershot. A day or two later Capt. Miners was
appointed Adjutant, and was succeeded in command of C Company by 2nd Lieut.
Things were now moving rapidly. Although the gallant attack by the Monmouths had
been repulsed with heavy casualties, their action had enabled the 6th Division
to get on, and eventually surround the enemy and capture the lot. The enemy then
withdrew more quickly, closely followed by the 138th Brigade, who led the
pursuit. On October 9th, we moved to Levergies, and the next day to Mericourt,
where we went into bivouacs. This village was just on the West of Fresnoy-le-Grand,
which was entered by the 138th Brigade the same morning.
We now took a little more interest in life. Everyone was feeling better for the
rest, and found the rapid movement quite entertaining, especially as we were now
approaching civilisation again. Fresnoy was the first town of any size that we
reached; though showing distinct signs of shelling here and there, it was not
badly damaged. It was interesting to see the Boche "War Savings Campaign"
posters, and probably the most interesting specimen, painted all over the gable
end of a house, represented "John Bull" on his Island, tearing his hair in a
perfect frenzy, with "U" Boats all around him! Here, too, there were many
inhabitants, who were of course delighted to see us. Much of the land was under
cultivation, and we had really come to the end of that desolate region which was
so distasteful to us all.
On October 12th, we moved a further step forward, and that afternoon reached
Jonnecourt Farm, between Fresnoy and Bohain. Just before leaving we had all
welcomed back Col. Currin, more or less recovered from his wound, and with his
arrival Col. Dempster left us. Jonnecourt Farm was somewhat damaged, and said to
be mined, so we put up our bivouacs and tents in the open just by it. The farm
had been captured only a few days before by our Cavalry, and we had the
uncongenial task of burying the bodies of those who had been killed in the
attack. We now had a few days peace, and were able to refit, bath at the old
German baths in Fresnoy, which were excellently fitted up, and reorganise our
diminished forces. A pleasing little ceremony was performed here, when the
"Congratulatory Cards" from the Divisional Commander for the N.C.O.'s and men,
who had been recommended for good work during the recent fighting, were
presented to them by the Commanding Officer at a Battalion Parade, ending up
with the Battalion marching past the recipients whilst the band played the
Regimental March.
We were not left here for long, there being more "dirty work" to be done yet.
The 138th Brigade had been joined by the 137th Brigade, and together they were
now held up about the Bois-de-Riquerval, East of Bohain, where some tough
fighting had been going on, the enemy rear-guard making a stout defence, so as
to give his main body time to get away. With the object, therefore, of clearing
the whole of this front and pushing the enemy back to the Sambre-Oise Canal, a
general attack was arranged to take place on October 17th, by the IX Corps in
conjunction with the French on the right, and the Americans on the left, the
46th Division being ordered to clear the enemy from the Bois-de-Riquerval and
the Andigny-les-Fermes Ridge.
On October 16th, we received orders for the attack, which was to take place
early the following morning. The 138th Brigade were to attack on the left of the
139th Brigade whilst the 137th Brigade were to hold their present line on the
right. The attack of the 139th Brigade was to be on a one Battalion front, and
we were selected to carry out the attack, with two Companies of the 5th
Battalion in close support, the remainder of the Brigade being in reserve. The
objective (The "Blue Line") was the line of the Andigny-les-Fermes-Bohain Road,
the consolidation of which was to include two strong points, one being the
hamlet of Regnicourt. Royal Engineers were allotted to us to help in the
consolidation, and posts were to be pushed forward South of this road. The two
Companies of the 5th Battalion had two tasks allotted. One was to move through
our right Company, after the objective had been captured, occupy a small length
of trench there, and seize a small wood, so as to protect our right from
possible counter-attack from Hennechies Wood. The other was to follow our centre
Company, mop up any enemy left in the elements of trenches in that Company's
area, and help to mop up Regnicourt itself.
Tanks were to assist in the operation, one moving down our right boundary, and
helping to mop up the trenches on the extreme right, and two others working
along the high ground on the left, and assisting if required in the capture of
Regnicourt, proceeding thence to help the 138th Brigade at Andigny-les-Fermes.
A glance at the map will show that the attack was at right angles to the general
line of our advance, which was North East. It was therefore impossible for our
guns to fire the normal barrage, and the attack had to be carried out under an
enfilade barrage, working forward on the leap-frog principle. This was difficult
to lay correctly, and the greatest care had to be taken that troops forming up
were well clear of it. After three minutes on the opening line it was to advance
at the rate of 100 yards every three minutes. One round of smoke shell was to be
fired at each lift, which obviously would not be so easy to identify as in the
case of an overhead barrage. A smoke curtain was also to be fired on the
Northern edge of the Forêt d'Andigny. The Life Guards Machine Gun Battalion were
to help with their barrage, also a Company of the 6th Machine Gun Battalion.
Three sections of our own Machine Gun Battalion were allotted to us, to be used
mainly in defence against possible counter-attacks, and a section from the 139th
Trench Mortar Battery, to assist in the capture of Regnicourt.
In order to help matters on our front a "Chinese" or "Dummy" attack was arranged
to take place on the front of the 137th Brigade on the right. Dummy Tanks and
figures were to be placed in position during the night, so as to appear at dawn
as if attacking the Bois-de-Riquerval from the West, whilst a rolling barrage
was arranged to move through the wood in order to give a further idea of an
attack being in progress there, and, it was hoped, bring down some of the
enemy's barrage in that quarter.
During the afternoon of October 16th, a reconnaissance was made by the
Commanding Officer, Second-in-Command, and Company Commanders. During this
operation, which was interrupted by a fierce bombardment of our lines, an old
lady could be seen quietly moving her household effects on a wheelbarrow down
that portion of the Vaux-Andigny Road running between our lines and the enemy's.
Leaving our surplus stores, bivouacs and other paraphernalia at Jonnecourt Farm,
we moved off about 10.30 p.m., Col. Currin having previously harangued us in no
uncertain way, and in a manner truly characteristic. On reaching the outskirts
of Bohain, we turned off to the right and proceeded by a track previously taped
out by the Royal Engineers, so as to relieve the roads of traffic, and avoid
going through the town. On reaching the quarry East of Bohain, just off the
Bohain-Vaux-Andigny Road, we halted, and had an excellent issue of hot porridge,
tea and rum—our cookers having gone up to that point beforehand. Pack mules and
limbers with ammunition and other stores, were a little further behind, but near
enough to be got forward quickly if required during the battle. On this occasion
the ammunition supply was well arranged, thanks to the good work of "Bedder" and
"Tommy" Tomlinson, who got pack mules forward in the attack with Lewis gun
"drums" just at the right moment, to the accompaniment of some very expressive
language on the part of the Transport men.
We moved on again between 2 and 3 a.m., and without difficulty reached and
formed up on our jumping-off line, which had been previously taped out by the
Brigade Major, Capt. Grinling, about 70 yards South of the Bohain-Vaux-Andigny
Road. We had three Companies in the front line, A (Toyne, in the absence of
Thomas on leave) on the right; B (Geary) in the centre; and C (Druce) on the
left; whilst D (Warner), in support behind C Company, was in the vicinity of
Vallée Hasard Farm. Battalion Headquarters and the Regimental Aid Post were at a
house near the road. A and B Companies each had attached half a section of Royal
Engineers from the 465th Field Company. Two Companies of the 5th Battalion were
in rear, and the rest of that Battalion were more or less dug in under the woods
on our right. The 6th Battalion were in reserve North-West of the road. All
troops were in position by 3.45 a.m. on October 17th. Our actual forming up line
was in the area of the 6th Division, who had been holding the front we were
attacking; they withdrew from this line some time before "zero" so as to give us
a free course.
The frontage allotted to us was about 1,200 yards, each of the leading Companies
thus having approximately 400 yards. This was a long space to cover, especially
now that our numbers were so diminished that we had been forced to reduce
platoons to three sections instead of four. Each of the leading Companies had
three platoons in the front line, with sections in blobs, and one platoon in
support, whilst D Company was formed in a rectangle with a platoon at each
corner, and Company Headquarters in the centre, the three sections of each
platoon being arranged in a kind of arrowhead.
Zero was 5.20 a.m. The barrage came down punctually, and we started forward to
our last attack. There was a certain amount of mist which developed into a dense
fog, and was doubtless intensified by our own smoke shells. A troop of our
Cavalry in the vicinity of the Vaux-Andigny road put their gas masks on, and
were last seen moving along the road in that "get-up."
It is pretty safe to say that everyone was lost almost immediately, and as a
consequence we wandered out of our course, a fact which was destined to give us
much trouble. It was also impossible to judge the lifts of the barrage, so that
there was great confusion, and things for a long while did not go at all well.
On this occasion, too, compasses do not appear to have proved of great avail. C
Company on the left kept going for some time alright, and got possession of some
high ground after overcoming, under the excellent leadership of 2nd Lieut. Druce,
some opposition from machine gun nests, though some of these were missed owing
to the fog. Then they wandered off in an Easterly direction and got on to the
138th Brigade area on our left, and later, when the fog cleared, they found
themselves nearly at Andigny-les-Fermes. B Company in the centre went on until
they were held up by unbroken wire, and heavy machine gun fire from the
Regnicourt Ridge, and from a clearing in the centre of the Battalion area. Their
Commander, Capt. Geary, was killed by machine gun fire after leading his men
with the greatest bravery. On many previous occasions he had done excellent
work, and his loss was most keenly felt. A Company on the right soon lost touch
with B, but got on until they reached a position near the railway track, in
spite of having had a very nasty time and many casualties from the machine guns
in the same clearing.
D Company lost touch with everyone at first, and got completely split up.
Company Headquarters were lucky enough to run into a Boche machine gun post,
which they cleared with much skill, capturing 11 men, and putting the two guns
out of action. Then they decided to try and find Battalion Headquarters, as they
concluded they must have got too far forward. By a somewhat circuitous route
they eventually succeeded in doing so, and found that Col. Currin had also had
difficulty in getting to his advanced Headquarters, which was no more than a
"Map Reference." Of the rest of D Company, three platoons got across to the
right of our front and did good work there, particularly 2nd Lieut. Newton and
his platoon, who were of great assistance to A Company. A great feat was
performed by some members of the other platoon of D Company, who had kept their
direction on the left towards Regnicourt. Having run up against a couple of
machine guns, Sergt. Robinson and L.-Corpl. Harper went forward to reconnoitre
the position, and finding it strongly held, went back for the rest of the
platoon. With a combination of "fire and movement" they succeeded in getting
round the flank of the post and rushing it. L.-Corpl. Harper, who stood up when
only a few yards from the post in order to be able to aim more accurately, was
shot through the head, and L.-Corpl. Coombes at once rushed forward, shot six
Germans with his revolver, and finished off the last man who was trying to run
away with his Lewis gun.
When news of all these happenings duly reached him by runners, stragglers and
other means. Col. Currin collected all the oddments who had wandered to his
Headquarters, and sent them forward under Major Robinson to push the enemy out
of the clearing between B and C Companies. The fog had to a certain extent
cleared by this time, but it was still not easy to keep direction. Very soon,
however, it lifted altogether, and the party found itself on the Western edge of
the clearing and fired at by the enemy both from the clearing and from the ridge
towards their right front, from which the enemy were also firing into the rear
of B Company, who had gone past them.
The party now advanced by bounds, and was throughout most gallantly led by Major
Robinson, who went out absolutely unarmed, but later managed to get a Boche
pistol lent him, which he very soon lost. Knowing him as we do we are not
surprised that such a small matter did not worry him in the least! Eventually
they got possession of a trench on the ridge, which afforded them a certain
amount of cover. The garrison of this trench, about 10 men with a machine gun,
were very fortunate in receiving quarter, as they fired on our advancing line up
to the last minute, and then threw up their hands. Most of the trouble now came
from machine guns about half right, and it was determined to round them up. At
this point Sergt. Winson, of C Company, did most excellent work. Regardless of
all risk he kept his Lewis gun trained on the enemy, whilst a party worked round
their right flank, first by crawling over to a small clearing, and then rushing
the post from there. This manoeuvre was entirely successful, six machine guns,
and about 40 prisoners being captured.
At the same time that part of C Company, which had wandered away to the left,
turned back and moved towards the high ground East of Regnicourt. The enemy in
the clearing now realised that they were more or less surrounded, and after
little more resistance surrendered, 27 machine guns and 140 prisoners being
taken from this small area. A Company of the 5th Battalion under our old
Regimental Quarter-Master Sergt., now Capt. Dench, arrived shortly afterwards
and took up a position in the clearing as a reserve.
A Company on the right had fared very badly, having met with heavy machine gun
and rifle fire and suffered many casualties, including their commander. Lieut.
Toyne, who was wounded, and 2nd Lieut. Jacques, killed, leaving the Company
under the command of 2nd Lieut. Shackleton. Eventually, owing to their exposed
position they had to retire slightly, but later were reinforced by two Companies
from the 5th Battalion, and together they were able, after some very stiff
fighting, to dislodge the enemy and get their objective. Lieut. Thomas of the
465th Field Company, Royal Engineers, did some very gallant work here in
reorganising parties and leading them forward in attempts to get on, and the
greatest praise is due to him for his splendid efforts.
Major Robinson's party, after getting the Ridge, pushed on to Regnicourt
Village, where they found some of the Leicesters, who had wandered on to our
front. Just beyond, one of our Tanks had broken down, and had a very rough time
before its crew could be rescued. It was now about 10.15 a.m. Capt. Warner was
put in charge of the front line with orders to consolidate, and he accordingly
reorganised the odd parties of men he found under his command, and began to
establish strong points South of the Andigny-les-Fermes-Bohain Road. Some
trouble was caused at this time by a German field gun inside Hennechies Wood,
which was firing on these parties at point blank range. Once its position was
located, however, it was not long before our Gunners forced it to withdraw, and
the posts were eventually established.
About 11 a.m. the enemy were seen massing for a counter-attack about 1,500 yards
away on our right front, but we got the guns of the whole "group" turned on to
the area in a very short time, and the Boches were completely broken, only a
half-hearted attempt being made, and only one man reaching our lines.
By noon the enemy in the Forêt d'Andigny must have begun to feel that with the
138th Brigade—who had now captured the village of Andigny-les-Fermes—on their
right flank, and the 137th Brigade and ourselves on their left, it was time they
were moving, for a patrol which we pushed out towards the wood found it occupied
only by a few odd machine guns. Major Robinson himself took charge of this
patrol, which consisted of a platoon of B Company, under Comp. Sergt.-Major
Cobb. On one or two occasions, owing to their small numbers they had to creep
round to avoid these machine guns, but they escaped without accident, and after
proceeding a distance of something like 2,000 yards in a South-Eastern
direction, they eventually found a French post about 100 yards South of
"Forester's House." The "poilus" were delighted to see them, and shewed their
appreciation by giving our men the whole of the contents of their water bottles.
About 5 p.m., Companies having been to some extent reorganised, an outpost line
was formed running due North and South from Hennechies Wood, East of Regnicourt,
and joining up on the left with the 138th Brigade. Later on, the 137th Brigade
moved up a Battalion through the wood to fill the gap between our right flank
and the French.
During the attack we captured something like 220 prisoners, and nearly 100
machine guns, besides inflicting many other casualties. Our own losses, too,
were heavy—the heaviest in Officers that we had experienced in the recent
fighting. Besides Geary, we lost 2nd Lieuts. Plant and Jacques killed, and
Lieuts. Toyne and Whitelegge, and 2nd Lieut. John H. Smith wounded, whilst in
other ranks we lost 25 killed or died of wounds, and 54 wounded, including
Sergts. Oldham, Sharrock and Wicks. Deeds of gallantry were conspicuous on all
sides, and especially good work was done by several N.C.O.'s in charge of
platoons. Amongst the following, who did particularly well and have not already
been mentioned in connection with the Battle of Regnicourt, are several who had
previously displayed conspicuous courage in other recent battles: Sergts.
Shepperson, Sharrock, Wallis, Scrimshaw, and H. Wilson; Corpls. Watson and
Francis; L.-Corpls. Slater, Creamer (killed), Robinson and Beech, and Pvtes.
Wesley, Houghton, Martin, Draper, Jackson, Berresford, C. Smith, Vipond, Lees,
Turpin and Roe.
In a way it was an unsatisfactory day, and we feel we have hardly had our
deserts for the gallant work done by all ranks against an enemy holding in much
greater strength much more strongly fortified positions than had been
anticipated. The fighting was extremely hard, if anything harder than at
Ramicourt, and the greatest possible credit is due to all for the gallant way
they fought, and the great dash and determination they displayed to get their
objective. Regnicourt is apt to be looked on as a small matter, but for the 8th
Battalion it was one of the most strenuously fought battles of the war.
About midnight, we were relieved by the 6th Battalion, and rested for the night
just behind Regnicourt. The following day, as the Brigade had been squeezed out
of the line altogether by the further retirement of the enemy, we were able to
withdraw, and in the evening marched back to Fresnoy. We were met on the road by
our Drums, under the leadership of Corpl. (shortly to become Sergt.-Drummer)
Coupe, who had got them to a wonderful state of perfection. They cheered
everyone up, and considerably helped the last part of the march. We were glad to
see General Harington waiting for us just before reaching the village, and his
brief "Well done, Sherwoods" as we passed, was the fullest appreciation of our
efforts that we could wish for.
We now had several days complete rest, and were fortunate in getting, almost at
once, a draft of 120 reinforcements, mostly men of the Northumberland Hussars,
who had not previously seen service abroad. They were a good lot, and with their
addition we felt more like ourselves once more; in fact our paper strength now
totalled 34 Officers, and 745 other ranks. We had quite a pleasant time doing a
little training, as well as reorganising and cleaning, and devoting the
afternoons to football.
The fighting moving further off each day, we had to move forward on October 29th
to Bohain. This was carried out as a Brigade march, and we entered Bohain with
bands playing, and the civilian population in the streets to welcome us. The
town had been knocked about very little, and the billets were extremely
comfortable. Our training here included a route march across the scene of our
recent fighting, in order to imbue the newly arrived with a sense of the honour
they should realise had been done them in posting them to such a fine Battalion!
A great drawback to our advance all this time was the business-like way in which
the Boche had mined the roads and blown up railways. Every railway and river
bridge had been systematically blown up, and mines had been put at every cross
roads, and usually in the deep cuttings and high embankments, so as to give the
maximum of trouble in filling and getting past. In many cases, these mines had
actually been blown and all we found were huge craters. In a few cases
delay-action mines had been laid, which did not explode for some little time.
All this gave our Sappers much work to do in reconnoitring road crossings, and
other points for signs of mining where they were not blown, or in arranging for
temporary roadways to be constructed, or craters to be filled in where they had
been exploded. But on a larger scale the enemy's very clever system of working
his delay-action mines on the railways, was the biggest nuisance we had to
contend with. The railway having been repaired well forward, a mine would
suddenly go up miles behind, thus preventing trains getting on to the appointed
railhead, and so causing endless worry to the authorities who had to arrange for
our supplies coming up. To them this disorganisation must have been extremely
disconcerting, and it went on altogether for nearly a month. The mines were so
cunningly concealed that it was impossible to locate them. In spite of
everything supplies reached us in some marvellous way without a hitch.
On November 3rd, in order to support the 1st and 32nd Divisions, who were to
attack the line of the Sambre-Oise Canal on the following day, and to exploit
the success if they broke through, we moved to the little village of Escaufort.
It was a heavy march, the roads were bad, and we arrived late in the evening
soaked through to spend a dreary night in poor billets, many of which had
suffered during the bombardment of the last few days, and in bivouacs. Early the
following morning we pushed on to St. Souplet, where we prepared to stay for the
night in a few old barns. Later in the day, however, news was brought that the
attack had been successful, and we moved on to Catillon, on the Canal.
Transport, Quarter-Master's Stores and Battle Details moved to Mazinghien. The
same night we got orders that we were to pass through the 1st Division and 138th
Brigade, and take up the pursuit, the following day.
We had been informed that owing to the "blowing" of the bridge over the Canal at
Catillon, we should have to make a détour of several miles with cookers and
Lewis gun limbers to get across by a pontoon bridge, in order to arrive at our
point of assembly on the Catillon-La Groise Road, which was only about 1,000
yards away! We determined to see if we could not find some other means of doing
this, and thanks to a reconnaissance by Major Robinson, we found that it was
possible for Infantry to cross the Canal over débris from the blown up bridge,
though the Transport would have to go round. This was a great boon, as it
enabled us to get breakfast before starting considerably later than would
otherwise have been necessary. Capt. A. Bedford arrived with the rations about
3.0 a.m., we had breakfast at six, and at eight moved off, being across the
Canal, and in our proper position by 8.30. Limbers and cookers joined us about
nine, A Company's cooker having fallen overboard in crossing the pontoon bridge
but having been extricated without damage. We were the only Battalion in the
Brigade that day to start out with a full stomach and our day's rations with us!
Late in the afternoon we moved into poor billets in the village of Mezières,
where we stayed the night, and were joined by Transport, Stores and Battle
Details. Bedford worked uncommonly well, as did also the Quarter-Master's
Branch, in getting up rations, which they had to man-handle over the canal
crossing—still impossible for traffic—and reload into our transport limbers. For
all their efforts we were duly thankful.
On November 6th, the 5th Battalion were to attack as the 6th had been held up
just West of Prisches, and we were to move up in support. The method adopted was
for the attacking troops to pass round the village, whilst the support
Battalion, pushing one Company on the road as an advanced guard, moved by
platoons at about 50 yards interval. This was now true open warfare, and there
was no organised line of defence. The day's objectives were Prisches and
Cartignies. After an early start we continued our march towards Prisches, the
attacking troops meeting with little opposition, and our advanced guard, A
Company, were quickly in after them. The enemy had gone and we had got
possession by 10.30 a.m.
We shall never forget the reception by the inhabitants of Prisches! We were the
first of the relieving troops they had seen, and their feelings at being thus
released after four years of oppression and slavery at the hands of the Hun,
found expression in many demonstrations of joy and gratitude. Civilians of all
ages came out to greet us. Their national flags—Heaven only knows where they
came from or how they were concealed from the enemy—were displayed on all sides,
and even before the enemy were clear of the village the Tricolour was floating
from the Church Tower! It was truly a wonderful sight, and a day never to be
forgotten. We were surrounded by offers of coffee and fruit, cider and cognac,
plentifully mingled with the tears and kisses of the grateful inhabitants.
Indeed, so insistent were they that progress became difficult. We eventually,
however, managed to establish Battalion Headquarters in a farmhouse at the East
end of the village, where we again had a great reception, and stayed for some
refreshment during a temporary hold-up of the advanced troops.
The attacking troops were to push on through the next village, Cartignies, and
establish an outpost line on the other side of it. So rapid was the retreat, and
so certain were we of success, that whilst at Prisches we despatched Bradish and
a party of N.C.O.'s to get our billets there for the night! In the afternoon we
were able to push on with the rest of the Battalion, B Company forming the
advanced guard. On arriving at Cartignies we were met by Bradish, who informed
us that he had made arrangements for billeting us, but that half the village was
still in the hands of the enemy, who were firing on the 5th Battalion with
machine guns. The Commanding Officer whilst reconnoitring near the Church, soon
discovered this for himself, so withdrew diplomatically, deciding that it was
not "our war" just then. Accordingly we got into our billets and posted sentries
and Lewis guns at windows and other points for our protection. Owing to some of
the Staffords who were also in the village, deciding to hold their outpost line
in the village, instead of on the other side the river, the clearing of the
village was a longer process than it should have been. It caused us no trouble,
but we doubt if Tomlinson and Tebbutt would have slept so comfortably had they
known that their billet was in No Man's Land! However, all was well; we had had
another great reception from the delighted inhabitants, and after a long and
tiring day we were soon asleep in good, comfortable billets.
For the next three days we stayed there, being joined by the Transport and
Stores, Battle Details and several Officers from England, who had never been out
The Hun was now going away rapidly, and it was very doubtful if we should be
required again. We never were, and were glad to find we had done with him.
There was talk of an Armistice, and we were also warned that German Envoys were
expected, and might come through our lines. This they did not do and we were not
On November 10th, we had to move out of Cartignies to a small village, Boulogne-sur-Helpe,
near by—the most Easterly point the Battalion ever reached.
November 11th came in just the same as any other day, but quite early a wire
from Brigade Headquarters stated that the Germans had agreed to our Armistice
terms, and the Great War was over.