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Distinguished Flying Cross obtained by members of the Artists Rifles Corps since August 4th, 1914.

Artists Riles Roll of Honour

The Distinguished Flying Cross is awarded to Officers and Warrant Officers for acts of gallantry when flying in active operations against the enemy. The Decoration has a ribbon of violet and white alternative diagonal stripes, running at an angle of 45°, showing violet triangles in the top left-hand and bottom right-hand corners. Bars may be added for additional acts of gallantry.

BEENEY, Lieut. James Alexander ... ... .. ... 24/London (R.A.F.)
Awarded 1st January, 1919, for continuous good service for ten months. [5362

CANNING, Lieut. Ernest Harold ... ... ... ... 1/Gloucester (R.A.F.)
FRANCE, 28th August, 1918 : also many other dates. This officer has displayed marked courage and skill in bombing enemy transport, etc., at low altitudes. He took a conspicuous part in the attack on bridges over a river between ARRAS and CAMBRAI : subjected to very heavy machine-gun fire he descended to 150 feet to exactly locate their position, and bombed them from a low altitude. [4824

COULSON, Lieut. Charles Stanley Lomas ... ... 80th Squadron, R.A.F.
N. of MORLANCOURT, 9th August, 1918, and many other places and dates. During the late operations this officer has set a brilliant example of courage and skill, notably on one occasion when, observing a party of the enemy in a trench firing at some of our infantry, he repeatedly dived on the trench, firing at the occupants and distracting their attention from our troops. Eventually he was wounded twice in the leg, but succeeded in reaching his aerodrome. [762695

DEW, 2/Lt. Edward Alphonse ... ... ... 205th Squadron, R.A.F.
Near BAILLEUL, 19th May, 1918, and many other places and dates. A keen and dashing officer, who has taken part in numerous bombing raids and photographic reconnaissances. Whilst on a bombing raid his machine, flying in rear of the formation, was attacked by five enemy scouts. Two of these he engaged at close range; at the outset he was dangerously wounded in the thigh. Despite this he continued firing his guns until he fainted from loss of blood. He succeeded in bringing down one of the scouts in flames. [766687

FAIRBAIRN, Flying-Officer Arthur Reginald ... ... 4th Balloon Section, R.A.F.
W. of FRIODMONT, 23rd October, 1918, and many other occasions. During recent operations this officer's balloon was singled out for attack three times in two days. On the third day he was again attacked by six scouts when at a height of 1,500 feet. He behaved with the utmost coolness and gallantry in helping his fellow observer, who was inexperienced, out of the basket before parachuting himself. His determination in pushing his balloon forward during the recent advance has been most praiseworthy. [6284

FRANK, Lieut. Charles Frederick ... ... 19th Balloon Section, R.A.F.
Near GDOY, FRANCE, 8th October, 1918 : also numerous other dates and places. Lieut. Frank has co-operated with our artillery in 184 successful shoots, proving himself an exceptionally capable and efficient officer, with keen powers of observation. On 8th October, under most difficult conditions, he succeeded in giving observations for three shoots. Daring this flight, owing to his proximity to actual operations, he was enabled to transmit valuable information as to hostile infantry movements. [5492

GOUDiE, Capt. Norman ... ... ... ... 5th Squadron, R.A.F.
AMIENS — ROYE, 8th August, 1918, with 2/Lt. Robert McKinley Jamison, R. Irish Rifles. Thrice on one date these officers carried out at extremely low altitudes, and in face of intense rifle and machine-gun fire, reconnaissances of an important road. During one of these reconnaissances, observing a party of the enemy holding our infantry, they dived on them and forced them to retire, and on another occasion they bombed a large party of the enemy, causing them to surrender to our infantry. [7287 GROOM, Lieut. Victor Emanuel ... ... ... 20th Squadron, R.A.F. N.W. of WERVICQ, 8th May, 1918 : also numerous other dates and places. An officer of great courage and dash, who never hesitates to attack the enemy regardless of the superiority in numbers. While on a recent patrol this officer was one of a formation of eight that engaged twenty-five hostile scouts. Lieut. Groom shot down one, and his observer (Lieut. Hardcastle) a few minutes later destroyed another. On a later date, accompanied by the same observer, they were attacked by twelve scouts ; two of these they shot down. [762330

HAWORTH, Lieut. Peter ... Lancashire Fusiliers; i5th Balloon Section, R.A.F.
Awarded 1st January, 1919. for general service as a Balloon Commander in the Ypres salient. [7800

HEPBURN, Capt. Allan ... ... ... ... 88th Squadron, R.A.F.
TOURNAI, 12th October, 1918, and several other dates and places. This officer made a very fine flight, calling for courage and determination of a high order. Thick clouds were within 200 feet of the ground and the visibility was so bad that practically no flying was attempted. Despite these adverse conditions this officer volunteered to cross the lines. Climbing through the clouds, which were several thousand feet in depth, he flew above them, guided by compass, with no view of the ground. Continuing his flight until he estimated that he was in the vicinity of a certain objective, he descended, and found himself 150 feet over an enemy railway station. Dropping his bombs, he destroyed a passenger train, and afterwards engaged enemy troops and transport with machine-gun fire. Having caused considerable damage, Capt. Hepburn climbed through the clouds and found his way home. [8179

HICKS, Lieut. George Rensbury ... ... ... ... 74th Squadron, R.A.F.
Awarded 3rd June, 1919, for good service and very gallant conduct on various occasions. [760635

HOWARD, Capt. George Vivian ... ... ... ... 7th Squadron, R.A.F.
Awarded 3rd June, 1919, for good service on reconnaissance, photographic service, and also in counter-battery work. [4528

JONES, Lieut. William Ernest Frank ... ... ... l01st Squadron, R.A.F.
Between ALBERT and PROYART, 14th June, 1918. This officer carried out a comprehensive reconnaissance by night in heavy rain at a height of only 400 feet. He returned to his aerodrome in the face of a blinding storm, after a flight of three hours. He has carried out sixty-four night bombing raids. His courage and perseverance are exceptional. [7645558

LAGESSE, Capt. Camille Henri Raoul ... ... ... 29th Squadron, R.A.F.
Near NEUF-BERQUIN, 28th May, 1918. When on wireless interception duty Capt. Lagesse, in company with another officer, was attacked by seven scouts. Engaging one, he followed it down from 11,000 feet to 2,000 feet, when it crashed. Bold in attack, skilful in execution, he has proved himself on many occasions to be a fine airman.

E. of BAILLEUL, August, 1918, and numerous other dates and places. A scout leader of marked ability and daring who, since 28th August, has destroyed thirteen enemy aeroplanes, displaying at all times brilliant leadership and courage. On 2nd October, when leading a patrol of four machines, he dived on eight Fokkers ; four of these were destroyed, Capt. Lagesse accounting for one. [766025

MACDONALD, Lieut. Eric Norman ... ... Independent Air Force, R.A.F.
Awarded 3rd June, 1919, for 13 successful night bombing raids.

NICHOLAS, 2/Lt. Gerald Basil ... ... ... 102nd Squadron, R.A.F.
LANDRECIES, 14/15 October, 1918, and many other dates and places. This officer has carried out 95 night bombing raids, and has displayed marked skill and initiative. He has been extremely successful in low reconnaissances and attacks on ground targets, having twice obtained direct hits on trains at a height of about 800 feet. [766565

POGSON, 2/Lt. Desmond Philip ... 104th Squadron, Independent Air Force, R.A.F.
MANNHEIM, 22nd August, 1918, and many other occasions. In a recent long-distance bombing raid his petrol tank received a shot immediately after crossing the line, but he continued on his journey and bombed the distant objective. On the return journey very fierce fighting occurred, during which both leaders and deputy-leaders of our formations were shot down, and the remaining machines lost touch with each other. At this critical moment 2/Lt. Pogson ordered his observer to tie his handkerchief to the gun-mounting to indicate that his was the leader's machine. He then circled over the area three t imes and picked up five of our machines, and in face of very hostile opposition got them into formation and brought them all safely home. The prompt action of this officer was highly meritorious, and undoubtedly saved the remaining machines, which could not have coped with the greatly superior formations of the enemy. [766417
RANDALL, Flying-Officer George Ebbon ... ... ... 20th Squadron, R.A.F.
W. of LOVERALL, FRANCE, 10th November, 1918, and many other dates and places. A brave and resourceful flight commander who has, within the last four months previous to November nth, led 71 offensive patrols. On loth November, engaging a superior number of enemy aircraft, he himself shot down two and the remainder were driven off by his flight. In addition to the foregoing he has four other enemy machines to his credit. [762307

WAZIRISTAN (No details yet published).

Ross, Capt. Charles ... ... ... ... ... 25th Squadron, R.A.F.
On the DOUAI — CAMBRAI Road, 13th August, 1918. Since October last this officer has carried out 240 hours' service flying, mainly on long solo photographic reconnaissances at very low altitudes. In this arduous and trying service he has shown exceptional skill, perseverance and courage, notably on one very important reconnaissance, when he was attacked by ten enemy aeroplanes. Engaging one at close range, this officer shot it down in flames, and in face of the hostile attack he completed the reconnaissance. [765422

SARGANT, Capt. Frederick Herbert St. Clair ... ... 38th Squadron, R.A.F.
Awarded 1st January, 1919. GHISTELLHS, 3/4 October, 1918, and 26 night raids. [7691

STATON, Capt. William Ernest, M.C. ... ... ... 62nd Squadron, R.A.F.
S. of ARMENTIERES, 3rd May, 1918, and many other dates and places. This officer has already been awarded the Military Cross for gallantry and devotion to duty. Since this award he has accounted for eleven enemy aeroplanes — nine destroyed and two shot down out of control. He has proved himself a most efficient flight commander and an enterprising leader, setting a very fine example to his squadron. [765057

E. of DURY, 15th September, 1918, and many other dates and places. This officer has already been awarded the Military Cross and the Distinguished Flying Cross for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Since his last award he has destroyed five enemy machines and driven down one out of control. His example of courage and resource is a fine incentive to the other pilots of his squadron.

WALKER, Capt. Henry Edward, M. C. ... ... 111nth Squadron, R.A.F.
EGYPT, 16th September, 1918. A gallant and courageous officer who has served con- tinuously on the front for twelve months, during which period he has shot down several enemy machines. Throughout recent operations his bombing has been exceptionally accurate, a large percentage of direct hits on transport, etc., being obtained. [762920

WILLIAMSON-JONES, Capt. Clarence Edward ... 1 /Manchester ; 59th Squadron, R.A.F.
Over BOURSIES, 22nd March, 1918 ; Near BEAUMETZ, 23rd March, 1918, and many other occasions elsewhere. This officer has completed over fifty successful G.B. shoots, frequently under adverse weather conditions, and in face of severe opposition from aeroplanes and anti- aircraft fire. The success of these operations was in many cases mainly due to his courage and perseverence. On one occasion, flying at 2,000 feet, he held up for a time the advance of hostile infantry. [1410

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