Distinguished Service Order obtained by members of the Artists Rifles Corps since August 4th, 1914.

Artists Riles Roll of Honour

The Distinguished Service Order was instituted by Queen Victoria, September 6th, 1886. . May be conferred on Commissioned Officers who have been specially mentioned in despatches for meritorious or distinguished service in the field or before the enemy. Bars may be added for additional acts of gallantry. Since August 1st, 1918, this Order has been awarded in respect of active service for "services in action " only, i.e., for service under fire or for distinguished individual service in connection with air-raids, bombardments or other enemy action. The Badge of the Order is a gold cross, enamelled white, edged gold, having on one side the Imperial Crown in gold on a red enamelled ground, on the reverse side the Imperial and Royal Cypher (both sides being surrounded by a wreath of laurels enamelled green}. The ribbon is red, edged blue. Bars are indicated (in undress uniform) by silver nosettes on the ribbon.

ANDREWS, Capt. Stephen Arthur ... ... ... ... ... 7/Royal Sussex
Near EPEHY, 18th September, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and good work. His company was allotted the task of clearing the railway embankment of the enemy. Although enfiladed by machine-gun nests from the village, and having sustained heavy casualties, he personally led forward the remainder of his company, and was one of very few to reach the objective. He then organised under very heavy fire and held the position until the situation was cleared up. [Reg. No. 1915

AUSTEN, Major Krnest Edward ... ... ... ... ... ... 1/Artists
In EGYPT, awarded 1st January, 1919.

BARE, Capt. Alfred Raymond, M.C. ... ... ... ... 1/2 Loyal North Lancashire
GIVENCHY, 18th April, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Under cover of a heavy barrage the enemy attacked, very quickly surrounding a strong point, where this officer had his company headquarters and one platoon. In face of superior numbers he put up a stout resistance until forced to retire on to another strong point, where the position was very critical, the officer in charge having been killed. He took command, and after a stiff fight, drove back the enemy. He was twice wounded during the fight. [1296

BLACKWOOD, Lt.-Col. Albemarle Price 2/Border Regt. (Adjt. 1/Artists)
BUTKOVA DZUNA, 20th December, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He conducted a most successful raid on a village in the enemy's lines, which resulted in the capture of 55 prisoners and heavy casualties to the enemy. The success of the enterprise was due to his forethought and skilful handling of his command.

BURMANN, Capt. Robert Moyle, M.C. 2/Border & East Lanes. (Brigade-Major 20/Inf. Brig.)
Awarded 3rd June, 1918.

CARRINGTON, 2/Lt. Charles Worrell ... Grenadier Guards
FONTAINE-NOTRE-DAME, 27th November, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When part of the advance was held up by two enemy machine guns firing from a house he at once organised and led a bayonet charge and captured the house and its occupants. He then led a successful attack on the second objective, and having captured it, beat off a counter-attack, Later, when his flank became exposed, and the enemy attacked him from the rear, he fought his way back, and brought his men out in good order. He set a magnificent example of courage and initiative. [7781

CUMBERLEGE, Capt. Geoffrey Fenwick Jocelyn ... ... ... 11/Royal Fusiliers

S. of MIREAUMONT TRENCH, 17th February. 1917. He dashed along the line rallying his own battalion and men of other units. He succeeded in restoring order and in reorganising the line at a most critical time. Throughout the day he inspired all ranks by his high example of courage and devotion to duty. [1889

CUTTING, Major Raymond Howarth, M.C. ... ... 1/Devonshire (att. M.G.C.)
Awarded 3rd June, 1918. [IJ42

EDLMANN, Major Francis Joseph Frederick ... ... 12/Northumberland Fusiliers Awarded 1st January, 1917.

EDWARDS, 2/Lt. Cyril George ... ............ ... 7/ West Yorkshire
REINCOURT, 27th July, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Having gone out with a N.C.O. to reconnoitre the enemy's wire, they were attacked by bombs. The first one he seized before it exploded and threw it back, and, when the second fell, realising that they could not both escape unharmed, he threw his legs over it to smother the explosion, and thus protected the N.C.O. By this splendid act of gallantry and self-sacrifice he saved the life of his comrade at the risk of his own. The N.C.O. was able to drag him back to our lines, where he showed great pluck in reporting the information which he had gained by his daring reconnaissance. [4804

ELKINGTON, Capt. Christopher Garrett ............ 8/Gloucestershire
GRANDCOORT, 18th November, 1916. With six men he attacked and silenced an enemy machine gun. Later he displayed great courage and ability in organising the defence of the position. He was twice wounded, but remained at duty directing operations until he was again severely wounded. [2501

FARRINGTON, Capt. Windham Brookes ... ... ... 3/Notts & Derby (R.F.C.)
In FRANCE, 24th December, 1917, to 11th March, 1918. On five occasions during a period of three months he has led formations on long-distance bombing raids, in which despite bad weather conditions, he has found and bombed his objectives with the most excellent results. All the operations in which he has taken part have proved highly successful, and his capabilities have stood out most prominently. He is a keen and most efficient pilot, 'and by his courage and determination has set a splendid example to his squadron. [2733

GELSTHORPE, Capt. Alfred Morris ......... 8/Durham L.I. (att. M.G.C.)
S.E. of YPRES, 25th to 28th September, 1917. While he was completing most elaborate arrangements in an advanced position for a machine-gun barrage on the following morning, the enemy attacked during the night under a most intense barrage. He immediately got all his guns into action with great effect, and made a personal reconnaissance forward to see if he could use them to better advantage. His teams suffered heavy casualties during this attack, but he carried out his full barrage programme on the following morning under a heavy bombardment. He showed qualities of leadership and initiative of the highest order, and his example of courage and contempt of danger had the most inspiring influence on his men. [2640

GOLDING, Capt. John .............. ......... R.A.M.C.
Awarded 3rd June, 1917. [3231

GOLDTHORP, Lt.-Col. Robert Reward ......... 4/West Riding (1/Artists)
BOURLON WOOD and MOEUVRES, on 27th September, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When the leading companies were held up by machine-gun fire, suffering heavy casualties, he went forward collecting personnel and reorganising the attack, which resulted in the capture of the objective. He showed a fine offensive spirit, which encouraged his men at a critical period.

GREENWOOD, Lt.-Col. Charles Francis Hill ... ... ... ... ... 22/London
Awarded 1st January, 1918.

GRIERSON, Capt. Kenneth MacIver ... ... ... ... ... 22/Manchester
In ITALY, 27th October, 1918. He was in command of one of the leading companies in the attack. He led his men across the Piave in a magnificent manner. When the enemy bank had been reached he crawled forward and helped to cut a gap in the wire to within 15 yards of the enemy ; all this time he was under observation and fire from the embankment, which was still held by the enemy. The splendid example he set to his men contributed in a large extent to the successful caoture of the first objective. Later, in the taking of all objectives, he showed himself to be a fine leader both in skill and courage. All the houses and strong points were tackled under his direction in a systematic and dashing way. [3343

HARVEY, 2/Lt. Albert, M.C. 6/Liverpool
YPRES, 3ist July, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Having led his company to their objective, he noticed that a farm, some 500 yards ahead, was holding up the attack on the left. He at once organised a small party, with which he worked round the flank and rushed the farm, capturing three machine guns and killing and capturing a number of the enemy. By this prompt and plucky action he saved the brigade many casualties. His initiative and enterprise in action are at all times admirable. [4659

HENDERSON, 2/Lt. Charles Ernest 10/London
Near POELCAPPELLE, 7/8 October, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in leading a patrol through the enemy outposts to a position in the enemy's main line of resistance, which was over 900 yards from our line. His patrol of 20 captured 23 unwounded prisoners and killed or wounded another 25 of the enemy. Though the rifles and Lewis gun jammed owing to mud, he succeeded in covering the withdrawal of the patrol, every man returning safely. He showed magnificent courage and resource. [4676

HENDERSON, Capt. Ernest James, M.C.... 2/East Lancashire
W. of BETHENCOURT, 24th to 28th March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When his C.O. was wounded betook command ot the battalion, and handled it with great judgment and success. He invariably displayed the utmost courage and disregard for personal danger, although frequently exposed to heavy machine-gun and rifle fire, and his fine example inspired all ranks with him. Ultimately he was wounded. [1828

HINGLEY, Lt. -Col. Alfred Norman, M.C, 13/Middlesex
Near RIEUX, 10th October, 1918. For great gallantry. When the advance met with heavy machine-gun and shell fire, and the leading companies had lost many officers, he personally led the battalion to its final objective. Again, on October 11th, near Avesnes-les-Aubert, under an intense enemy barrage, it was due to his personal courage and leadership that the ground gained by the battalion was maintained. He set a very fine example to all. [2914

HOARE, Capt. Walter John Gerald 11/Royal Fusiliers
TRONES WOOD, 18th July, 1916. With two sergeants, one of whom was wounded by the intense shell fire, he dug out a buried sergeant and rescued him alive. He has done fine work throughout the operations. [3781

HOBSON, Major Harry Royd R.A.S.C.
Awarded 1st January, 1918. [2334

HUGHES, Capt. Hugh Llewellyn Glyn R.A.M.C.
1. LEIPZIG SALIENT, 6th July, 1916. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during operations. He went out in broad daylight, under heavy fire, and bandaged seven wounded men in the open, lying out in an exposed spot for one and a half hours. At nightfall he led a party through a heavy barrage and brought the seven men back. [890

2. BAR TO D.S.O.
LEIPZIG SALIENT, 21st, 25th & 27th August and 4th September, 1916. On four separate days he showed an utter contempt for danger when collecting and tending the wounded under heavy shell fire.

JONES, 2/Lt. Reginald Rees .................. Welsh Guards
YSER CANAL, 31st July, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during an advance. When the leading waves were temporarily held up by fire from a blockhouse he pushed up to the obstacle and fired his rifle through the slits, regardless of the danger which confronted him. He then entered the blockhouse himself, dealt with the occupants, and enabled the advance to be continued. He was later badly wounded in the head, having acted throughout the operation with great gallantry and initiative. [7655

KING, 2/Lt. Mark ..................... Coldstream Guards
SAILLY, 15th March, 1917. He led his platoon through an intense hostile barrage, displaying the greatest bravery. Later, on reaching the first objective and finding his left flank exposed, he got his men out of the enemy's front line, formed front to the left, advanced 400 yards, and captured an enemy second line trench, thereby saving a critical situation. [3642

LEAKE, Capt. George Ernest Arthur ... ... ... ... ... 4/London
BULLECOURT, i5th May, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in command of his company. He showed a splendid example of coolness, disregard of danger, and cheerfulness, and, although wounded, he remained at duty. It was largely owing to bis influence that all ranks showed such a splendid spirit under the most intense hostile barrage, which lasted for 14 hours. [3371

MICKLEM, Major Charles ...... Royal Marine Artillery (No. 2 Howitzer)
Awarded 1st January, 1919. [2409

MILES, Capt. Lancelot George ............ 2/Royal Highlanders
BERNAFAY WOOD, 10th July, 1916. He handled his company with great skill and coolness during a heavy bombardment. He also led his company with great dash in an assault, during which he captured four machine guns. During the attack he was severely wounded by a bomb. [1368

MOORE, Major Harold Edward ...... No. 1 Signal Coy. (R. Monmouth) R.E.
Awarded 3rd June, 1919. [734

MOORE, Lieut.-Colonel Robert Frank, M.C. ......... 1/Notts & Derby
Near ST. CHRIST, W. of the Somme, 22nd March to 2nd April, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during lengthy operations. After his C.O. had been killed, he took command of the battalion, which he handled with great skill and judgment, beating off several determined attacks, and when finally compelled to withdraw, doing so in a masterly manner, and with a minimum of casualties. His conduct throughout the operations set a fine example of courage and leadership, and was of great value in maintaining the high morale of the battalion. [2648

ROSHER, Lieut-Col. John Brenchley, M.C. ......... 10/ Durham L. I.
1. CANTAING, 2ist November, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. On our cavalry being temporarily held up, and whilst the reinforcing infantry were still some way in the rear, he immediately despatched two companies to the assistance of the cavalry, and himself led up a third company as reinforcements. His prompt action immediately resulted in the capture of the objective with slight casualties. [1624

2. E. of MARCOING, 3rd December, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When the enemy attacked in great force positions held by his battalion he displayed the greatest courage and ability, inspiring his men to beat off three attacks. When finally pressed back by superior numbers he reorganised the remnants of the battalion, and advancing, re-occupied the trenches from which he had been temporarily ejected.

RUSSELL, 2/Lt. Robert Tor Indian Army R/O
In MESOPOTAMIA, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in charging the enemy's trench, which was strongly held. He then led a bombing attack and cleared 200 yards of the trench. Later, he maintained his position for four hours when reinforcements arrived. [260

SAGAR, Capt. Arnold Leslie ... ... ... ... 8/East Lancashire (13/K.R.R.C.)
TRESCAULT, 12th September, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. This officer got his company into position for the attack despite heavy shelling, then leading the front wave, he gained his objective. When held up at a strong point, he crawled out with a Lewis gun and one man to a flank, enfilading it with such success that forty prisoners, two machine guns and one trench mortar were captured. During the ensuing thirty-six hours his company beat off three determined counter-attacks with heavy loss. He also led a bombing party, clearing a trench and killing or capturing the whole of the enemy. He showed exceptional qualities as a leader. [8072

SAVORY, Squadron-Commander Kenneth Stevens R.N.A.S.
1. CONSTANTINOPLE, 14/15 April, 1916. In recognition of his services on the night of 14/15 April, when he carried out a flight to Constantinople and dropped bombs upon points of military importance, returning safely to his base after a long flight in rough and stormy weather. [2256

2. CONSTANTINOPLE, 9th July, 1917. In recognition of his services on the night of 9th July, when a successful attack was carried out against the Turkish-German fleet lying off Constantinople. When the Goeben, surrounded by warships (including submarines), had been located, the attack was made from a height of 800 feet. Direct hits were obtained on the Goeben and on the other enemy ships near her. Big explosions took place on board them, followed by a heavy conflagration. The War Office at Constantinople was also attacked, and a direct hit obtained.

STERNDALE-BENNETT, Commander Walter ... ... Royal Naval Division, R.N.V.R.
BEAUCOURT, 13th November, 1916. He assumed command of and handled his battalion with marked courage and ability. He personally collected a party and bombed the enemy out of part of their second line, where they might have held up the attack. [2977

TAYLOR, Capt. Bruce Mitchell, M.C, ... ... ... ... 1/D.C.L.1.
Awarded 1st January, 1918. [1932

THOMPSON, Capt. Arnold John, M.C. ... ... ... ... 1 /Scots Guards
Awarded 3rd June, 1918. [1225

THOMPSON, Capt. Claude Ernest, M. C. ... ... ... 2/South Lancashire
Awarded 1st January, 1918. [1038

TRELOAR, Capt. George Devine ... ... ... ... Coldstream Guards
PILKEM RIDGE, 31st July, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on two successive occasions. He led his company across a canal under very heavy barrage, and, finding the only available bridge was broken, he personally secured a mat from the original line, and laid it down for his company to cross, thereby saving great congestion and countless lives. Later, when the regiment on his left was held up by machine-gun fire, he immediately grasped the situation, and pressed forward with another company, finally capturing the position. By his great presence of mind and personal example of gallantry and cheerfulness he kept his company going under the most adverse circumstances. [4208

WALBY, Capt. Herbert Charles, M.C, ... 4/North Staffordshire (9/Yorkshire L.I.)
HENDECOURT, 9th September, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry during an attack. He led the support company and eventually came up with the leading waves and took the objective, where he reorganised his men under very heavy fire. In a second attack later in the day his fine example inspired those under him, and when the enemy counter-attacked he personally led forward two platoons to a position from which he could bring fire to bear on them. [7297

WENYON, Lieut.-Col. Herbert John ............ 8/Royal West Kent
1. S.E. of YPRES, 9th September, 1917. He collected a party, and led them through heavy shell fire in a counter-attack upon one of our posts, which had been captured by the enemy, and although the position was exceptionally strong, it was retaken at the first attempt. This was entirely due to Captain Wenyon's prompt action and the determined energy which he displayed at a critical moment. [1945

2. VADENCOURT CHATEAU, 21st March to 5th April, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He organised defences against heavy enemy attacks and held vastly superior numbers of the enemy at bay, inflicting heavy losses on them. He set a very fine example of courage and good leadership.

WILLANS, Capt. Harry, M.C. .......... ........ 2/Bedford
Awarded 3rd June, 1918. [1030

WRIGHTSON, Lieut. Edward . . ... ... ... 4/Northumberland Fusiliers
In ITALY, 27th October, 1918. On the Piave, in the initial attack, he was left in command of the company, all other officers being killed or wounded. This company had orders to form a defensive flank, but Lieut. Wrightson, seeing that the attack in front was held up by uncut wire, led his company forward, cut a belt of wire by hand under severe machine-gun fire and assisted in taking the first objective. He personally shot down an enemy machine gunner who was causing many casualties. Ultimately his company formed a defensive flank to the brigade, and though losing over 50 in casualties he maintained and even improved his position by enterprise and patrols. On 29th October, he led his company again in an attack over several kilometres, capturing many prisoners and machine guns. Throughout the entire operations he showed exceptional gallantry and marked powers of leadership. [6782

YUILL, Capt. Harry Hogg, M.C. .................. R.E.
Awarded 3rd June, 1917. [3393