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Military Cross obtained by members of the Artists Rifles Corps since August 4th, 1914. A

Artists Riles Roll of Honour

The Military Cross was instituted as a Decoration on December 28th, 1914, to reward Distinguished Services rendered by Officers of certain ranks in the army in time of war. Bars may be added for additional acts of gallantry. Since August 1st, 1918, it has, like the D.S.O., been awarded for "services in action" only. The Decoration consists of a Cross of Silver, having on each arm the Imperial Crown and bearing in the centre the Royal and Imperial Cypher. The ribbon is white with a purple stripe. Bars are indicated (in undress uniform) by small silver rosettes on the ribbon.

ABEL, 2/Lt. James Edgar ... ... ... ... 6/Royal West Kent
LATEAU WOOD, 20th November, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When his company commander became a casualty he assumed command at a critical period and worked his men forward to a strong point, whence the enemy were developing heavy machine-gun fire, and silenced them by concentrated rifle fire. His courage and fine leadership saved many casualties, and enabled the battalion to continue the advance.

ADAMS, 2/Lt. Arthur Marston ... ... ... ... ... 9/Liverpool
E. of LE VERGIER, 4/5 May, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion when in charge of reconnoitring patrols and raiding parties, frequently under hazardous conditions. On one occasion he entered an enemy sap, capturing prisoners, and returning without a casualty.

ADAMS, Lieut. Berthold ... ... ... 25/Northumberland Fusiliers
POELCAPPELLE, 13th to 16th October, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in reorganising his company, having frequently to go over the top from shell hole to shell hole exposed to the enemy's snipers. He went out and bandaged several wounded who were lying in the open, and remained with his company although wounded.

ADAMS, 2/Lt. Oliver Haynes ... ... ... ... ... R.G.A.
WESTHOEK, 16/17 August, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty as Forward Observing Officer. Having established an observation post, he went repeatedly through heavy barrages to get information. In addition to this he displayed the utmost gallantry and disregard of personal danger in rendering first aid to wounded infantry men and placing them in a trench for safety before sending up stretcher-bearers.

ADAMS, 2/Lt. Thomas James ... ... ... 12/Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
1. S. of ARDICHY, 26th March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When some of the enemy gained an entrance into the trench he rushed forward at the head of his men and drove them out, personally killing an officer and several men with the bayonet. He did splendid work.

2. GULLEGHEM, October 15th, 1918. During the attack he showed great gallantry. He led his platoon in the face of the heaviest enemy fire and showed great coolness and daring throughout the attack. In the village of Heule, when his company was held up by heavy enemy fire, he personally led an assaulting party, capturing thirteen of the enemy and himself inflicted many casualties upon the enemy. He set a fine example of courage and endurance.

ADAMS, Lieut. Wilfred Came ... ... ... ... 2/Royal Berks
ARRAS, 17th March, 1917. During a raid on the enemy's trendies he handled his men in a most gallant manner, and was largely responsible for the success of the raid. Later he assisted in rescuing a wounded officer.

ADDISON, 2/Lt. Roger ... ... ... ... ... 10/East Lancashire
Awarded 3rd June, 1918.

AINGE, 2/Lt. David Alfred Lloyd ... Att. 2/Royal Welch Fusiliers (S. Reserve)
LES BOEUFS, SAILLY SAILLISEL, 1st September, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and resource in controlling his company during a determined counter-attack after his company commander had been wounded. He personally held an advanced post with a few men and a Lewis gun, beating off several efforts of the enemy to force a way round his exposed flank. He stuck to his post until dark, and, having collected the rest of his company, established a good line of defence.

ALDOUS, Lieut. George James ... ... ... ... ... R.A.S.C.
Awarded 1st January, 1919.

ALLBURY, 2/Lt. William ... ... ... ... 18/Durham L.I.
W. of VIEUX-BERQUIN, 27th August, 1918. This officer showed great skill and determination in leading his men during an attack, over unknown ground, under heavy machine-gun fire, to an objective which was very oblique to the front of the assembly position, and was not defined by any particular feature. He accomplished his task with great success, capturing a machine gun and its whole detachment. While selecting the line for consolidation he moved about, under very heavy fire, encouraging and steadying the men by his resolute behaviour.

ALLEN, 2/Lt. Henry Cecil ... ... ... ... ... R.F.A.
BEAUCOURT, 13th November, 1916. He displayed great courage and determination in laying and repairing a line under heavy fire.

ALLERTON, 2/Lt. Arthur Russell ... ... ... ... 8/Liverpool
E. of YPRES, 20th September, 1917. He captured an enemy strong point with his platoon and held it in spite of continual artillery and machine-gun fire. He displayed coolness and self-possession throughout, which had the greatest influence on his men.

ANDERSON, 2/Lt. Eric Edwin ... ... ... ... Irish Guards
BROOMBEKE, 9th October, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in command of his platoon. He attacked a machine-gun position, capturing the two guns, and killed all the garrison. He was responsible for capturing two more machine guns at the first objective. He had previously carried out a very valuable reconnaissance.

ANDERSON, Capt. David Wilson ... ... ... ... ... 6/London
1. Near YPRES, 20th September, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. By his skilful leadership his company captured all its objectives. When all the other officers became casualties he exposed himself fearlessly to the enemy's fire, and by his personal encouragement ensured the consolidation of the captured positions and repelled several counter- attacks, inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy.

2. Near POELCAPPELLE, 3rd October, 1917. In spite of difficult natural conditions and the total absence of all landmarks, he led his company to within 100 yards of the barrage line before an attack. Although his men were being continually bogged, he inspired them by his personal example to push on, and succeeded in capturing a farm held by the enemy. In spite of heavy casualties he fought his way from one position to another until he had gained his objective, which he successfully consolidated and held.

ANDREW, Capt. Reginald Barrett William Goldsworthy ... ... 15/London
1. SHAFAT, 27th December, 1917. During an enemy attack he led his platoon through an intense artillery and machine-gun barrage over very difficult country to render assistance to a battalion at a critical juncture, which, thanks to his timely aid, was able to repulse the enemy attack. His courageous determination and initiative were most praiseworthy.

2. WULVERGHEM, 3/4 August, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and good leadership during an advance. After his company had relieved another battalion he made a personal reconnaissance of the front line, during which he was wounded but remained at duty, and the following night set up his patrols and took up a new line. Later, he made a daylight reconnaissance under enemy fire and obtained accurate information of the position. He showed marked courage and devotion to duty.

ANDREWS, 2/Lt. Lionel Raymond ... ... ... 5(4)Royal Lancaster
GIVENCHY, 9th April, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Finding that a strong party of the enemy had occupied an artillery observation post in rear of the support line, this officer took two men and bombed them out, inflicting casualties and taking prisoners. Then, finding that his company headquarters were over-run by the enemy, he organised a party of bombers and cleared them out, too. His initiative and leadership were of great value.

ANDREWS, Lieut. Stephenson Arthur ... ... ... ... 7/Royal Sussex
1. YPRES, 31st July and 1st August, 1917. He led his company with great gallantry and dash in the attack, gaining all his objectives, consolidating his position, and holding it for two days. He set a splendid example to his men by his coolness under heavy fire.
2. Near CARNOY, 26th August, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry. He showed great courage in bombing a strong point from which the enemy were holding up the advance by heavy machine-gun fire. He led a few men forward, captured the gun, and killed five of the crew, enabling the remainder to advance and reach their objective. Throughout the operations from 22nd to 28th August his courage and leadership inspired all under his command.

APPLETON, 2/Lt. James ... ... ... ... ... 4/Yorkshire L.I.
GREENLAND HILL (north of Arras), 22/23 September, 1918. He was in charge of the leading wave of the company in a night attack. The enemy shelling was very heavy during the advance, but he rallied the men and was the first to enter the enemy post. He set a fine example of cool courage under fire, and proved himself a leader of great ability. During the consolidation he personally reconnoitred his platoon front and got in touch with troops on his flanks.

ARTHUR, 2/Lt. Frederick Parle ... ... ... ... ... 4/Liverpool
North of LE CATEAU, 10/11 October, 1918. In command of a platoon he displayed conspicuous gallantry in wading up to his neck in crossing the Selle River. Subsequently, under heavy fire, he made three journeys to and from battalion headquarters, bringing in reports and exact dispositions of all companies, which had been previously obscure.

ASHDOWNE, Lieut. Kenneth ... ... ... ... 3/Essex (5/Leicestershire)
Bois DE RIQUERVAL, 11th October, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry during the operations. He rendered most valuable assistance to his commanding officer throughout some fourteen hours' continuous fighting. On several occasions he took charge of parties of his own and of another battalion, reorganising and disposing of them to the best advantage.

ATKIN-BERRY, Lieut. Henry Gordon ... . ... ... 59/Field Coy., R.E.
PONT-SUR-SAMBRE, 7th November, 1918. He was in command of bridging operations over the river Sambre. In spite of enemy rifle fire from the opposite bank he succeeded in constructing a light pontoon bridge for the advancing infantry, showing great gallantry and determination.

ATKINSON, Lieut. Edward Arthur ... ... North Irish Horse (5th Cyclist Bn.)
LE BURGUE, 22nd August to 1st September, 1918; especially on 23rd August, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and good leadership during the advance. When the left flank of a battalion was severely threatened, realising the situation, he, of his own initiative, led forward three Lewis gun teams under heavy fire and brought them into action, nullifying the attempts of the enemy, and enabling the battalion to hold its position.

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