The Military Cross was instituted as a Decoration on December 28th, 1914, to reward Distinguished Services rendered by Officers of certain ranks in the army in time of war. Bars may be added for additional acts of gallantry. Since August 1st, 1918, it has, like the D.S.O., been awarded for "services in action" only. The Decoration consists of a Cross of Silver, having on each arm the Imperial Crown and bearing in the centre the Royal and Imperial Cypher. The ribbon is white with a purple stripe. Bars are indicated (in undress uniform) by small silver rosettes on the ribbon.
LAING, 2/Lt. Ivan ... ... ... ... ... Coldstream Guards
Near GINCHV, 15/16 September, 1916. When he was the only officer left in his company,
he reorganised his men, rushed forward through a heavy barrage, and remained out securing
the front till ordered to withdraw.
LAMBERT, 2/Lt. Philip Felix ... ... ... ... 2/West Riding
FAMPOUX, 9th to 11th April, 1917. He displayed great courage and resource in taking
command of his company in the advance. When the party was withdrawn at night he did good
work in organising the defence of a captured trench ; he set a fine example throughout.
LAMBDIN, Lieut. John Reginald ... ... ~... 7/West Yorks (2/ Durham L.I.)
Near ST. QUENTIN WOOD. For marked gallantry and devotion to duty on the night of
17/18 September, 1918. He was sent to show the battalion guides the route to the assembly •
position. He took the party up and got shelled. Out of sixteen guides six came back, the
remainder being killed. Although himself badly shaken, he returned to the battalion and,
practically unaided, guided the companies into position. He then volunteered to take a
message over ground swept by shell fire.
LAST, Capt. Ernest Reginald ... ... ... ... ... I/Liverpool
VIMY RIDGE, 1/2 June, 1916. For conspicuous gallantry. He organised an assault on
the enemy's trenches, and displayed great coolness and an utter disregard of personal danger
during the operation, which was carried out under a heavy hostile bombardment.
LAWLESS, Capt. Philip Henry ... ... ... ... 18/Middlesex
Awarded 1st January, 1919.
LEE, Capt. Reginald William ... ... ... ... ... 4/Essex
ALI-EL-MUNTAR, EGYPT, 26th March, 1317. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to
duty. During an attack he went back under heavy machine gun and rifle fire at close range,
collected and brought up reinforcements regardless of his own safety. He then organised and
skilfully led the final assault from his part of the line.
LEECH, Lieut. Arthur William ... ... ... 6/Northumberland Fusiliers
Near HARBONNIERES, 27th March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.
During a counter-attack, when his commanding officer had become a casualty, he took
command of the battalion and successfully led the attack to its objective, capturing two
machine-guns and several prisoners. This successful counter-attack was instrumental in hold-
ing up the enemy at a critical moment, and great praise was due to this officer.
LE FEVRE, 2/Lt. Frank Ewart Bayliss ... ... ... ... 3/Lincoln
S.W. of LENS, 1st July, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during an
assault upon the enemy's position. When the leading company was temporarily checked he
pressed forward, killing many of the enemy, and personally taking a prisoner. When he could
go no further he dug in. He afterwards made it his special mission to keep touch between the
right and left companies, repeatedly passing over ground which was under fire, and showing a
complete contempt for danger. His consistent coolness under fire has always set a magnificent
example to his men.
LEITH, Lieut. George Hector ... ... ... 18/Machine Gun Corps
FORET DE MORMAL, 4th November, 1918. During the attack he handled his section of
machine guns with great courage and skill under heavy machine-gun fire, enabling them to
select positions of great value, from whence they were able to inflict heavy casualties on the
enemy, as well as to neutralise the enemy's fire, and materially assisted the advance of the
infantry. He has consistently done good work.
LEWIS, Capt. Francis Attwater ... ... ... ... ... 5/Welch
Awarded nth April, 1918.
LEYBOURNE, Capt. Philip Edwin ... ... ... ... 8/Hampshire
1. Awarded 3rd June, 1918.
2. S.E. of La CLYTTE, 8/9 August, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and good leadership.
He was the first to reach the objective on the front of the company of which he was in
command. When the position had been gained he consolidated with skill and promptitude,
in spite of many casualties, sending back valuable information to battalion headquarters.
Throughout the operation his fine example had a great effect on his men.
LINDSAY, Lieut. Gordon Parmiter ... ... ... ... .. 2/Border
Near BAPAUME, January, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He
displayed great courage and initiative during a raid, and was the last to leave the enemy's front
line trench. Later he made a gallant attempt to rescue a wounded man.
LISTER, 2/Lt. Alfred Walton ... ... ... ... ... R.F.A.
FLEURBAIX, 9th April, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When the
battery position was being heavily shelled he helped to keep up the fire of his battery by
running from one gun to another, passing orders. When the order was given to limber up he
helped with the teams so that the guns were got away under shell and machine-gun fire. He
worked day and night when he and another officer were the only two left with the battery,
inspiring all ranks to do their utmost.
LLOYD- JONES, Lieut. John ... ... ... ... ... ... 2/Yorkshire
Awarded 1st January, 1916.
LOCKWOOD, Lieut. Eric Jardine ... ... ... ... ... 5/Essex
EGYPT, 19th September, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. In
the attack on KEFR KASIN, he led his platoon with great dash, taking all his objectives on
three successive positions in very difficult country. He set a very fine example to his men.
LONGBOTHAM, Lieut. Currer Benjamin ... ... 32/Northumberland Fusiliers
S.W. of ASIAGO, 15th June, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during
an enemy attack. When his company commander had been killed he, though wounded in the
head, commanded the company throughout the day, and only went to the Aid Post when
ordered to do so by the commanding officer in the evening. He set a very fine example of grit
and perseverance to his men.
LONGSTAFF, Capt. Ralph ... ... ... ... 8/East Yorks
Awarded 1st January, 1917.
LORD, 2/Lt. Gilbert Henry ... ... ... ... 5/ Royal Lancaster
Near WIELTJE, 31st July to 2nd August, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion
to duty when all his officers and N.C.O.'s had become casualties and he himself was wounded
in the hand. He took command of his company, and carried on under heavy shell fire and
very adverse weather conditions, until he was again wounded in two places, displaying
admirable courage and devotion to duty.
LORIMER, Capt. John Scott ... ... ... ... ... 1/Norfolk
Awarded 1st January, 1917.
LORT, 2/Lt. William Vincent ... ... ... ... ... 7/London
ALBERT SECTOR and " No MAN'S LAND," July, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and
ability in action. He and a N.C.O. went out to the help of a fighting patrol who had suffered
severe casualties. He promptly organised stretcher parties, and made many journeys to and
from the front line under heavy machine-gun fire, himself unaided carrying one man 100 yards.
When all casualties were clear he twice attempted to rescue the Lewis gun, and was wounded
when nearly succeeding.
LOTT, Capt. Francis Albert ... ... ... ... ... 1/Welch (32/M.G.C.)
Near ORS, 4th November, 1918. For conspicuous courage and devotion to duty at the
crossing of the OISE-SAMBRE CANAL. He carried out personal reconnaissance, and pushed
his guns boldly forward before the attack. During the attack he opened an intense fire on
enemy machine guns, and swept the points from which the bridging parties could be fired on.
This made it possible for the canal to be bridged very quickly.
LOVELL, 2/Lt. Bertram ... ... ... ... ... ... Tank Corps
YPRES, 3ist July, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He rendered
most valuable assistance to the infantry, and when his tank had hecome badly ditched under
heavy shell fire he formed two strong points with his crew, and kept them supplied with ammunition until he was wounded. He remained with his men in one of these strong points for over
an hour, until he became so weak from loss of blood that the crew persuaded him to go back
to the dressing station. He set a splendid example of pluck and devotion to duty.
LOVERIDGE, Capt. John Leonard ... ... ... 4/Royal Berks
1. HANGARD WOOD, 27/28 April, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He
made a reconnaissance under heavy enemy barrage, and next day led his section to the starting
point, in spite of the fact that his tanks had been observed by the enemy and were submitted
to heavy fire. Throughout he showed great coolness and initiative.
2. Awarded 3rd June, 1918.
LUCAS, 2/Lt. Clifford James ... ... ... ... 7(17)London
E. of WULVERGHEM, 28th September, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.
Previous to the assault he had led daring reconnaissances of two craters, and in the assault,
with the knowledge gained, he led his platoon round the first, killing the garrison, and then
rushed the second. The same night he drove out nest after nest of machine-guns with his
platoon, his energetic leadership inspiring his men with great confidence.
LYNE, Capt. Howard William ... ... ... ... 1/Yorkshire L.I.
S. of LE CATEAU, 17th October, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry during the operations.
He led his company to the objective with energy and skill. Subsequently he found that the
enemy threatened his left. He immediately formed a defensive flank, and under heavy fire
held his ground throughout the day.
LYONS, Capt. Ernest Frederick ... ... l0/Devon
Awarded 1st January, 1919.