Military Cross obtained by members of the Artists Rifles Corps since August 4th, 1914. M

Artists Riles Roll of Honour

The Military Cross was instituted as a Decoration on December 28th, 1914, to reward Distinguished Services rendered by Officers of certain ranks in the army in time of war. Bars may be added for additional acts of gallantry. Since August 1st, 1918, it has, like the D.S.O., been awarded for "services in action" only. The Decoration consists of a Cross of Silver, having on each arm the Imperial Crown and bearing in the centre the Royal and Imperial Cypher. The ribbon is white with a purple stripe. Bars are indicated (in undress uniform) by small silver rosettes on the ribbon.

McBAiN, 2/Lt. Hubert ... ... ... ... 2/Durham L.I.
MORCHIES, 21st March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He led a counter-attack and established a block in a trench at a very critical time. He held this position for four hours, and greatly assisted his battalion to maintain its position. He showed great fearlessness and devotion to duty. In the afternoon he was wounded.

McCALL, 2/Lt. Archibald ... ... ... ... ... ... 4/K.O.S.B.
YPRES, 31st July and 1st August, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When all the other officers of his company had become casualties he took command, and led them with the greatest gallantry and skill during the severe fighting which ensued, returning after the capture of each strong point and collecting more men, whom he led forward. While doing this gallant work he fell severely wounded in the head, having very materially assisted in the capture of the position.

MCCARTHY, 2/Lt. Thaddeus Francis ... ... 4/Loyal North Lancashire
WESTHOEK RIDGE, l0th August, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When in charge of the battalion carrying and ration parties he carried out his work with the greatest coolness and ability, and although by reason of the heavy shell fire it was of a most arduous and dangerous nature it was due to his exertions and personal supervision that rations arrived regularly. On another occasion during an attack he led his men forward with great coolness, setting a fine example to those around him. He afterwards took over and reorganised another company whose officers had all become casualties.

MACDONALD, Lieut. Kenneth ... ... ... 7/Seaforth Highlanders
N.E. of YPRES, 28th September to 3rd October, 1918. For most conspicuous gallantry and determined leadership during the operations. He led his company with great skill against the enemy positions on the BRODSEINDE RIDGE, and on more than one occasion captured parties of the enemy practically single-handed. His fearlessness inspired all ranks under him.

McDouGALL, Peter Aitken ... ... ... ... ... R.A.F.
In FRANCE, 19th February to 12th March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He always showed great initiative and skill in attacking enemy aircraft, and drove down or destroyed several enemy machines. On one occasion while on patrol he encountered three enemy two-seater machines, and though his engine was giving trouble he attacked them single- handed and drove one of them down out of control, having shot the observer. On another occasion, after driving down an enemy machine, he attacked and silenced a battery of six guns which were firing on our machines. His example of pluck and determination was of the utmost value to the squadron.

MACFARLANE, 2/Lt. Donald Murray ... ... ... 19/Lancashire Fusiliers
Near ZONNEBEKE, 23rd October, 1917. On a wireless station being blown in by hostile shell fire he organised a rescue party from his platoon, which was quartered in adjacent dug- outs. In spite of heavy shell fire he succeeded in digging out six wounded men and had them carried back to a dressing station. By his prompt action and fine example of courage the lives of these men were saved.

MACINNES, 2/Lt. William Alexander ... ... 4/Highland L.I.
1. Near SERRE, 10/11 February, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He led his platoon in a most gallant manner, and inflicted many casualties on the enemy. Later, he reorganised his men and materially assisted in repulsing a hostile counter-attack.

2. NIEUPORT, 10th July, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during an intense hostile bombardment of the town. He occupied the brigade observation post, which was unprotected, and at the top of a conspicuously high building, for twelve hours under intense shell fire. His work enabled the brigade commander to keep in touch with the situation, as all other means of doing so were being continually interrupted, and in spite of the shells burst- ing all round his post and passing through the building he declined to vacate it, except to repair his telephone wires. He set a magnificent example of fearlessness and devotion to duty.

MACKAY, 2/Lt. Donald John Everall ... ... ... ... ... R.E.
LA BASSEE CANAL, 18th April, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When the enemy was seen massing in force at the head of a pontoon bridge, in spite of the shelling and machine-gun fire, he and his men swung and sank the bridge, and then assisted the garrison to man the trenches and repulse the enemy. Undoubtedly his coolness and resource under most difficult conditions saved what might have been a serious situation.

MCKEOWN, 2/Lt. Felix Quinn ... ... ... ... ... R.G.A.
CHAUNV, 21st March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. His section was under intense shell fire, and he found it impossible to keep the communication line working, so he established a post in the open, and from there maintained connection all day with the brigade, and got messages through to the section by runners. He was wounded in the evening.

MACKIE, Lieut. William Gordon ... ... ... ... 5/West Riding
KEMMEL, 27th April, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. This officer personally reconnoitred under heavy machine-gun fire the whole front of the battalion, which had bsen ordered to advance at short notice, without having had an opportunity of examining the ground beforehand. When the flank was threatened the reserve company of which he was in command was pushed into the gap, and he made able dispositions of his platoons and Stokes and Vickers guns. Under heavy fire he crawled forward and secured maps and papers from wounded and dead enemy in front of our lines. Later, when fifty of the enemy endeavoured to rush one of his posts, he turned a Lewis gun on them and accounted for them all. He was severely wounded— losing an eye while doing this — but he did not desist until the enemy was completely repulsed. His gallantry and initiative were conspicuous throughout the day, during the whole of which he was under close machine-gun fire.

McKINLEY, 2/Lt. Charles ... ... ... ... ... 16/London (1 /Artists)
At NIERGNISS, 8th October, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and initiative. When the situation was very obscure, he carried out two exceedingly | comprehensive reconnaissances, although subjected to heavy machine-gun and artillery fire, thereby clearing up tthe situation on the Divisional front and obtaining information of the utmost value.

McKINTY, 2/Lt. Henry Bernard ... ... ... ... ... R.F.A.

BERTINCOURT, 23rd March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty while
in charge of the guns of a battery who were covering the withdrawal of a division. The battery was under heavy machine-gun fire at a range of about 900 yards. He continued to shoot his guns till the last possible moment, and then withdrew them successfully. On this occasion he hehaved with the greatest coolness, and all through the operations showed great courage and energy.

MCMILLAN, 2/Lt. Ernest Albert ... ... ... 1/Cameron Highlanders
17th October, 1918. For very gallant and skilful leading of a platoon sent out to do a flanking movement. He successfully accomplished his task, enfilading the enemy's position and clearing a ridge. By so doing, this platoon virtually captured the whole of the battalion's objective, with forty-two prisoners and ten machine-guns, without a single casualty being . incurred.

MCWALTER, Lieut. Thomas Brown ... ... ... ... 12/East Surrey
In front of WYTSCHAETE, 3/4 September, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry while commanding a fighting patrol. He was ordered to drive out enemy posts, and so enable other troops to advance. In spite of extreme darkness and swampy ground he overcame determined resistance and gained his objective. Throughout the whole operation he set a fine example of courage and good leadership.

MACE, Capt. Edgar Robert ... 3(1)Liverpool
1. AYETTE, 14/15 July, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry in leading his company in a raid against the enemy outpost system, when nine prisoners were captured and as many more killed. The success was due to his very thorough all-night reconnaissances. He showed the calmest determination, and his personal example inspired a fine offensive spirit in the men he took over the parapet.

2. ERVILLERS and MORY COPSE, 23rd August, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and fine leadership during an attack. He led his company splendidly, captured his objective, and then made himself secure against an enemy counter-attack. Next day he led his company forward from reserve successfully and consolidated a position. Throughout the operations bis fine example of courage and determination inspired his men.

MACHIN, 2/Lt. Norman Frederick ... ... ... ... Coldstream Guards
GINCHY, i5th September, 1916. He led his men with great dash, rallied them under heavy machine-gun fire, and brought them on through a heavy barrage till he fell wounded.

MADDEN, 2/Lt. Clarence Rowland ... ... ... ... ... 4/Lincoln
S.W. of LENS, 19th June, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Throughout an attack upon eriemy trenches he displayed exceptional coolness and cheerfulness, and when the position was won he promptly brought rapid lire to bear upon the retreating enemy, causing very heavy casualties. He also showed great initiative in personally attending to all the details in connection with blocking, bombing and mopping-up parties, setting a fine example to his men of courage and self-possession under fire.

MADDOCK, Capt. Richard Henry ... ... ... ... 2/Royal West Surrey
Awarded 1st January, 1916.

MADDOX, 2/Lt. Leonard George ... ... ... ... ... 22/London
1. W. of ALBERT, 3rd August, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He led a daylight patrol, and brought back valuable information which enabled the battalion to move forward and establish posts in the old lines. Later, he did fine work in getting rations and ammunition through to the forward outpost company under heavy shelling of gas and high explosives.

2. S. of ALBERT, 22/23 August, 1918. He displayed great courage and coolness during an advance under heavy fire of all descriptions, and captured a chalk pit strongly held by the enemy with machine-guns. When his platoon was counter-attacked in force he repulsed the enemy with loss, controlling his men with judgment and ability.

MAINGOT, 2/Lt. Joseph Henry ... 2nd Service Bn. British West Indies Regt. (R.F.C.)
Awarded 11th April, 1918.

MAINGOT, Capt. Patrick Sherlock ... ... ... 9/East Surrey
S.E. of CAMBRAI, 9th October, 1918. For conspicuous good leadership and gallantry when in command of a company. Again, on i6th October, during the attack on HAUSSY, he manoeuvred his men splendidly, and took his objective in spite of heavy opposition, with very few casualties. When the enemy counter-attacked and practically surrounded him he extricated his men in a most masterly manner. He showed marked courage throughout.

MALE, Capt. Sidney John ... ... ... ... ... 23/K.R.R.C.
Awarded 1st January, 1918.

MALPASS, Capt. Charles Edward ... ... 11/Royal West Kent (1/ Artists)
THILLOY, 27th August, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Whilst in command of a company this officer rendered great service in clearing up the situation by personal reconnaissance under heavy fire. Throughout the day his coolness and determination inspired the men in the attack.

MANN, Capt. Deane ... ... ... ... ... Royal West Surrey
1. Awarded 1st January, 1917.

BAR to M.C.
2. Near HAMEL, 26th and 28th March, 1918. When the enemy attacked he at once organised a counter-attack and drove the enemy back. On the following day, bearing that the enemy had broken through on the flank, he made a reconnaissance under intense machine-gun fire and in full view of the enemy, and brought back valuable information. He set a splendid example of courage and coolness to his men.

MANN, Capt. Douglas Bruce Upfield ... ... ... ... 4/Somerset L.I.
Awarded 3rd June, 1919.

MANN, 2/Lt. Frederick Randall ... ... ... ... a/Hampshire
Awarded 1st January, 1916.

MANSFIELD, Lieut. Francis Turquand ... ... 171st Tunnelling Co., R.E.
WULVERGHEM—MESSINES ROAD, 28th September, 1918. On the evening of 28th
September, he closely followed the infantry patrols and removed 16 tank mines in face of the enemy under heavy rifle and machine-gun fire. The next morning he removed 44 additional tank mines on the same road. In the subsequent operations he showed great courage in pushing forward with the infantry patrols, inspecting bridges and roads and removing unfired demolition charges.

MARGETSON, Lieut. Edward ... ... ... ... ... 1/Artists
S. of MARCOING, 30th December, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He kept up communication during an enemy attack under the most difficult conditions, laying telephone lines and personally carrying messages under heavy fire. He showed great initiative and skill.

MARSDEN, 2/Lt. Walter ... ... ... ... 4/Loyal North Lancashire
1. WIELTJE, 3tst July, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during and after an attack. He led his platoon with splendid dash and gallantry, capturing two enemy trench mortars at the head of his men and killing many of the teams. Later, he supervised the con- struction of a strong point under heavy machine-gun and shell fire, showing the utmost disregard of personal danger.

2. E. of YPRES, 20th September, 1917. With a party of twelve men, seeing troops ahead held up, he at once pushed forward through them and established himself in the trench beyond. This position became untenable owing to an enemy strong point 150 yards ahead. He there- fore attacked it with his party and drove the enemy out.

MARSHALL, 2/Lt. Francis ... ... ... ... ... ... R.F.A.
E. of YPRES, 20th September, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. In an attack he showed great energy and courage when acting as forward liaison officer. Throughout his tour of duty he exposed himself to heavy fire, while he spotted guns, made sketches of the whole position, and identified strong enemy points.

MARTIN, 2/Lt. Arthur William Dight ... ... ... 3/Royal Highlanders
S.W. of RHEIMS, 28th July, 1918. He climbed the heights overlooking an enemy position, and established communication with the division on the left under heavy machine-gun and shell fire. He then brought a valuable report to battalion headquarters. Next he proceeded under intense barrage to rejoin his company, and finding that they had lost all their officers he assumed command, and commanded them with conspicuous gallantry, showing the greatest coolness and determination.

MARTIN, Capt. Ernest Wilfred Leigh ... ... R.A.S.C.
Awarded 1st January, 1918.

MARTIN, Capt. Granville Basnett ... ... ... ... ... lO/London
CONTALMAISON WOOD, 22nd March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on two occasions. First, on seeing the greater part of two battalions retiring, he rushed forward in the open under machine-gun fire and rallied and reformed them. Secondly, when the enemy made three attacks, penetrating a portion of the line each time, he organised and led a counter-attack on each occasion, which drove out the enemy, largely owing to his brilliant leading and example.

MARTIN, Lieut. Reginald Dean ... ... ... ... 8/Northampton
ETREILLERS, 2ist March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when battalion intelligence officer. He advanced through a heavy barrage to find out the situation. He led forward a party that had gone astray in time to prevent the enemy from reoccupying a trench. He brought back information of the greatest value throughout the day, and has at all times shown great ability and courage.

MASKELL, 2/Lt. Henry Percy ... ... ... ... ... 3/Wilts
Near GOUY, 4th to 6th October, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry during the operations. He worked with endless energy throughout. During the attack on the 4th, when the left flank of his company was detached from the battalion, he showed great initiative in regaining touch and consolidating his position. The fact that his company captured eight machine guns and over 50 prisoners was largely due to his fine courage and leadership in mopping-up dug-outs and enemy snipers.

MASON, 2/Lt. Henry James ... ... ... ... ... 3/Essex
S. of MORLANCOURT, 8th August, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during an attack. He led his platoon splendidly, attacking and destroying three enemy machine-gun positions and killing the crews. He rendered most valuable assistance during consolidation of the final objective, and his conduct throughout was marked by courage and cheerfulness.

MASON, Capt. Kenneth Sydney ... ... ... ... l0/Bedford (M.G.C.)
Awarded 3rd June, 1917.

MATTHEW, Capt. David ... ... ... ... ... R.A.M.C. (1/Artists)
Near WESTROOSEBEKE RIDGE, 30/31 October, 1917. During two days' heavy fighting he established a dressing station in an advanced position, whence he continually went forward to dress wounded and organise carrying parties under heavy fire. He inspired his men to continue their work by his splendid example.

MATTHEWS, Capt. Gwyn Hobson ... ... ... .. 3/Machine Gun Corps
COURCELLES, 21st August, igiS. For conspicuous gallantry and initiative in command of two sections of machine guns during an attack. He successfully brought his guns into action against enemy pockets which the infantry had overlooked iii the fog, and captured many prisoners. Throughout the action he handled his guns with great skill, and set a fine example to all under his command.

MATTHEWS, 2/Lt. William Henry ... ... ... ... 1 /East Surrey
LONGUEVAL WOOD, 23rd July, 1916. He organised and led with great dash an attack on a strongly defended enemy post, capturing and putting out of action several machine guns, and killing many of the enemy.

MAXTED, 2/Lt. Claude Bretherton ... ... ... ... 6/London
S. of YPRES-COMINES CANAL, 7th June, 1917. He led his company during an assault with great dash and determination, inspiring those round him by his coolness and indifference to danger.

MAY, Capt. Herbert Richard Dudfield ... ... ... ... 5/Warwick
E. of VILLERS PLOUICH, 3rd December, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He stood his ground in an isolated advanced trench for over 20 hours against a strong enemy attack, and was successful in holding it until ordered to withdraw. He afterwards took his company into another part of the line and led three charges against the enemy. He showed great gallantry, coolness and untiring energy, inspiring all ranks under him.

MAYO, 2/Lt. Alfred Harrison ... ... ... 3/East Yorks (Tank Corps)
Near HAMEL, 4th July, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty as a tank commander. Perceiving a tank broken down within 300 yards of the enemy, he left his own tank and, in spite of heavy shell fire and being under direct observation of the enemy, he arranged a tow rope himself and took the disabled tank in tow. He was heavily shelled for some distance, but brought the broken-down tank back to its rallying point, a distance of about 7,000 yards.

MAXWELL, 2/Lt. George Barton ... ... ... 32/Machine Gun Corps
Near SEQUEHART, 1st October, 1918. For great courage and initiative in the fighting on this date. When the enemy counter-attacked and our infantry were driven back, he kept his guns going till he was practically surrounded and our barrage had fallen behind him. He then fought his way out, and with his revolver put out of action five of the enemy who attacked him. During a second counter-attack he stayed in action till the last, and then helped to form a new line and held it with his guns assisted by infantry he had helped to collect. Later, h-? beat off a further local counter-attack with his guns. By his personal courage and example to his men he rendered the greatest service.

MF.ACHEM, 2/Lt. Frank Reginald ... ... ist London Heavy Battery, R.G.A. Near SEBOURG, 5th November, 1918. On the night of 5th November he was in charge of a gun and six ammunition and store wagons, and was proceeding to join two guns in position on the eastern outskirts of SEBOURG. When nearing the gun position he came under enemy shell fire, which killed three of his men and wounded six, besides killing five horses. Though badly shaken he organised a party and cleared the road, and brought his gun and wagons to the position with the least possible delay. He showed great pluck and determination.

MEADOWS, Lieut. Charles Stanley ... ... ... 292nd Brigade, R.F.A.
Awarded 3rd June, 1919.

MEREDITH, 2/Lt. Alexander Charles ... ... 8/Rifle Brigade (M.G.C)
LONGUEVAL, i8th August, 1916. For conspicuous gallantry in action. Owing to his coolness and pluck he was able to hold his position for six hours under heavy artillery fire, and to bring his four guns into action in the captured trench in excellent fire positions.

[MESSOM, 2/Lt. Harold .... ... ... ... ... 2/Royal West Surrey]
In the London Gazette of 23rd June, 1915, an award of M.C., intended fay 2JLt. Messom, who had been mentioned in Despatches, for gallant conduct in February 1915, was by a clerical error published in the name of another officer in his Regiment of very similar name. On the mistake being discovered, that notification was cancelled . But in the meantime 2JLt. Messom had been killed in action, and it is understood that the error could not be further rectified as at that date posthumous awards (except of V.C.) were inadmissible. ED.

MIDGLEY, Lieut. Thomas Herbert ... ... 466th (N. Midland) Field Co., R.E.
Awarded 3rd June, 1919.

MIEVILLE, Capt. Walter Stokes .... ... 1/Artists
S. of MARCOING, 30th December, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When ordered to support a counter-attack he walked forward across the open to one of the advanced companies under machine-gun fire and obtained information of the utmost value. His coolness and gallantry were a splendid example to all those under him.

MILLIGAN, Capt. Andrew ... ... ... ... ... 8/West Yorks
N.E. of SOLESMES, 20th October, 1918. During the attack, when the situation was obscure, he went forward to the outpost line under very heavy fire, reorganised the dispositions of the right flank of the battalion which was in the air, and brought back most valuable information. He has shown consistent courage.

MITCHELL, Lieut. Allan ... ... ... ... ... 4/York & Lancaster
GRAINCOURT, 22nd November. 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When sent with his company to reinforce the forward troops he found the situation very critical. He continually moved about in the open organising his position. When the troops on the left were heavily counter-attacked, he crossed about 200 yards of open ground under heavy fire, rallied and reorganised them, and led them to a new position, thereby undoubtedly saving the flank from being turned.

MOIR, Capt. Kenneth Macrae ... ... ... ... 5 /East Surrey
Awarded 1st January, 1919.

MOLLER, Lieut. Arthur Appleby ... ... ... ... Grenadier Guards
HOUTHULST FOREST, i2th October, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in command of a company. After reaching his objective, finding he was much harassed by fire from a post on his front, he at once organised a raid on it. Keeping it under a steady fire, he worked up an assaulting party on flank and rear, who dealt effectively with all who remained in the post. One machine gun was captured.

MONEY, Capt. David Frederick ... ... ... ... ... 1/ Artists
Awarded 3rd June, 1919.

MOODY, Capt. Percy ... ... ... ... 2/Royalr Welch Fusiliers
1. Awarded 1st January, 1916.

2. GIVENCHY, 5/6 July, 1916. For conspicuous gallantry during a raid. He organised and led his company with great dash, the result being that the raid was completely successful.

MOORE, 2/Lt. Charles Christopher ... ... .. ... 8/Lancashire Fusiliers
E. of HARGICOURT, 18th March, 1918. When in command of a patrol he came into contact with 50 of the enemy who were advancing to raid our trenches. Owing to the skilful manner in which he handled his patrol he succeeded in cutting his way out and in returning to our lines. On his arrival he at once organised another party, returned with these men to the scene of the fight, and brought in the three wounded men whom he had been forced to abandon temporarily. His gallantry was most praiseworthy.

MOORE, Capt. Francis William ... ... ... ' ... ... l0/Devon
Awarded 3rd June, 1917.

MOORE, Lieut. Frank Leonard ... ... ... ... 1/Monmouth
RAMIECOURT, 3/4 October, 1918. For great gallantry and devotion to duty. During operations he went out from battalion headquarters under heavy fire to locate position of " C " Company, who were somewhere in front of RAMIECOURT. He remained out for over two hours. Later on same day he, with the assistance of stretcher-bearers, brought in a wounded officer under shell fire.

MOORE, Capt. Harold Edward ... ... ... Royal Monmouth R.E.
Awarded 3rd June, 1916.

MOORE, Capt. John Leslie Mackenzie ... ... ... ... R.E.
ARRAS BOISIEUX, 21st March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in maintaining the railway service under heavy shell fire. By his action the withdrawal of railway artillery was carried out, and all supplies evacuated.

MOORE, 2/Lt. Leslie Thomas ... ... ... ... ... R.E.
MONTELIMOXT FARM, near ViLLE-SELVE VILLAGE, 24th March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty while his company were engaged in covering a retirement under heavy artillery and trench-mortar fire. With great stubbornness he held on to an extremely bad position, finally withdrawing his troops skilfully in good order. His fine conduct contributed greatly to the success of the retirement, and caused the saving of several wounded.

MOORE, Capt. Robert Frank ... ... ... ... 1/Notts & Derby
Awarded 3rd June, 1917.

MOORE, 2/Lt. William Robert ... ... ... ... 1/East Yorks
E. of MEAULTE, 3/4 June, 1916. During an intense bombardment 2/Lt. Moore showed himself to be a fearless and inspiriting leader. He led a bombing party with great gallantry and dash. His personal example had a most inspiriting effect on his men.

MORGAN, Lieut. Ernest Leslie ... ... ... ... ... R. F.A.
E. of YPRES, 15th October, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in continuing to assist in laying out new lines to the batteries, after having been himself half buried by a shell. During many days' operations it was entirely due to his fine example that communications from brigade headquarters to the batteries were kept intact.

MORRIS, 2/Lt. Alfred Arthur Thomas ... ... ... .... 6/Middlesex
MORY, 24th March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. This officer took command of the company when its commander had been killed, and when the enemy broke through the line he rallied his men and recovered the trench from which they had been driven. The following day, in a rear guard action, he showed skill and coolness in extricating his men in an orderly manner.

MORROW, 2/Lt. Frederick ... .». ... ... ... ... R.E.
BIHECOURT, 2ist March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in charge of a cable burying party, when he helped to man a most important redoubt. Although gassed early in the morning he remained in charge of a mixed party of R.E. and infantry throughout the day, fighting until relieved. Returning from hospital as early as possible he continued doing most valuable work in laying cable lines.

MORTIMER, 2/Lt. Arthur Broadbent ... ... ... 7/West Yorks
S.E. of AULXOY, 1st November, 1918. During the counter-attack by the enemy on our positions he showed great gallantry. He seized a Lewis gun and ran forward under very heavy machine-gun fire and brought fire to bear on the enemy's flank, causing many casualties and capturing one unwounded prisoner. This action threw the right flank of the enemy into confusion.

MORTON, Lieut. William Cattell ... ... ... 3rd London Brigade R.F.A.
Near LINDENHOEK, ist June, 1917. Assisted by two of his men, he showed the greatest promptness and courage under heavy shell fire in extinguishing serious fires amongst the ammunition of his battery. He also displayed great gallantry and resource in attending to a wounded man under fire, getting him to a place of safety.

MORTON, Capt. William Chamberlin ... ... ... ... i /London
CACHY, 24/25 April, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. In command of a company forced to fall back he more than once rallied and reorganised his men, taking up successive defensive lines and holding up the enemy attack, although he had lost all his officers and most of his non-commissioned officers.

Moss, Capt. Vincent Newton ... ... ... ... ... 1/East Kent
1. Near HDLLUCK, 24/25 June, 1917. During a raid he led his party into the enemy support line, where he remained three hours reorganising them after heavy casualties. Although wounded he personally supervised the repulse of a bombing 'attack, and remained to the last, finally withdrawing his party without further loss.

2. NOYELLES, 2ist November, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.
Finding during a relief that strong parties of the enemy with machine guns were still in possession of a large part of the village, he immediately led his company forward, and with the help of two tanks cleared the enemy from the position, capturing about 20 prisoners and a large quantity of stores and war material.

MOSSMAN, 2/Lt. Harold Alexander ... ... ... 3/Royal Berks
POELCAPPELLE, 12th October, 1917. He kept the direction of the right flank of the battalion in an advance over heavily shelled ground. When his company reached its forward position he walked over the open, reorganising it and rallying some wavering troops, and keeping them under his command.

MUNRO, 2/Lt. Donald George ... ... ... ... ... 18/London
Near VERMELLES, 16th December, 1915. For conspicuous gallantry and ability at the Quarries. He was in command of a party of grenadiers in a very exposed position in the front line, and repulsed a succession of violent bomb attacks made by the enemy.

MUNT, Major Edsal ... ... ... ... ... R.F A.
LANNOY, 4th May, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. At dawn the enemy commenced a heavy bombardment on the battery position. As the battery was not firing, this officer decided to withdraw the detachments to a place of safety. While telephoning these instructions a shell burst in the roof over his head, bringing the brickwork on the top of him and burying him. He crawled out, trying to get to the guns, when another shell burst close by, again burying him. He managed to crawl out, and though much shaken, got to the guns and superintended their withdrawal. The bombardment continued for an hour, and it was due to his action that only one man was wounded.

MURCH, 2/Lt. Alfred Henry ... ... ... ... 11/Royal Warwick
DACADT WOOD, 15th April, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during an attack. He was in charge of an advanced post. Seeing that the advancing troops would be held up by the wire in front he went out with one man under heavy machine-gun fire and commenced to cut it. He continued this work until badly wounded.

MURRANE, Capt. Hugh Dudley ... ... ••• ... 6/Royul Lancaster
Awarded 3rd March, 1919.

MURRAY, 2/Lt. George ... ... ... ... ... ••• R.F.C.
Awarded i8th December, 1917.