The Military Cross was instituted as a Decoration on December 28th, 1914, to reward Distinguished Services rendered by Officers of certain ranks in the army in time of war. Bars may be added for additional acts of gallantry. Since August 1st, 1918, it has, like the D.S.O., been awarded for "services in action" only. The Decoration consists of a Cross of Silver, having on each arm the Imperial Crown and bearing in the centre the Royal and Imperial Cypher. The ribbon is white with a purple stripe. Bars are indicated (in undress uniform) by small silver rosettes on the ribbon.
PADDLE, 2/Lt. Kenneth Cecil Lawrence ... ... ... ... R.G.A.
Near GIVENCHY, 2nd November, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty
as forward observation officer in a very exposed position in the front trenches. Owing to the
enemy's heavy fire one officer was wounded and two men were killed close to him, and although
the enemy sent over a large number of trench mortar bombs whenever he ordered his battery
to open fire, he persisted with his duties until his task had been completed.
PAINE, 2/Lt. George Gordon ... ... ... ... 2/Royal Berks
Awarded 1st January, 1916.
PALMER, 2/Lt. Percy Reginald ... ... i2/Royal Welch Fusiliers (Leicester)
Near HULLUCH, 12/13 February, 1917. He displayed great courage and determination in
firing a torpedo under most difficult conditions. Later, he rescued two wounded men.
PARK, 2/Lt. Ronald Hubert Mungo Irish Guards
Near LANGEMARCKE, 9th October, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty
when in charge of a section of machine guns which he established in a well-chosen position
from which to bring in direct fire upon the enemy's approaches. He worked untiringly to
establish a large reserve of ammunition, and when the enemy counter-attacked they were
twice subjected to a heavy fire from his guns.
PARKER, Major John Amplett ... ... ... ... R.E.
Near MERVILLE, 11th April, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.
His field company was digging a system of posts when the enemy attacked. He manned the
posts with his men and a few other troops, and held the position for some time against
determined attacks, showing great coolness under heavy machine-gun fire. He was severely
PARKIN, 2/Lt. John ... ... ... ... ... R.G.A.
Awarded 1st January, 1918.
PARKES, Lieut. George Henry ... ... 3rd Reserve Cavalry (13/Hussars)
Near HADRANIYAH, MESOPOTAMIA, 29th October, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and
devotion to duty. In an assault on a strongly entrenched plateau he was in command of the
Hotchkiss guns, and by his marked personal courage and skilful handling of them under fire,
cleared the right flank of the enemy and undoubtedly saved the regiment many casualties.
PASSINGHAM, 2/Lt. Edward George ... ... ... 1/Northumberland Fusiliers
Near ARRAS, 20th March, 1917. He led a raiding party with great courage and
determination through uncut wire, and succeeded in entering the enemy's front-line trenches,
where he personally shot three of the enemy.
PATERSON, 2/Lt. Frank James ... ... ... ... ... 4/London
PEIZIERE, l0th September, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and dashing leadership.
This officer was detailed to mop-up part of the village. Although badly held up by enemy
machine-gun fire he led his platoon on and showed great initiative, and set a splendid example
by rushing two enemy machine guns, which he captured, killing the crews of both. In the
attempt he was wounded, but carried on until his platoon had completed its task, and were
definitely established on the objective.
PAYTON, 2/Lt. Sidney ... ... ... ... ... 15/Tank Corps
VRAU-VRAUCODRT, 31st August, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and determination
while in command of a tank. Ahead of other tanks and without infantry support he attacked
and cleared machine-gun nests, killing several of the crews, and then, with his corporal, he
entered dug-outs and took more prisoners. Later, while still ahead, he silenced another
machine gun and took the crew prisoners. He was in action for seven hours and set a
splendid example of courage and devotion to duty.
PEAL, Lieut. Arthur Francis Henry ... 5/York & Lancaster (i48th T.M.B.)
1. YPRES, 28/29 June, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty while in charge
of two mortars which were taken out into "No Man's Land" during a raid on the enemy's
trenches. Immediately the operation started enemy shelling became heavy, together with
rifle and machine-gun fire ; -and" soon afterwards one mortar became useless owing to a
damaged striker. He personally remedied the defect and brought the mortar into action
again immediately. By his fine example of coolness and determination he kept his mortars
firing exactly to time, each of which expended 80 rounds.
2. HASPRES, i3th October, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry in action whilst in command
of the trench mortar section. He worked his gun forward with the greatest courage and
determination, covering the advance of the leading companies, and later, when the enemy
counter-attacked, although portions of the gun mountings were missing through casualties,
he continued to fire the mortars until forced to withdraw.
PKAKSON, 2/Lt. William George Frederick ... ... ... 8/Royal Sussex
PREUX, 4th November, 1918. He showed conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty
whilst employed on the repair of forward roads. In the face of heavy machine-gun fire he
made the necessary reconnaissance of the road, and the road was pushed forward, and finally
completed, under very difficult conditions.
PEGRAM, Capt. Charles Ernest ... ... ... ... i7/Rifle Brigade
PASSCHENDAELE, 1/2 December, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.
He formed up his company at the assembly position although the enemy were sniping from
an advanced post fifty yards away, and led them to the attack under intense machine-gun fire.
When most of his men had become casualties and his left flank was in the air, he formed a
defensive flank and established touch with the unit on his left.
PERL, Capt. Bernard Huson ... ... ... Artists : 5/Royal Lancaster
Awarded 3rd June, 1918.
PERROTT, 2/Lt. Eustace Stroud ... ... ... ... 8/London (1/Artists)
THILLOY, 27th August, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When
the situation in front of a village was obscure this officer went forward through heavy machine-
gun fire and obtained information of the greatest value to his company commander, and
remained out well in advance, sending in information till he was wounded.
PETHERBRIDGE, Capt. Charles Arthur ... ... ... 2(17) Royal Scots
ZILLEBEKE, to E. of CouRTRAi, 28th September to 20th October, 1918. For continuous
gallantry and devotion to duty during a month's fighting. He was acting as adjutant, and
was at all times in the fighting zone. He carried out his work at all times with zeal and
energy. He was invaluable to his battalion commander, and by his actions and courage
inspired all ranks.
PHEYSEY, 2/Lt. John Edward ... ... ... ... ... R.F.A.
YPRES, 14th July, 1917. When getting ammunition forward to the guns, in spite of his
having already made three journeys in 48 hours under heavy shell fire, a distance of eight miles
each time, he volunteered to make a fourth, in the course of which he was severely wounded.
He displayed the finest devotion and very great coolness whilst carrying out this duty, and set
a splendid example to officers and men.
PHILLIPS, 2/Lt. Fenton Ellis Stanley ... ... ... ... R.F.C.
GINCHY, 3rd September, 1916. For conspicuous gallantry and skill. He has done fine
contact patrol work. On one occasion he came down to a low altitude while making a report,
and his machine was much damaged by rifle and machine-gun fire, but he carried on and
successfully put our artillery on to the enemy, who were massing for a counter-attack.
PIERCE, Lieut. Alfred ... 283rd Siege Battery R.G.A.
Awarded 3rd June, 1919.
PILE, 2/Lt. Samuel John Haughton ... ... ... ... 13/Middlesex
Near Loos, January, 1917. During a raid on the enemy's trenches he completely overcame
the resistance of the enemy by shooting their leaders. He led his party beyond their objective,
and later effected a skilful withdrawal.
PITCHER, Lieut. Walter Henry Blythe ... ... ... Coldstream Guards
BROEMBEKE, 9th October, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in leading
his company and maintaining direction under most difficult circumstances. During a counter-
attack he displayed great initiative, altering his positions to make a defensive flank, which
proved of the utmost value.
PITTS, z/Lt. Arthur Walter ... .. ... ... R.A.S.C.
Awarded 3rd June, 1917.
PLATT, 2/Lt. Oswald Gordon ... ... ... ... 5/ Yorkshire L.I.
HINDENBURG LINE, 3rd May, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion during
an attack. His seniors becoming casualties very early he assumed command, rallying wavering
troops of various units, establishing a position and holding it under intense fire until it became
untenable. He was the last to retire. Twice before he has been recommended for great
POCOCK, 2/Lt. Reginald William ... ... ... ... ... R.F.A.
Near BOESINGHE, 12th October, 1917. When in command of a party of trench mortars
under heavy shell fire he constructed a track and succeeded in bringing into action three guns
which were badly bogged in shell-holes, and then assisted in bringing up ammunition.
PODD, Capt. Jack Kenneth ... ... ... ... 2/West Yorks
Near ETTERPIGNY, 25th March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.
After the battalion had launched a counter-attack he pushed forward to a very advanced
position and sent back excellent reports containing most valuable information, which he could
only get at considerable risk. Later he displayed great courage and resource in reforming
troops who had been driven back, and re-establishing a line. In these operations he was
POGUE, 2/Lt. Reginald Thomas ... ... ... 6/Dorset (Tank Corps)
WARVILLERS, 3rd to 9th August, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry with his tank in
clearing the way, and thus enabling the infajitry to advance practically without loss. He
inflicted severe casualties on enemy machine-gunners, and was largely responsible for the
capture of prisoners. In action, four times within the week, he set a splendid example, and
always kept his tank tuned up for emergency.
POLL, Lieut. Dudley Erskine ... ... ... ... ... 24/London
ST. PIERRE VAAST WOOD, September 2nd, 1918. For most conspicuous gallantry and
initiative. Whilst on the ridge in front of VAUX WOOD he crawled over the open to the rear
to bring up reinforcements, although absolutely exposed to intense rifle and machine-gun fire.
He personally posted the reinforcements on the exposed flank and thus relieved the danger
of a flank attack against the position on the ridge. Throughout the operations he set a fine
example to all ranks.
POTHECARY, Lieut. Herbert Martin Rixson ... ... ... 8/West Yorks
DICKEBUSCH LAKE, 14th July. 1918. For conspicuous gallantry during an attack. When
all the officers of his company had become casualties he assumed command, and, though
wounded, he led them on and captured his final objective. He remained with the front line
company until the battalion was relieved. He displayed great courage, ability, and devotion
to duty.
POTTS, Capt. Joseph Harold ... ... ... ... ... 23/London
Awarded 3rd June, 1919.
POWELL, 2/Lt. Laurence ... ... ... ... ... ... R.F.A.
Awarded 1st January, 1919.
POWER, Capt. Charles Montague ..: ... ... ... 2/Scottish Rifles
Awarded 1st January, 1918.
PRATT, Capt. Harold Douglas ... ... ... ... ... 2/London
Near CROISILLES, 27th August, 1918. He carried out a reconnaissance on the flank of the
battalion with great skill, and obtained such successful results that, owing to his information,
the artillery were able to concentrate on a large bod)' of enemy who were assembling for a
counter-attack, and dispersed them with very heavy loss. He was later on wounded in three
places by the explosion of a shell as he was attacking a machine gun that was causing
casualties. His gallantry and ability were conspicuous and he rendered most valuable service.
PRESTON, 2/Lt. John Frank ... ... ... 7/London
Near YPRES, 7th June, 1917. He led his platoon twice to the attack of a position, which
was finally captured, together with 80 prisoners. His resolute leading and courageous
behaviour were of the highest assistance in bringing about a successful result.
PKOSSER, Capt. Arthur Edward ... ... ... ... 1/ Worcester
S. of OPPY, 7th October, 1918. During the afternoon he brought forward two of his
platoons into the ROUVROY-FRESNES line, and led them through advanced troops which were
hung up and captured a further 1,000 yards of the line. He himself rushed two machine guns
which were enfilading our troops, and captured seventeen prisoners. His splendid example,
courage and leadership enabled touch to be gained all along the line. Later in the evening
he himself pushed forward into NEUVIREUL and captured two heavy trench mortars which
had been causing many casualties to the battalion on his left.
PULLINGER, 2/Lt. Charles Edward ... ... ... ... ... 7/K.R.R.C.
WANCOURT, loth April, 1917. He took command of the company at a very critical time,
although he himself was wounded. In the face of heavy fire of all kinds he collected and
reorganised the company, and successfully consolidated his position.
PULLMAN, Capt. Harold John ... ... Bucks Bn./Oxford & Bucks L.I.
ST. JOLIEN, 16th August, 1917. He led his company with great skill and determination
in an attack. When two preceeding waves were held up, he sent up flanking parties and
rushed the enemy blockhouses. He re-formed his company and proceeded towards his
PURVES, 2/Lt. John Murdow ... ... ... ... ... R.F.A.
Near LANGEMARCKE, 16th August, 1917. When laying forward cables this officer and
his party were confronted with a very heavy hostile barrage and intense machine-gun fire.
With great determination he pushed on with four men and succeeded in getting his telephone
lines across a river. His personal courage and perseverance set a splendid example to his
party, and it was entirely due to his disregard of his own safety that the work was successfully
carried out, the party being under heavy fire all the time. He was severely wounded whilst
engaged on this duty.
PYKETT, Lieut. George Frederick ... ... ... ... 16/Royal Warwick
Awarded 1st January, 1919.
QUARE, Capt. Herbert Alfred Brame ... ... .., 9/Munster Fusiliers
Awarded 3rd June, 1917.