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Military Cross obtained by members of the Artists Rifles Corps since August 4th, 1914. R

Artists Riles Roll of Honour

The Military Cross was instituted as a Decoration on December 28th, 1914, to reward Distinguished Services rendered by Officers of certain ranks in the army in time of war. Bars may be added for additional acts of gallantry. Since August 1st, 1918, it has, like the D.S.O., been awarded for "services in action" only. The Decoration consists of a Cross of Silver, having on each arm the Imperial Crown and bearing in the centre the Royal and Imperial Cypher. The ribbon is white with a purple stripe. Bars are indicated (in undress uniform) by small silver rosettes on the ribbon.

RABINO, 2/Lt. Francis Aloysius ... ... ... ... ... 3(1)Dorset
SAMBRE CANAL, 4th November, 1918. For gallant and able leadership in the attack. He commanded the platoon which first effected a crossing over the canal, and it was chiefly owing to his energy and initiative that a crossing was effected at a very critical time of the attack. In the subsequent advance he again showed great ability.

RACTIVAND, 2/Lt. Demetrius ... ... 3(1)Shropshire
Awarded 3rd June, 1919.

RADCLIFFE, Lieut. Charles Netten ... ... 19/London
1. Near NEUViLLE-Sr.-VAAST, 30th August, 1916. For conspicuous gallantry during a raid on the enemy's trenches. He carried out the previous reconnaissances, and showed great determination during the raid, bringing back several enemy prisoners.

2. DEIR-YESIN, 8th December, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Throughout the advance he displayed unremittingly the greatest skill and energy in leading his men. In the culminating assault he led the first wave, and afforded an example of dash and determination which contributed largely to the success of the charge.

RADFORD, Lieut. John Arundel ... ... ... ... 8(1)Somerset L.I.
Near VERCHAIN, 24th October, 1918. He led his company with great courage and deter- mination to the furthest objective. He gained the final objective with only a few men, consolidated the position, and, although his right flank was completely exposed throughout the day he held on, and successfnlly repulsed a counter-attack after dark.

RALPH, 2/Lt. John Leslie ... ... ... ... 16/Royal Welch Fusiliers
ENGLEFONTAINE, 4th November, 1918. He showed great gallantry under difficult conditions. During the advance he handled his platoon with such prompt initiative that parties of the enemy encountered were dispersed at once ; and also by skilful use of Lewis-gun fire he drove the enemy from a road which threatened the left of the final objective.

RANDALL, Capt. Joseph Edward ... ... ... ... ... 5/Border
LYS and LAWE, 13th March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He carried out his work as Brigade Intelligence Officer with great energy. For four days he worked unceasingly, practically without sleep and always under fire. His information was of great value, and he successfully guided counter-attack troops into their positions by day and night.

REAH, Lieut. Herbert William ... ... 517111 (London) Field Co., R.E.
Awarded 3rd June, 1919.

REDLER, 2/Lt. Harold Bolton ... ... ... ... ... R.A.F.
HAM, 23rd March, 1918. He encountered four enemy two-seater machines, and attacking the lowest drove it to the ground with its engine damaged. Later, he attacked one of five enemy two-seater machines, and drove it down out of control. He has destroyed in all three enemy machines and driven three others down out of control. He continually attacked enemy troops and transport from a low altitude during operations, and showed splendid qualities of courage and determination throughout.

REED, Lieut. John Philip ... ... ... 14/ Liverpool (14/ Yorkshire)
Near ZILLEBEKE, 7th June, 1917. He led his company in the attack with exceptional skill and courage, consolidating under heavy machine-gun fire and maintaining cheerfulness under trying circumstances, which greatly inspired the morale of his men.

REED, Lieut. William ... ... ... ... ... ... R.E.
ARQUES, 19th April, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. During anight air raid this officer was in charge of the workshops and technical stores dump, next to a large ammunition dumpand kite-balloon depot. At xop.m. two fires were started by bombs in the ammunition dump. With the exception of the anti-aircraft machine-gun crew, all men were sent to safety. Violent explosions on the dump filled the air with shells and fragments, and the camp was continually bombed by the light of the fire. He sent all the machine-gun crew away, and fired the two machine guns himself until they both jammed. Later a fire broke out in the balloon shed, which he helped to extinguish, saving a great deal of valuable material. He worked continuously for five hours under continuous bombing and explosives.

RERRIE, 2/Lt. Henry Godden ... ... ... ... 2/ York & Lancaster
1. LOOS-CRASSIER. 22nd April, 1917. When in command of his platoon he was subjected to severe artillery and machine-gun fire, and in a very isolated position. Throughout the day, although himself wounded, he set a splendid example to his men under most trying conditions.

2. COUILLET WOOD, 20th November, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When his platoon was held up by machine-gun fire and bombers, though wounded he overcame the enemy's resistance and captured two machine guns and 28 prisoners. He remained with his platoon throughout the action.

REYNOLDS, C apt. Harry Norman ... ... ... ... 7/Royal Warwick
1. St. JULIEN, 27th August, 1917. He led his company in an attack, and assisted in taking an enemy stronghold. Later he reorganised the remnants of his company and rushed a block- house, capturing the garrison. He showed great personal courage, and by his example encouraged his men.

2. ASIAGO PLATEAU, ITALY, 15/16 June, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when the enemy had broken through. He pushed forward, stopping their advance, and, driving them back, capturing a machine gun and holding positions all night nnder intense machine-gun fire. Next day he again drove them back, capturing three machine guns and many prisoners, following them as far as their own lines. He did splendid work.

RHODES, Capt. Dunstan ... ... ... ... ... ... R.G.A.
VERMELI.ES, 23/24 April, 1917. PONT DU HEM, ist May, 1917. He showed a fine example of courage when the battery was heavily shelled by gas shells. He continually exposed himself, moving about to ensure the men's safety, and personally seeing to the clearing of loaded ammunition wagons.

RICH, Capt. Cecil Olvar ... ... ... ... 1/Wilts
1. NEAR PLOEGSTEERT, 17th February, 1917. He continually carried out daring patrols of the enemy's wire, and the success of a raiding party was largely due to his information.

2. MARCOING. 2oth November, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He led his tanks into action with great skill and coolness, After he had advanced some distance a masked field battery opened fire at about 100 yards range. Though one tank was put out of action, and he was severely wounded, he effectively silenced the battery, and enabled the infantry to continue the advance. He set a splendid example to all ranks.

RICHARDS, Lieut. Lincoln Winfield ... ... 5/Lincoln (12/Norfolk)
VIEUX BERQUIN, 19th August, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during an attack. He rushed an enemy post, shooting the officer and putting the remainder to flight. He was the first to reach the final objective, cheering on and encouraging his men. His courage and leadership inspired his men at critical stages of the attack.

RICKATSON, 2/Lt. Hugh Cecil ... ... ... 1/Artists : Coldstream Guards
GOUZEAUCOURT. 30th November, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When his company had to remain under fire in the open during an attack while a flanking movement was being carried out his example of coolness and courage was an inspiration to his men. On arriving at the objective, though wounded, he superintended the consolidation of the position under intense fire.

RICKWOOD, 2/Lt. John Edgell ... ... ... ... 5/Royal Berks
Near DOURGES, 15th October, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and initiative. He volunteered to cross the HAUTE DEULE CANAL and make a reconnaissance. After crossing the canal at PONT-A-SAULT his presence was discovered by the enemy, who kept him covered with their machine guns. In spite of this he worked his way along the eastern bank of the canal and brought b^ack most valuable information, which enabled his company to form a bridgehead.

RIDLINGTON, Lieut. Alfred Charles ... ... 17th Armoured Car Bn. (Tank Corps)
LE CATEAU-MARETZ ROAD, 9th October, 1918. He displayed marked gallantry and skill when in charge of a section of armoured cars. He first attacked a machine-gun post which was holding up our advance, and, in conjunction with the infantry, successfully cleared it and captured the guns. In proceeding forward with two cars a bridge was blown up behind him by the enemy, separating him from the second car and from our troops. With one car, however, he went forward through MAUROIS and HONNECHY, which were both strongly held by the enemy, of whom he killed five in one spot in the latter village. His prompt action prevented the railway bridge from being blown up by the enemy.

RIGOLD, 2/Lt. Ernest Edward ... ... ... Sand Siege Battery R.G.A.
NUPPE HALTE, 20th April, 1916. For conspicuous gallantry. When the cartridge store became ignited during a bombardment he \vent out under fire with two gunners and put the fire out. They were in great danger from an explosion.

RIPPERGER, Lieut. Harold Theodore Alvin ... 4/Gloucester (7/Lancashire Fusiliers)
E. of HEBUTERNE and BEAUREGARD DOVECOTE, 21st to 23rd August, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry during an attack. He led the attack on a position and successfully checked the enemy's counter-attack. Finding his right flank in the air he attacked the enemy in a trench on his right flank, and in conjunction with another company captured an officer and about 90 other ranks. He showed great courage and ability to command.

ROBERTS, Lieut. Frederick Arthur Donkin ... ... 18/Lancashire Fusiliers
VIJEWEGEN, 14th October, 1918. During the operations south-west of LEDEGHEM and subsequent operations south of GULLEGHEM he was conspicuous for his gallant and skilful leadership. In the attack south of MOORSEELE, when hostile machine guns were holding up the advance, he led his men forward and secured valuable positions and inflicted heavy losses on the enemy.

ROBERTS, 2/Lt. Henry ... ... ... ... 7/West Yorks (1/East Yorks)
Near LIMONT FONTAINE, 7th November, 1918. During the operations he showed fine and determined leadership. When the advance of his battalion was held up by machine-gun fire he took command of two platoons, and led them forward, working round the enemy's flanks, and causing him to retire and abandon his machine guns. Later he led another attack on a machine gun.

ROBERTS, 2/Lt. John ... ... ... ... ... ... R.F.A.
Near YPRES, 25th November, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He was in charge of a party building a gun position, and when they were heavily shelled he ordered the men to take cover. When one of the party was severely wounded he and one man went back, and though twice knocked down by shells succeeded in carrying him to cover.

ROBKRTSON, 2/Lt. Albert ... ... ... ... ... 7/Shropshire
Near HEKIN and HENINEL, 21st to 28th March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in leading his platoon. On several occasions he withstood determined enemy attacks under intense bombardment, successfully directing his platoon when compelled to withdraw.

ROBERTSON, 2/Lt. Frank Bruce ... ... ... ... ... 1/Leicester
QUADRILATERAL, 15/16 September, 1916. He performed most valuable work requiring great courage, twice passing through a very heavy barrage to obtain information. Previously he had done fine work.

ROBINSON, Lieut. Harry ... ... ... ... 4(9)Northumberland Fusiliers
MARESCHES, 1st November, 1918. For great gallantry and good work. He advanced with his platoon to the RIVKR RHONELLE, placed a bridge across, and then successfully helped to mop-up the village of MAKESCHES. Later, after the enemy had counter-attacked, he advanced with two platoons, collecting men of other regiments, and eventually established our position north-east of the mill, which he held until relieved. In the operation he took 40 prisoners.

ROBINSON, 2/Lt. Norgrove Stewart ... ... ... ... ... R.G.A.
ST. QUENTIX, 21st March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. This officer, commanding the left -half battery, was engaged in pulling into position when the enemy opened a heavy and concentrated fire, inflicting a number of casualties on the men, who had been up all night. Only one gun was in position, but he got the second gun into action, only to be destroyed by a direct hit, which killed or wounded the whole detachment. Meantime, with great exertions he got the third gun into action, and kept the two guns firing till midday, when the ammunition was expended. His conduct throughout the day was admirable.

ROCHFORD, 2/Lt. John Robert ... ... ... ... 10/Royal Warwick
Near LOCPART WOOD, 25th March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in directing the fire of his company with the greatest coolness when the troops on both flanks had withdrawn. His splendid example inspired his men to hold on until the last possible moment, and in the final withdrawal he was again conspicuous in handling his men to provide the necessary covering fire.

ROE, Lieut. Alfred ... ... ... ... 7/Lancashire Fusiliers
Near ARMENTIERES, 1st February, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He led his party to their final objective, obtained valuable identifications, and brought his party back without a casualty. He set his men a splendid example.

ROLLES, 2/Lt. Nathaniel ... ... ... ... ... 14/Royal Warwick
Near GODZEAUCOURT, 27th September, 1918. He led his platoon in the attack with con- spicuous gallantry under heavy fire to the further objective, during which his company lost 60 per cent., including all the officers. His consistent courage and determination in the face of heavy odds in keeping his men together, and rallying leaderless men of other units, was worthy of the highest praise.

ROSCOE, Major William ... ... ... 2/South Lancashire (25/M.G.C.)
BEAUREVOIR. For gallantry, initiative and devotion to duty throughout the period 8th to 18th October, 1918. On the night 7/8 he was in charge of the machine-gun barrage in front of BEAUREVOIR. He moved his company into positions under heavy shell fire, personally reconnoitring each position and sighting all guns. Later, on iyth October, at LE CATEAU, he was again in charge of the machine gun barrages, which he contrived to fire repeatedly on various targets at the request of the infantry.

ROSE, 2/Lt. Eric William ... ... ... ... ... Lancashire Fusiliers
SAPIGNIES, 25th March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in action. Although a very junior officer he commanded his company with great courage and ability, and his resolution in the leading of a counter-attack was worthy of the utmost praise.

ROSE, Lieut. Matthew Howard ... ... ... ... 22/Manchester
GUILLEMONT, 21st August, 1916. For conspicuous gallantry and determination on reconnaissance. Having discovered some of the enemy in a dug-out at the bottom of a steep bank, and being accompanied by only one man. he returned to our lines, and the same night organised a successful bombing party against the dug-out, capturing a machine gun. The success of this raid was entirely due to the coolness and ability displayed by Lieut. Rose.

KOSHER, Capt. John Brenchley ... ... ... ... 10/Durham L.I.
Awarded 1st January, 1917.

ROUGHT, Lieut. Philip
Awarded 1st January, 1918.

ROWLAND, Capt. Frank Skinner ... ... ... ... 6/ Notts & Derby
1. Near LIEVIN, 9th May, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in making his way on two occasions to advanced posts which were under heavy hostile shell fire. He rallied and reorganised the men, who were considerably shaken, remaining with them until the enemy's fire slackened, and restoring their confidence. He showed great initiative and disregard of danger.

2. RICHEBOURG ST. VAAST, 3rd September, 1918. He handled his company with remarkable skill and gallantry in an attack. Being in support when the company in front was held up, he displayed commendable initiative and great disregard of danger in reconnoitring close to the enemy's position, whereby he was able to attack them in flank, killing or taking prisoners many of them, and capturing a machine gun.

RUNDELL, Capt. Leslie Eric ... ... ... ... ... 7/London
1. Loos, 14th February, 1916. For conspicuous gallantry. When the enemy exploded a mine, destroying a portion of our trench, his prompt initiative and disregard of personal danger under heavy fire enabled the near edge of the crater to be seized and consolidated.

2. VIMY RIDGE, 21st May, 1916. For conspicuous gallantry and ability during an enemy attack. He dealt most resolutely with a situation which for a while-was very precarious.

RUTHERFORD, 2/Lt. Stanley ... ... ... ... 3/East Surrey
Awarded 3rd June, 1918.

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