The Military Cross was instituted as a Decoration on December 28th, 1914, to reward Distinguished Services rendered by Officers of certain ranks in the army in time of war. Bars may be added for additional acts of gallantry. Since August 1st, 1918, it has, like the D.S.O., been awarded for "services in action" only. The Decoration consists of a Cross of Silver, having on each arm the Imperial Crown and bearing in the centre the Royal and Imperial Cypher. The ribbon is white with a purple stripe. Bars are indicated (in undress uniform) by small silver rosettes on the ribbon.
TAMBLYN, Capt. Horace William ... ... ... 181st Tunnelling Co. R.E.
Awarded 3rd June, 1919.
TAPPER, Capt. Michael John ... ... ... 1/Artists (Tank Corps)
This officer has acted as Staff Captain to the brigade since its formation on 1st February,
1917. Throughout the ARRAS battle, the operations in the YPRES SALIENT from 31st July to
20th October, and the CAMBRAI battle, he has shown the utmost untiring energy and capacity
for organisation. The task of providing supplies, etc., has often been one of very great
difficulty, but on no occasion has there been any failure in the arrangements he has made.
TAPLIN, Capt. George Aubrey ... ... ... 65th Siege Battalion (R.G. A.)
Awarded 3rd June, 1919.
TAPPLY, Capt. Mark ... ... ... ... ... ... l0/Norfolk
Near ALBERT, 26/27 March, 1918. During the enemy attack he rushed forward, and by
his coolness and courage inspired such confidence in his men whose officers were casualties
that a new line was established. On the following day, when the enemy were about to attack
a detached post, he collected reinforcements and led them to the post, which he found to be
surrounded by the enemy. Cutting his way through the enemy he succeeded in establishing
a fresh position from which the enemy could be checked. His courage, skill and initiative
were most conspicuous.
TARRANT, 2/Lt. Henry Geoffrey Nelson ... ... ... 6/Royal Berks
Near MIRAUMONT TRENCH, 17th February, 1917. He pushed home the attack with such
determination that, in spite of weak numbers, he succeeded in capturing 70 prisoners. He
finally got in touch with the unit on his left, and consolidated the position he had gained.
TAUTZ, 2/Lt. Reginald Hugh ... ... lO/Manchester (Loyal N. Lancs)
Near NIELTZE, 19/20 May, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in
command of a raiding party. Finding the gap, previously cut, had been repaired, he cut his
way through under fire and cleared 70 yards of enemy trench, displaying the greatest determination and courage.
TAYLOR, Capt. Bruce Mitchell ... ... ... ... ... 1/D.C.L.I.
1. Awarded i4th January, 1916.
BAR to M.C.
2. GIVENCHY SECTOR, 6/7 February, 1917. During a raid on the enemy's trenches he directed
the operations with marked skill, and set a splendid example to all ranks.
TAYLOR, Lieut. Ernest Reginald ... ... ... ... ... 7/Essex
Near HOLLEBEKE, 26th July, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when
battalion signalling officer. When his headquarters were heavily shelled and set on fire he
remained behind at great personal risk to collect his instruments and disconnect the telephone,
although he well knew that the ammunition stored there might explode at any moment. The
dug-out blew up very shortly afterwards, and he then went to another station under very
heavy shell fire and sent back valuable information to the brigade.
TAYLOR, 2/Lt. George Arthur ... ... ... ... ... 4/Lancaster
Near YPRES, 20th September, 1917. He led his company with the greatest gallantry and
resource, personally initiating and carrying out a successful assault upon an enemy strong
point. He reached his objective and carried out consolidation in spite of heavy fire. He was
a constant example of courage and determination to his company.
TAYLOR, Lieut. Leslie Francis ... ... ... ... ... 1/K.R.R.C.
VILLERS-BRETONNEUX, 26th April, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.
He brought a machine gun and team into a position which enfiladed the enemy's attack, and,
driving them back, caused their capture by another party. His section then remained in
position on a railway embankment, preventing any penetration by the enemy.
TERRY, Capt. Sidney Frederick ... ... ... ... ... 1/Wilts
Awarded 3rd June, 1918.
THOMAS, 2/Lt. Lewis John ... ... ... ... ... 4(15)Welch
MOUVAL, 1st September, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and initiative in an assault. He
led his company with the greatest dash, and accounted for nine machine guns and their teams.
Single-handed, when on one occasion separated from his company, he effected the capture of
15 of the enemy, whom he forced to surrender while he covered the entrance of the dug-out.
He showed splendid courage and determination.
THOMAS, Lieut. Robert William ... ... ... ... ... 7/London
Near BOURLON WOOD, 2/3 December, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to
duty during a night attack. All the other officers of the company were wounded, and owing to
darkness and heavy hostile fire entrenching became a matter of great difficulty. He displayed
great skill and coolness in establishing communication with the troops on either flank and
getting his men well dug in before daylight.
THOMAS, 2/Lt. Thomas ... ... ... ... ... ... R.G.A.
ASIAGO PLATEAD, 15th June, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He
took two linesmen over two miles along heavily-shelled roads and re-established communica-
tion after the telephone lines had been cut. Throughout the day he showed complete disregard
of danger.
THOMPSON, Capt. Arnold John ... ... ... Adjutant 1/Scots Guards
Awarded 3rd June, 1917.
THOMPSON, Capt. Claude Ernest ... ... ... ... 2/South Lancashire
1. Awarded 3rd June, 1916.
2. WIELTZE, 31st July, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Having
gone forward to clear up the situation he found it was critical owing to the enemy envelopment
of our left flank. He promptly organised a defensive flank, which held out long enough to save
a arge portion of the brigade from being cut off. It was due to his ability and promptness that
a disaster was averted, and his good staff work contributed very largely to the success of the
whole operation.
THOMPSON, Capt. George Kenneth ... ... ... 5/East Lancashire (9/Yorks)
1. RUE DU Bois, on night of 31st December, 1915, and 1st January, 1916. :For conspicuous
gallantry and ability. Although hampered by searchlights and Verey lights, he led, with
great dash and determination, a successful attack on the enemy trenches.
2. CONTALMAISON, 10th July, 1916. For conspicuous gallantry in action. He led the first
line in the attack with great dash, and though wounded stuck to his duty and continued to do
fine work until midnight, when he was ordered back with a message. He was then sent to
THOMSON, Lieut. George Gordon ... ... ... ... 3/Gloucester
Near MORLANCOURT, 8th August, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty
during an attack. As battalion signalling officer he kept up communication with companies, on
one occasion repairing the wire under intense shell fire. When the adjutant became a casualty
he assumed his duties, and it was largely due to his energy and fine example that the troops
were quickly reorganised and the line firmly established.
THORNE, Lieut. Alfred John Parker ... ... West Lancashire Div. Eng. (R.E.)
1. Near YPRES, 20th September, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in
constantly going backwards and forwards under heavy shell and snipers' fire to ensure the
consolidation of two points. It was largely due to his fine example and contempt for danger
that the work was so rapidly and successfully completed. He has shown a fine example of
coolness and courage on many occasions.
2. Near MESPLAUX FARM, 9th April, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty
when detailed to reconnoitre a bridge which had been unsatisfactorily demolished. Despite an
enemy machine gun directed on the bridge he made his reconnaissance, returning for explosives,
and then assisted in placing and firing the charges. His coolness was largely responsible for
the satisfactory demolition of this bridge, which the enemy were known to be within 30 yards of.
THORNE, Capt. Philip Howard ... ... ... ... ~. R.E.
Awarded 1st January, 1918.
TIDDY, 2/Lt. Eric William Lacey ... ... ... ... ... /Gloucester
KNOLL, 24/25 April, 1917. The two companies on his left overshot their objective, and
were cut off. He displayed great bravery and judgment in moving his company to such a
position as to be able to finally hand over a continuous line. He set a fine example
TIDY, Capt. Warwick Edward ... ... ... ... 9/Manchester
Awarded 1st January, 1917.
TILLEY, Capt. John Ernest ... ... ... ... 12/Hampshire
HAMEL, 28th March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty, both in
command of his company and also temporarily in command of the battalion, when he led a
successful counter-attack after a day and night of intense bombardment, during which the
battalion suffered heavy losses. He set a fine example to officers and men by his courage and
TOMLING, Flying-Officer George Gibson ... „. ... ... R.A.F.
Awarded i2th February, 1919.
TOTTON, Capt. Arthur Knyvett ... ... ... ... ... 1/D.C.L.I.
GUILLEMONT, 3rd September, 1916. Though wounded early in the day he led on to the
first objective, where he bombed the enemy dug-outs, and was again hit by a bomb. He then
went on to the second objective, being wounded a third time on the way.
TOWER, 2/Lt. Herbert George Eric ... ... ... ... ... 3/Norfolk
AVION, 23/24 April, 1917. He carried out a dangerous reconnaissance in order to report on
the enemy's wire, and later attacked with his company, and although severely wounded he
continued to direct and encourage all ranks with him.
TREACHER, 2/Lt. Henry ... ... ... ... ... 9/Royal Surrey
1. Awarded 1st January, 1917.
2. MARBAUT, 20th July, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and initiative. He went with his
runner to the flank of the company that was being enfiladed by machine-gun fire, and, working
forward under heavy fire, killed the gunner with a bomb and captured the gun. His skill
and dash were worthy of great praise and saved many casualties.
TRELOAR, Capt. George Devine, D.S.O. ... ... ... Coldstream Guards
FONTAINE NOTRE DAME, 27th November, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion
to duty. He led his company in an attack with great skill and daring to the furthest objective
under intense fire, consolidated his position, and repulsed three counter-attacks. When the
enemv got round his flank, which had become exposed, he carried out a masterly withdrawal,
inflicting heavy casualties on the advancing enemy. He established a defensive position, and
collected troops of all units to join in the defence. He showed magnificent energy, leadership
and courage.
TRERY, Lieut. Norman Horace ... ... 504th (Wessex) Field Coy., R.E.
RIVER ESCAUT, near ESPAIN. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on the
night of 26/27 October, 1918, whilst charged with making and launching rafts across the
river. The work throughout was subjected to heavy fire, and his party was driven off it
several times. At length he called for volunteers and succeeded in launching the raft, crossing
to the enemy bank and making fast the tow rope.
TRIMM, 2/Lt. Charles Algernon ... ... ... ... ... R.F.A.
POTYZE, 19th August, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when the
battery position was being heavily shelled. The camouflage of two guns caught fire, and this
officer at once ran out and, filling buckets from adjacent shell-holes, succeeded in extinguishing
the fire, although the sandbags around the guns had caught alight. After he had got under
cover he saw that an ammunition dump had been hit and was alight, and he, accompanied by
a gunner, again went out to extinguish the fire.
TROHEAR, 2/Lt. Thomas ... ... ... ... ... 3/Notts & Derby
Near RIBECOURT, 20th November, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.
He crossed difficult country six times under heavy fire to keep touch with the company on his
left. On arrival at the objective he led the way down an enemy dug-out and captured two
officers and 15 other ranks.
TUNSTALL, Capt. the Rev. James Thomas ... Royal Army Chaplain's Dept. (1 /Lincoln)
1. Near YPRES, 4/5 October, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in dressing
the woun 'ed, succouring the dying, and burying the dead under fire. On two occasions when
the aid post in which he was working was blown in he succeeded in extricating all the wounded,
although under heavy fire.
2. OVULERS, 23/24 October, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty tending
and evacuating wounded during the attacks. He followed close behind the leading troops
throughout the attack, and by collecting and locating wounded under heavy shell fire, and by
bringing ambulances forward, was personally responsible for the evacuation of large numbers
of casualties.
TURNBULL, Capt. Maxwell ... ... ... ... ... ... 3/Border
Awarded 3rd June, 1918.
TURNER, 2/Lt. Alfred Hartin ... ... ... 9(8) E. Surrey (55th T.M.B.)
ALBERT, 22nd August, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and good leadership during the
attack when in charge of a section of light trench mortars. He kept his guns in action for an
hour at zero under heavy shelling, and then took them forward, bringing them to bear on an
enemy machine-gun post, which he destroyed. Later he again moved them up and assisted
the front line troops, his initiative being of great assistance.
TURNER, Lieut. Harold Keynes ... ... ... ... 2/Shropshire L.I.
Awarded 1st January, 1916.