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Military Cross obtained by members of the Artists Rifles Corps since August 4th, 1914. UV

Artists Riles Roll of Honour

The Military Cross was instituted as a Decoration on December 28th, 1914, to reward Distinguished Services rendered by Officers of certain ranks in the army in time of war. Bars may be added for additional acts of gallantry. Since August 1st, 1918, it has, like the D.S.O., been awarded for "services in action" only. The Decoration consists of a Cross of Silver, having on each arm the Imperial Crown and bearing in the centre the Royal and Imperial Cypher. The ribbon is white with a purple stripe. Bars are indicated (in undress uniform) by small silver rosettes on the ribbon.

UMBERS, Lieut. John Ludford ... ... ... 4/Northumberland Fusiliers
Near ASIAGO, 15th June, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during an enemy attack. He was responsible for obtaining much valuable information concerning the enemy's movements throughout the day under heavy shell fire, and thus enabled the various situations to be dealt with rapidly and successfully. He did valuable service.

## V VANN, Capt. Bernard William ... ... ... ... 8/Notts & Derby
For conspicuous gallantry on several occasions : —
1. KEMMEL, 24th April, 1915. When a small advanced trench which he occupied was blown in, and he himself wounded. and half buried, he showed the greatest determination in organising the defence and rescuing buried men under heavy fire. Although wounded and severely bruised, he refused to leave his post till directly ordered to do so.
YPRES, 3ist July and subsequent days, he ably assisted another officer to hold the left trench of the line, setting a fine example to those around him. He was slightly wounded. On various occasions he has led patrols up to the enemy's trenches and obtained valuable information.

2. BLAIRVILLE, 21/22 September, 1916. He led a daring raid against the enemy's trenches, himself taking five prisoners and displaying great courage and determination. He has on many previous occasions done fine work.

VAUGHAN, Lieut. Edwin Stephen C. ... ... ... 8/Royal Warwick
LANDRECIES, 4th November, 1918. During the attack he displayed great courage and determination. In face of strong opposition he led his men forward to their objective, resulting in the capture of the bridge across the canal before the enemy could destroy it. Later, during the advance towards MAROILLES, 5/6 November, he again did good work.

VERGETTE, 2/Lt. George ... ... ... .-. ... ... R.F.A.
HEUDECOURT, 2ist March, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in action. When the battery wagon lines came under heavy shell and gas shell fire, he superintended their clearing under great difficulties owing to the casualties inflicted. He then went through a very heavy gas shell barrage and informed the battery of the new position of the wagon lines. Throughout the operations he set a fine example of grit and courage.

VERNON, 2/Lt. Cyril Harker ... ... ... ... ... 4/Welch
RAILWAY WOOD, 10th May, 1917. In spite of being subjected to very heavy fire he succeeded in destroying an enemy barricade. He was very severely wounded.

VINCENT, 2/Lt. Cecil Richard Causabon ... ... ... ... 18/London
Near BOURLON, 30th November, 1917. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He was in command of a company holding the line against an enemy attack, and showed the greatest courage and resource under heavy shell fire. He organised his command with great ability in critical circumstances, and set a fine example to his men.

Voss, 2/Lt. Gordon Philips ... ... ... ... ... Tank Corps
1. Awarded 1st January, 1917.

2. YPRES, 3ist July, 1917. He went forward with the attacking infantry to act as guide to the tanks. He rendered valuable service under heavy machine-gun fire to a tank which was put out of action. Though slightly wounded he continued his work, and under heavy fire helped three tanks back to their positions after the attack. His coolness and example under firehad a great effect on his men.

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