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Victoria Cross obtained by members of the Artists Rifles Corps since August 4th, 1914.

Artists Riles Roll of Honour

The Victoria Cross Decoration was instituted January 29th, 1856, for the purpose of signalising special individual acts of bravery. It may be conferred on any rank. The Badge consists of a Bronze Cross patee with the Royal Crown in the centre and underneath a scroll bearing the inscription "For Valour." The colour of the ribbon is red.

HALLOWES, 2/Lt. Rupert Price, M.C. 4/Middlesex

HOOGE, BELGIUM, between 25th September and ist October, 1915. For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty.

2/Lt. Hallowes displayed throughout these days the greatest bravery and untiring energy, and set a magnificent example to his men during four heavy and prolonged bombardments. On more than one occasion he climbed up on the parapet, utterly regardless of danger, in order to put fresh heart into his men. He made daring reconnaissances of the German positions in our lines. When the supply of bombs was running short he went back under heavy shell fire and brought up a fresh supply. Even after he was mortally wounded he continued to cheer those around him, and to inspire them with fresh courage.

[Reg. No. 1422. Gazetted sth April, 1915. Killed in action 3oth Sept., 1915]

FLEMING-SANDES, 2/Lt. Arthur James Terence 2/East Surrey

HOHENZOLLERN REDOUBT, FRANCE, September 29th, 1915. For most conspicuous bravery. 2/Lt. Fleming-Sandes was sent to command a company which at the time was in a very critical position. The troops on his right were retiring, and his own men, who were much shaken by continual bombing and machine-gun fire, were also beginning to retire, owing to shortage of bombs. Taking in the situation at a glance, he collected a few bombs, jumped on to the parapet in full view of the Germans, who were only twenty yards away, and threw them.

Although very severely wounded almost at once by a bomb, he struggled to his feet and continued to advance and throw bombs till he was again severely wounded. This most gallant act put new heart into his men, rallied them, and saved the situation. [Reg. No. 1482. Gazetted 9th May, 1915]

HELLISH, Capt. the Rev. Edward Noel ... Chaplain to the Forces (R.A.C.D.)
ST. ELOI, FRANCE, 27th to 29th March, 1916. For most conspicuous bravery. During heavy Sighting on three consecutive days he repeatedly went backwards and forwards under continuous and heavy shell and machine-gun fire, between our original trenches and those captured from the enemy, in order to tend and rescue wounded men. He brought in ten badly wounded men on the first day from ground swept by machine-gun fire and three were actually killed while he was dressing their wounds. The battalion to which he was attached was relieved on the second day, but he went back and brought in twelve more wounded men. On the night of the third day he took charge of a party of volunteers, and once more returned to the trenches to rescue the remaining wounded. This splendid work was quite voluntary on his part, and outside the scope of his ordinary duties.

[Gazetted 5th May, 1915

CATHER, Lieut. Geoffrey St. George Shillington ... Adjutant 9/Royal Irish Fusiliers
Near HAMEL, FRANCE, 1st July, 1916. For most conspicuous bravery. From 7 p.m. till midnight he searched " No Man's Land," and brought in three wounded men. Next morning at 8 a.m. he continued his search, brought in another wounded man, and gave water to others, arranging for their rescue later. Finally, at 10.30 a.m., he took out water to another man and was proceeding further on when he was himself killed. All this was carried out in full view of the enemy, and under direct machine-gun fire and intermittent artillery fire. He set a splendid example of courage and self-sacrifice. [Reg. No. 685. Gazetted 22nd May, 1915. Killed 2nd July, 1916]

BENNETT, Lieut. Eugene Paul, M.C. 2/Worcester

Near LE TRANSLOY, FRANCE, 5th November, 1916. For most conspicuous bravery in action when in command of the second wave of the attack. Finding that the first wave had suffered heavy casualties, its commander killed and the line wavering, Lieut. Bennett advanced at the head of the second wave, and by his personal example of valour and resolution reached his objective with but sixty men. Isolated with his small party, he at once took steps to consolidate his position under heavy rifle and machine-gun fire from both flanks, and, although wounded, he remained in command directing and controlling. He set an example of cheerfulness and resolution beyond all praise, and there is little doubt that but for his personal example of courage the attack would have been checked at the outset.

[Reg. No. 1253. Gazetted 1st January, 1915]

CATES, 2/Lt. George Edward ... ... ... ... 2/ Rifle Brigade

E. of BOUCHAVESNES, FRANCE, 8th March, 1917. For most conspicuous bravery and self- sacrifice. When engaged with some other men in deepening a captured trench, this officer struck with his spade a buried bomb, which immediately started to burn. 2/Lt. Cates, in order to save the lives of his comrades, placed his foot on the bomb, which immediately exploded. He showed the most conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in performing the act which cost him his life, but saved the lives of others.

[Reg. No. 3035. Gazetted 27th February, killed 9th March, 1917]

DEAN, Lieut. Donald John ... ... ... 8/Royal West Kent (T.F.)

N.W. of LENS, FRANCE, 24th to 26th September, 1918. For most conspicuous bravery, skilful command, and devotion to duty when holding, with his platoon, an advanced post established in a newly-captured enemy trench north-west of Lens. The left flank of the position was insecure, and ihe post, when taken over on the night of September 24th, was ill-prepared for defence. Shortly aiter the post was occupied the enemy attempted, without success, to recapture it. Under heavy machine-gun fire consolidation was continued, and shortly after midnight another determined enemy attack was driven off. Throughout the night Lieut. Dean woiked unceasingly with his men, and about 6 a.m. on September 25th a resolute enemy attack, supported by heavy shell and trench mortar fire, developed. Again, owing to the masterly handling of his command, Lieut. Dean repulsed the attack, causing heavy enemy casualties. Throughout the 25th and the night of September 25th-26th consolidation was continued under heavy fire, which culminated in intense artillery fire on the morning of the 26th, when the enemy again attacked and was finally repulsed with loss. Five times in all (thrice heavily) was this post attacked, and on each occasion the attack was driven back. Throughout the period, Lieut. Dean inspired his command with his own contempt of danger, and all fought with the greatest bravery . He set an example of valour, leadership and devotion to duty of the very highest order.

[Reg. No. 3692. Gazetted 4th October, 1916]

VANN, Lieut.-Col. Bernard William, M. C. & Bar; Croix-de-G. 8(6)Notts & Derby (T.F.)

BELLENGLISE, FRANCE, 29th September, 1918. For most conspicuous bravery, devotion to duty and fine leadership during the attack at Bellenglise and Lehaucourt. He led his battalion with great skill across the Canal du Nord through a very thick fog and under heavy fire from field and machine guns. On reaching the high ground above Bellenglise the whole attack was held up by fire of all descriptions from the front and right flank. Realising that everything depended on the advance going forward with the barrage, Lt.-Col. Vann rushed up to the firing line and with the greatest gallantry led the line forward. By his prompt action and absolute contempt for danger the whole situation was changed, the men were encouraged and the line swept forward. Later he rushed a field gun single-handed and knocked out three of the detachment. Tne success of the day was in no small degree due to the splendid gallantry and fine leadership displayed by this officer. Lt.-Col. Vann, who had on all occasions set the highest example of valour, was killed near Ramicourt four days later, when leading his battalion in attack.

[Reg. No. 1800. Gazetted 2nd Sept., 1914. Killed in action, 3rd Oct., 1918]

(11 times a casualty. ED.)