4TH Battalion, The London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) in the Great War 1914 - 1919
II. The 2 1 4th Battalion on the Northern Ridges
After the restricted success of the 16th August, the renewal of operations on a
large scale was inevitably postponed for some time through the continuance of
adverse weather conditions ; though in the north minor operations had the effect
of widening and deepening the breach in the German defences in the neighbourhood
of St Julien, combined with the capture of a good many prisoners. These local
advances carried the British positions forward east of the St Julien-Poelcapelle
Road and gave them a firm footing in the Gheluvelt-Langemarck line on both sides
of the Ypres-Staden Railway.
The withdrawal of some of the divisions which had been engaged in the battle
since the end of July being now necessary, the 58th Division was among the fresh
divisions which were sent north to take part in the next large attack.
On the 24th August the 2/4th Londons marched from Izel-les-Hameau to Aubigny
entraining for Hopoutre (Poperinghe), whence it marched to quarters in Dirty
Bucket Camp, one of a series of camps near Vlamertinghe. The Division now became
attached to the XVIII Corps (Maxse). The Battalion continued its training in the
new area, paying a good deal of attention to intensive digging and musketry, and
during the days spent in Dirty Bucket the company commanders and seconds in
command attended a course of instruction at the XVIII Corps School at
On the night of the 28th/29th August the 58th Division entered the trenches,
taking over with the 174th and 175th Brigades, the sector occupied by the 48th
Division east of St Julien, the frontage extending from the Hanebeek on the
right to the vicinity of Keerselare on the left. The sector was lightly held
with one battalion of each brigade in the outpost line, one battalion on the
Canal Bank and two in camps west of the Yser Canal.
The 173rd Brigade remained in Divisional reserve and continued training. The
2/4th Londons changed station on the last day of the month, moving to Browne
Camp, about four miles north-east of Poperinghe. Here a further week's training
was obtained, after which the whole of B Company spent four days at the Fifth
Army Musketry Camp near St Omer. Nothing worthy of record occurred during this
period except on the 1st September, when the transport lines were heavily
shelled causing casualties to 26 N.C.O.'s and men, of whom 1 died of wounds, and
to 13 horses, 8 being killed.
Reinforcements at this period included 2/Lieut. A. C. Knight (4th Londons) and
2/Lieut. W. D. Warren {19th Londons), and about 110 N.C.O.'s and men.
On the 9th September the 2/4th Londons moved forward to Reigersburg Camp,
between Brielen and the Canal, and on the llth-13th August the 173rd Brigade
took over the whole Divisional sector.
A warning order had now been issued as to the next attack which in view of the
markedly improved conditions of weather had been arranged for the 20th
September. The front of attack was more extended than on the 16th August, the
southern limit being the Ypres-Comines Canal near Hollebeke, and the
Ypres-Staden Railway north of Langemarck marking the northern extremity.
The success which had attended the enemy's resistance to our efforts to advance
in the Menin Road region had pointed to the necessity of modifying the methods
of attack. The successes obtained by the British Army on the Somme, at Arras and
at Messines, had caused the Germans to alter their mode of defence, and instead
of a strongly held trench line they now presented to our attacks a system of
concreted machine-gun posts (" pill-boxes " " or Mebus ") disposed in great
depth in front of their main line of resistance. This system supplied their
defence with the elasticity which had hitherto been lacking, and the pillboxes,
being sited with remarkable skill to develop the employment of enfilade fire to
the fullest extent, proved a very serious obstacle to British assaulting
columns, which frequently suffered severe casualties at their hands after making
a deep advance into the enemy defensive system. The pillboxes were, moreover, of
such enormously strong construction that nothing short of a direct hit by a
heavy shell could put them out of action. The effect of our severe artillery
preparation for attacks was therefore nullified, and the occupants of the
pillboxes could only be ejected as a rule by hand-to-hand fighting with bombs.
This new feature in the fighting called for prompt measures on the part of the
British, and henceforward no attempt was made as a rule to penetrate the enemy's
pillbox system as long as any risk existed of leaving any of these hornets'
nests undisposed of in rear of the advancing troops. In other words, the attacks
were arranged with objectives much more limited than formerly, while the
artillery paid more attention to the pillboxes, the ultimate capture of which
formed the task of special units detailed for the purpose.
The assault arranged for the 20th September was prepared on these revised lines,
and all ranks were impressed beforehand with the importance, not only of
locating enemy strong points quickly and rushing them before their occupants had
recovered from the British barrage, but also of methodical " mopping-up " and
consolidation of all ground gained.
From the 9th September onwards the work of preparation for the impending
offensive was pushed forward with all possible speed, the 2/4th Londons bearing
a heavy share of these necessary duties. For four of the five nights spent at
Reigersburg Camp a working party of the strength of two companies was engaged in
completing the advanced cable line trench, while on the last night, the 13th,
the whole Battalion less B Company (still at the Musketry Camp) was detailed for
carrying various sorts of R.E. material forward to advanced dumps in readiness
for consolidation of the position it was hoped to gain.
On the 14th the 2/4th Londons moved to a fresh position on the east side of the
Yser Canal, and for four nights following, the whole Battalion was engaged in
the desperate task of laying a duckboard track of double width in front of St
Julien, as far forward as possible in the direction of the enemy positions, with
the object of providing a means of communication in the forward -area, and of
reinforcing or relieving the advanced troops after the assault should have been
This week of continual working parties was most exhausting to all concerned. The
distance to be covered each night to and from the scene of the work was about
three and a half miles in each direction, and the labour of the march was
increased tenfold by the shocking condition of the ground, which was still
waterlogged, and, away from the defined tracks, nothing but a series of lakes
formed by shell craters full of water. Heavy as the cable line duties were
found, the laying of the duckboard track during the latter half of the week
proved still more onerous. Not only had the troops to march to St Julien from
the Canal Bank, but the duckboards which were drawn from a dump at Alberta Farm
had to be carried on the men's shoulders for some five hundred yards to the
starting-point of the track. Progress was slow through the heavy going and the
continual delays caused by German Very lights. Although some two hundred and
forty yards were laid during the four nights' work, and the track was carried
forty yards beyond our most advanced positions, the task was never completed.
The work was obviously fraught with considerable risk of serious casualties
owing to the large numbers of men employed, and in the circumstances the losses
incurred during the week were light ; 11 men being hit on the 11th, while on the
15th 2/Lieut. Carlisle was killed and 2/Lieut. Pike wounded, with 2 men killed
and 5 wounded.
On the night of the 18th the 2/4th Londons relieved the 2/3rd Londons in the
line, which was still held by isolated posts, and the following evening assembly
for the attack began at about 9 p.m.
The 55th Division front of attack was entirely north of the Hanebeek, a small
stream which runs almost due east from St Julien, the attack south of the stream
being undertaken by the 164th Brigade of the 55th Division. The 58th Divisional
front was taken up by the 173rd Brigade on the right with the 174th on its left,
the assaulting columns of the 173rd Brigade consisting of four companies, each
100 strong, of the 2/4th Londons. The 2/3rd Londons were in reserve to make a
dummy attack, with one company on the waterlogged portions of the front over
which no advance was possible.
The 2 /4th Londons' assembly position which was defined by tape lines laid down
by the adjutant, Capt. A. Grover, was on the line Janet Farm-Springfield, and
covered a front of some 800 yards. Almost in the centre of this front and some
400 yards from starting- point, lay a strongly fortified area around Winnipeg
cross-roads. To the right of the cross-roads the whole area as far as the
Hanebeek was waterlogged and impassable, while to the left a series of enemy
strong points, notably at the Cemetery and Spot Farm seemed likely to cause a
good deal of trouble to the attackers. The objective of the 2/4th Londons lay on
an undefined line running roughly north and south about 100 yards beyond
Winnipeg cross-roads. This marked the limit of the 173rd Brigade's task, though
the objective of the day lay about 500 yards further east, its principal feature
being a machine-gun nest in the Schuler Galleries in the vicinitv of the
Hanebeek. The further advance to this final objective was entrusted to the 164th
and 174th Brigades, who by a converging movement were to " squeeze out " the
2/4th Londons leaving them in occupation of what would become a line of
supporting posts at the end of the day.
Before the assembly a preliminary reconnaissance of the terrain was carried out
by the company commanders, and in connection with this Capt. Hetley writes :
I think all were impressed by the wonderful sight at Admirals Road. This
unsavoury road ran parallel to the front about 1500 yards or more to the rear of
St Julien and when passing over it on the duckboard track, there could be seen
guns in such large quantities that there seemed to be very little greater
interval than 150-200 yards between them in any direction — a really wonderful
contrast to April 1915, when the Lahore Division was on exactly the same spot.
On the evening of the 19th September Brigade Head-quarters were established at
Cheddar Villa, while the 2/4th Londons' Battle Headquarters opened in St Julien.
The assembly was conducted by Capt. Grover and Lieut. Seys (Intelligence
Officer) who were solely responsible for an operation which proved exceedingly
difficult owdng to the still heavy state of the ground. So bad was the mud that
men constantly sank to their knees, and in some cases touch could only be
maintained by tying the men of each section together with tapes. In spite of
these difficulties the 400 men were in position by 3 a.m. on the 20th without a
hitch, and with practically no casualties, although the most advanced platoons
were within 150 yards of the enemy positions. The assembly completed, the 2/3rd
Londons who were holding the line withdrew a short distance to the rear.
The assault was delivered at 5.40 a.m. under cover of an intense creeping
barrage wdiich proved to be excellent, and companies moved off in good order in
the half light close up to the barrage. The companies were disposed as follow^s
: on the right A Company (S. Davis) with two platoons and Headquarters of D
Company (Stark) attached ; in the centre B Company (Hetley) ; and on the left C
Company (Hewlett) with two platoons of D Company attached.
The principal resistance, as had been anticipated, was encountered in the
neighbourhood of Winnipeg cross-roads, and at a pillbox which lay between them
and the cemetery. This was most gallantly captured single-handed by Pte. Bolton,
A Company, who bayonetted three of the occupants and captured the remainder
consisting of an officer and three men. A slight check at the cross-roads
produced a further small bag of prisoners, sixteen in number, of whom one w^as
an officer. On the left the chief opposition was encountered at a pillbox some
300 yards east of Springfield which was holding up the advance of C Company and
of the 174th Brigade on the left. 2/Lieut. F. W. Walker, quickly grasping the
situation, outflanked the position with six men, and succeeded in rushing it,
capturing two machine-guns and twenty men who were sent back under escort.
Walker and the rest of his party at once pushing on to the objective where touch
was gained with the 174th Brigade. Within half an hour the 2/4th Londons were
established on their objective, the consolidation of which was promptly put in
hand, while the flank brigades after a pause of half an hour pressed forward to
their final objectives in accordance with the plan of attack.
The complete success of this operation was undoubtedly due to the careful
provision which had been made in advance for the capture of strong points by
specially detailed units who thus ensured the efficient " mopping-up " of all
ground captured, while enabling the remainder of the assaulting column to keep
well up to the barrage.
Owing to the known strength of Schuler Farm in the final objective, special
arrangements had been made for the attack of this point, in conjunction with the
164th Brigade, by a strong platoon of D Company 2/4th Londons with which two
tanks were to co-operate in an outflanking movement from the north. The earliest
reports from this region indicated that the attack had been successful, but
subsequent information made it clear that the first attack failed, partly owing
to the non-arrival of the tanks which stuck fast in the mud, and partly owing to
unexpected resistance met with at a machine-gun post some 150 yards in advance
of the farm. The capture of this post, which produced 16 prisoners and 2 guns,
cost the lives of 2/Lieut. Warren and the whole platoon except Sergt. Watson and
6 men. The delay caused, moreover, was serious, and by the time the survivors of
the platoon were able to continue their advance, the barrage had passed beyond
Schuler Farm. Sergt. Watson, being of opinion that the strength of his party was
insufficient to justify an attack on the main position, sent back his prisoners
and established himself with the captured machine-guns at a point about 250
yards south-east of Winnipeg cross-roads. The shell fire of the enemy during the
advance and subsequent to the Battalion reaching its objective had been severe,
and by this time not more than 100 rifles of the 2/4th Londons remained
effective. Arrangements M'ere therefore made to stiffen its line with one
company of the 2/3rd Londons. A further attack on Schuler Farm, to be undertaken
by the 2 /3rd Londons, was organised for daybreak on the 21st.
At about three o'clock in the afternoon the enemy was observed to be advancing
in fours against the brigade on our right, and the artillery was immediately
called into action. In spite of heavy losses, however, the enemy continued to
advance with praiseworthy courage until they deployed, when their morale
appeared to break and their ranks rapidly melted under our shell fire.
During the remainder of the day a good deal of annoyance was caused by the
continued sniping from Schuler Farm, of which the Germans remained in
possession, but no further counter-attack developed on our front, and night fell
with the 2/4th Londons' position intact. The casualties already suffered had
been heavy, and three company commanders, Hewlett, Stark and Davis, had
unluckily been hit, though the last was able to remain with his company until
after relief the following evening, when having been wounded a second time he
was evacuated.
The attack of the platoon of the 2/3rd Londons under 2/Lieut. Middlemiss on the
21st was postponed for further reconnaissance, in the course of which Middlemiss
observed the garrison of Schuler Farm surrender to men of the 164th Brigade.
Believing the situation to be clear he proceeded along the road, but was hit by
fire from a post by the Hanebeek near that established by Sergt. Watson.
Middlemiss' report, which was the first information obtained of the fall of
Schuler Farm, caused the alteration of his platoon's objective to the pillbox
from which he had been hit, but in the evening this was found to have been
evacuated by its garrison, so that the whole position was now in our hands.
During the evening of the 21st violent counter-attacks under cover of intense
bombardments were delivered against the 164th and 174th Brigade sectors, but
these were dispersed, and the 2 /4th Londons did not come into action though
their newlj'^-dug trenches were almost obliterated by the German shell fire and
many more casualties occurred.
At 9 p.m. on the 21st, the 2/4th Londons handed over their position, intact at
all points, to the 2/9th Londons, and withdrew across the Yser Canal to Dambre
Camp, where they remained training and reorganising for some days.
This was the most completely successful operation in which the 2 /4th Battalion
had hitherto taken part, and indeed all along the line of the Fifth Army attack
the new methods v/hich have been described met with marked success.
The outstanding achievements of the day were those of 2/Lieut. Walker, Sergt.
Watson and Pte. Bolton, of which some description has already been given, but
reference should also be made to the excellent work of Capt. S. Davis, whose
clear grasp of situations and the accurate and complete information with which
he kept Headquarters constantly supplied, were of great value ; of Pte. Austin,
runner of A Company, who passed backwards and forwards several times with
important messages through intense barrages ; of Pte. Bull, the only surviving
stretcher-bearer of A Company, who displayed the greatest coolness and devotion
in tending wounded men under heavy fire ; and Lieut. Altounjan, the medical
officer, whose services were of the utmost value and carried out under
exceedingly trying conditions.
Mention should also be made of Pte. Anthony of the Battalion Signallers who from
an advanced point in the line established visual communication with Brigade
Head-quarters, his station subsequently proving of great value to the supporting
On the evening of the 19th Brig.-Gen. Freyberg, V.C., D.S.O., was seriously hit
on his way to Battle Head-quarters at Cheddar Villa ; but he insisted on
remaining at duty, and directed operations from his stretcher, though wounded in
ten places, until after news of the complete capture of the objective was
received the next day, when his removal was insisted upon by the A.D.M.S. who
came forward to fetch him. Command of the Brigade was taken temporarily by
Lieut. -Col. Dann, D.S.O.
The following decorations were awarded after this action : 2/Lieut. F. W.
Walker, the D.S.O. ; Capts. A. Grover and S. Davis, and Lieut. E. H. R.
Altounyan, the M.C. ; Sergt. Watson, Ptes. Bolton, Austin, Anthony and Bull, the
D.C.M. ; and Sergts. H. O. Wilderspin and F. W. Yandle, Ptes. J. W. Ling and A.
Westcott, the M.M.
The casualties sustained during the action included :
2/Lieuts. H. N. Bundle, E. R. Seabury and W. D. Warren, killed ; 2/Lieut. F. B.
Burd, died of wounds ; Capts. W. A. Stark, H. A. T. Hewlett and S. Davis, M.C,
2/Lieuts. D. S. Boorman, M. C. (at duty), A. J. Angel, W. F. Vines and A. C.
Knight, wounded ; and 60 N.C.O.'s and men killed, 176 wounded and 29 missing.
The 58th Division remained in line after this attack, and on the 26th September
took part in the third general attack which was delivered by the Second and
Fifth Armies on a front of some six miles, of which the northern limit was the
Divisional sector. The attack was delivered by the 175th Brigade and a further
considerable success gained, the Divisional front having been carried forward in
the operations since the 19th a total distance of about 1600 yards.
On the 27th September, the 2/4th Londons moved to Brake Camp, in the
Vlamertinghe area. Two days were occupied in training here, during which the
area in which the Battalion was located suffered on the night of the 28th/29th
September the most prolonged and serious bombing by enemy aircraft it ever
experienced, the bombardment lasting without cessation from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Fortunately no casualties were sustained.
At Brake Camp the following joined the Battalion :
Capt. R. C. Dickins.
2/Lieuts. C. C. Gibbs, D. G. Spring, F. J. Jones, E. G. Gardner and A. W. Dodds
(21st Londons) ; and 2/Lieut. S. J. Richardson (7th Londons).
2.50 N.C.O.'s and men.
Further casualties during September included Lieut., C. Potter and 2/Lieuts. O.
H. Mattison and J. McDonald, to hospital.
2/Lieut. Cook was appointed to the 173rd L.T.M. Battery.
On the 30th September the 58th Division was withdrawn from the line and
concentrated as Corps reserve for rest in the Nordausques area (eight miles
north-west of St Omer), and the 2/4th Londons moved by rail from Vlamertinghe to
Zouafques where they went into billets on the 1st October. The train was
followed and bombed during the journey by German airmen, 1 sergeant and 2 men
being killed.
During the period of the 58th Division's withdrawal from the line the offensive
was pressed forward under adverse conditions of weather. The season was now
becoming advanced and the condition of the ground offered a far greater obstacle
to our progress than the enemy's resistance. Probably no series of battles of
the whole war was waged under such persistently adverse conditions, or imposed a
greater physical strain on the attacking troops. In every direction the salient
was by now a series of " shell hole lakes " the ground being waterlogged and the
mud more glutinous than ever. An increasing number of casualties to men and
beasts occurred through drowning in the shell holes of this ghastly
shell-battered inferno, but though the whole forces of the elements seemed to be
arrayed against us, advances of enormous importance were achieved during the
early part of October, as a result of which the Allied positions were pushed
forward to the outskirts of Houthulst Forest, to the east of Poelcapelle and to
within 2000 yards of Passchendaele.
The prolonged continuance of active operations was obviously becoming
increasingly difficult, but G.H.Q. was impelled to pursue the course of this
dreary offensive partly by reason of the serious situation caused on the Italian
front by the defeat of Caporetto at the end of October, and partly by the need
of containing as many German divisions as possible during the preparations for
the Cambrai battle, which were not yet complete.
The 2/4th Londons remained at Zouafques training and reorganising for over three
weeks. Several drafts were received from the Base, which together made the
considerable addition of 244 N.C.O.'s and men to the Battalion strength, thus
bringing it above its numbers prior to the action of the 20th September.
On the 15th October the Battalion was joined by 2/Lieut. H. G. Langton ; and by
2/Lieuts. H. A. Snell, J. R. Naylor and R. J. Richards (1st Londons). During
this period also 2/Lieuts. H. E. English and C. C. H. Clifford were evacuated
sick. Capt. S. H. Stedman was posted to the 173rd Brigade Labour Company at
On the 23rd October the 2/4th Londons returned by train to the Vlamertinghe area
and took over quarters in Siege Camp, moving the following day to the
concentration area on the canal bank, whence the battle surplus under 2/Lieut.
Askham left the Battalion for the Divisional Depot Battalion.
On the 25th October, Major W. A. Nunneley, second in command of the Battalion
since July 1916, fell sick and was evacuated to hospital, his duties being taken
over by the adjutant, Capt. A. Grover, M.C. Major Nunneley was subsequently
appointed to command the German officers' Prisoners of War Camp at Donington
Hall. Capt. Grover, M.C, was succeeded in the Adjutancy by Lieut. F. W. Walker,
D.S.O. On the 22nd 2/Lieut D. G. Spring was seconded to the XX Corps School as
The operation in which the 173rd Brigade was detailed to take part was arranged
for the 26th October, and consisted of an attack on a frontage from the Ypres-Roulers
Railway (south of Passchendaele) to beyond Poelcapelle. The task of the 173rd
Brigade, who were flanked on the right by the 63rd (Royal Naval) Division and on
the left by the 57th Division, was to carry forward the British line east of
Poelcapelle for some 700 yards in a due easterly direction astride the
Poelcapelle- Westroosebeeke Road. The Divisional frontage was some 1800 yards in
length, and bounded on the north by the Poelcapelle-Staden Road and on the south
by the Lekkerbotebeek.
The assaulting troops were provided by the 2/2nd, 2/3rd and 2/4th Londons, while
the 2/lst Londons were in Brigade reserve, with two battalions of the 174th
Brigade concentrated in the old German trench system near St Julien, also at the
disposal of the 173rd Brigade.
The first objective, which was on the line Spider Cross-roads-Moray House, was
to be taken by the 2/2nd and 2/3rd Battalions, while after a pause of 45
minutes, the 2/4th Londons were to " leapfrog " through them on to the second
and final objective.
As in the September action, particular preparation was made for the assault of
all known pillboxes by special parties, and the system of posts to be
established by each company was carefully and definitely decided beforehand. The
whole strength of the Battalion was necessary to cover the wide frontage
allotted to it, the order of battle from the right being D Company (C. A.
Clarke), C Company (Boorman), B Company (Hetley) and A Company (Dickins). In
addition to the stipulated frontage the Battalion was also held responsible for
some 200 yards of waterlogged ground near the Lekkerbotebeek on its right, over
which touch with the 63rd Division could not be actively maintained.
The attack was to be delivered under a creeping barrage supported by heavy guns,
machine-guns and smoke barrages, w^hile look-out for enemy counter-attacks was
to be maintained by aeroplanes.
On the morning of the 25th the 2/4th Londons left Siege Camp in battle order and
moved forward to positions in the original front German system where they
remained until the afternoon. At 3 p.m. the forward move was resumed, and the
Battalion was com.pletely assembled in its allotted area immediately east of
Poelcapelle by 10.15 p.m., Battalion Headquarters being established at Gloster
The weather had for some days past sho^^Tl a marked improvement, and the ground
over which the advance w^as to be made was reported to be drying fast. But our
much-tried troops could not escape their usual fate in the matter of weather,
for on the night of the 25th rain fell pitilessly once more, filling up the
shell holes, liquefying the mud and drenching everyone to the skin. All movement
was rendered a matter of extraordinary difficulty, and when the time for the
attack arrived the assaulting columns could scarcely drag themselves forward.
The British front line being composed of a line of unconnected posts, the actual
" jumping-off " line was defined by tapes which made it essential to attack
before daybreak. At 5.30 a.m. the British barrage came doAMi, and the 2/2nd and
2/3rd Battalions followed by the 2/4th began their laborious advance. The
barrage was disappointing, for not only was it not as well distributed as on
former occasions, but, having regard to the state of the ground, it advanced far
too quickly so that the assaulting troops were soon left far behind.
The 2/2nd Londons were succeesful in capturing four pillboxes of which three
were at Cameron Houses, about half-way to the first objective, while the 2/3rd
Londons on the left pushed forward to what was at the time believed to be Spider
cross-roads, but was probably a less important road junction some 250 yards
short of it. The line of this cross-road and Cameron Houses was, however, the
limit of the advance, which was unsupported on the left owing to the adjoining
division on that flank having been held up. The only post taken by the 2/4th
Londons was Tracas Farm on the extreme right.
The men were now thoroughly exhausted by their efforts, and were practically
defenceless as the mud had choked rifles and Lewis guns, and rendered them
temporarily useless. Indeed, for over half an hour the Battalion possessed
hardly a single rifle which could be fired. At this juncture the cnem.y
counter-attacked in great force both at Cameron Houses and on the unsupported
left flank, and his attack, as was to be expected in the circumstances, was
successful, and our troops were driven back with severe loss to the assembly
line where the enemy's advance was finally held.
After their rough handling of the morning it was clear that the attacking
battalions could not pursue the offensive or remain in the line, and
arrangements were accordingly made for their relief, on the south of the
Poelcapelle-Westroousebeek Road by the 2/lst Londons and on the north of it by
the 2/7th Londons, The rehef was completed by 10.15 p.m., and the 2/4th Londons
returned to Siege Camp.
In other parts of the line greater success was achieved this day, notably in the
vicinity of Passchendaele where the Canadians captured all their objectives, and
on the extreme left in the area held by the French.
The 26th October must be regarded as one of the most unfortunate days ever
experienced by the 2/4th Londons. The gallantry of officers, N.C.O.'s and men
alike left nothing to be desired, and their defeat was at the hands of the
elements far more than of the Germans. So bad indeed was the state of the ground
that not a few men becoming stuck in the mud and exhausted by their efforts to
extricate themselves, met their death by drowning in the flooded shell holes.
For their good work on this day decorations were awarded to Capt. C. A. Clarke
(the M.C.) and Pte C. H. W. Roberts (the D.C.M.).
The casualties sustained in this unfortunate affair were in officers : 2/Lieuts.
F. J. Jones, H. G. Langton and J. R. Naylor, killed ; 2/Lieut. R. J. Richards,
died of wounds ; Capts. R. C. Dickins and D. S. Boorman, M.C, 2/Lieuts. G. E.
Lester, R. Michell, H. A. Snell and A. W. Dodds, wounded ; and in N.C.O.'s and
men 25 killed, 214 wounded and 109 missing — a total of 359 all ranks. This was
the most costly single day in the history of the 2/4th Battalion.
The 2/4th Londons spent five days at Brake Camp cleaning up, resting and
reorganising, moving on the 1st November to Roads Camp, and on the following day
to St Jans-ter-biezen, about four miles west of Poperinghe. The Battalion was
now reduced to an organisation of one company for fighting purposes, pending the
arrival of further reinforcements to fill the gaps created on the 26th October.
On the 6th November a further move was made to P Camp near Peselhoek, north of
Poperinghe, and here the Battalion remained for eight days, all of which were
occupied in training except for three working parties of 100 N.C.O.'s and men
under Capt. Hetley who proceeded to Gwent Farm for stretcher-bearing duties.
A further attempt was made by the 175th Brigade on the 30th October to complete
the unfulfilled task of the 26th, but again the state of the ground rendered the
operation abortive. On the higher ground, however, Canadian troops again
achieved some success, and by the 6th November had captured Passchendaele.
Thus was this stupendous offensive brought to a close. It had been maintained
for three and a half months under conditions of unprecedented difficulty, and at
enormous cost in personnel. Having regard to the obstacles which were
encountered at every step the achievement was magnificent, and had served a
definite purpose in the War, not only by securing positions on the high ground
for the winter, but also by assisting our French and Italian Allies at a period
when, especially in the case of the latter, any operation which could relieve
the pressure on their front was of vital importance.
On the 15th November the Division was concentrated in Corps reserve, and the
2/4th Londons moved to Piccadilly Camp in the Proven area.
The 2/4th Londons now spent a prolonged period out of the battle area ;
occupying billets successively, after leaving Piccadilly Camp, at Coulemby on
the 26th November, at Bellebrune and Cremarest (about twelve miles west of St
Omer) from the 27th November to the 9th December, and at Soult Camp near Brielen,
to which the Battalion moved on the last-mentioned date in anticipation of
returning to the trenches.
This period of training passed with the usual routine of " back-of-the-line "
training in drill, musketry, bombing, route marching and games, interspersed
with highly welcome entertainments given by the Divisional concert troop " The
Goods." Advantage was taken of the time spent in rest to refill the gaps in the
Battalion's ranks, and an excellent opportunity was afforded of assimilating the
newly-received drafts as they arrived and before they were called upon to go
into action. These drafts totalled 213 N.C.O.'s and men, but even with this
accession of strength the 2/4th Londons still remained considerably weaker than
prior to the recent action.
Officer reinforcements were more numerous in proportion, and included :
Lieuts. H. J. M. Williams and G. E. Lester.
2/Lieuts. R. W. Chamberlain, E. P. Higgs and L. H. Sheppard.
2/Lient. F. B. Johnson (13th Londons).
Lieut. F. J. Griffiths, 2/Lieuts. F. E. Norrish, F. G. Williams, W. H. G. Newman
and W. Blair (20th Londons).
2/Lieuts. S, H. Jehu and J. R. Peryer (21st Londons).
Lieut. O. A. Sampson (25th Londons).
Lieuts. E. R. Howden and J. Cairns (A.S.C.).
On the 16th/17th December the 173rd Brigade took over the whole Divisional
sector, which constituted the left of the II Corps front, from the
Lekkerbotebeeke on the right to the Broemibeek, a small stream close to the
Ypres-Staden Railway on the left. The Corps line was in practically the same
position as on the occasion of the Battalion's last visit to this area, and ran
roughly north and south in front of Poelcapelle, and about 500 yards east of the
Poelcapelle -Houthulst Road. The front line, which was occupied in a series of
isolated shell hole posts, which were being strengthened and linked up to each
other as opportunity offered, was held b}^ two battalions, with support
battalions in the captured German trenches around Langemarck and Pilckem.
The 2/4th Battalion took over from the 2/lOth Londons the left support position
in Eagle and Candle Trenches on the 16th December, thus covering a depth of
about 3500 yards. The ground between the forward and rear companies was a
quagmire of battered trenches, and work was immediately necessary to attempt to
reduce the chaos of the defensive system to something approaching cohesion.
After five quiet days in these positions the Battalion moved forward to the left
front positions, relieving the 2/3rd Londons on the 20th December with three
companies in line and one in support. Headquarters were at Louis Farm.
With the exception of an attack against our left company which was attempted
under a severe barrage on the afternoon of the 22nd, and which was effectually
dispersed. the tour passed quietly and the Battalion was reHeved on the 24th
December by the 2/lOth Londons, and concentrated at Battle Siding (Brielen),
entraining there for Elverdinghe. Casualties were 2/Lieut. Jehu and 10 N.C.O.'s
and men wounded and shell-shocked.
A week at Bridge No. 1 Camp, occupied for the most part in training and bathing,
was enlivened by the Christmas festivities, for which such provision as was
possible had been made, the outstanding feature being the production by " The
Goods " of their famous pantomime, " The Babes in the Wood," which proved an
immediate and enormous success.
New Year's Day 1918 found the Battalion once more in left support positions in
Whitemill, Eagle, Bear and Candle Trenches, with Headquarters in dugouts at
Lange-marck which rejoiced in the name of Pig and Whistle. Five days of peaceful
trench work here were succeeded by an uneventful tour in the front line
positions, and on the 8th January the Battalion handed over its trenches to the
17th Lancashire Fusiliers preparatory to the withdrawal of the whole Division.
Concentrating on relief at Bridge No. 1 Camp the Battalion moved the following
day to School Camp, Proven, where a few days' rest was obtained. The G.O.C. II
Corps here presented ribands to those who had recently been decorated.
Officer reinforcements at this period were :
27th December — 2/Liex^ts. P. J. Payne, N. A. Brown and V. O. Prince.
10th January— 2/Lieuts. S. F. G. Mears, E. M. Cuthbertson, S. C. Geering and G.
0. Ewing.
Early in January Lieut. D. C. Cooke went to hospital and the medical officer,
Lieut. Altounyan, M.C. (wounded), was replaced by Lieut. C. E. Dunaway, U.S.
On the 21st January the 2 /4th Londons finally left the Ypres area after nearly
five months of hard work in it, and the 58th Division was transferred to the III
Corps (Pulteney) in the Fifth Army which had now removed to the extreme south of
the British lines.
In recognition of their good work in these actions, all " other ranks " of the
Battalion were subsequently granted permission to wear a small grenade — similar
to that worn as a cap badge, but smaller — on the corners of the tunic collar.
This closes the regiment's connection with the Ypres Salient, the scene of so
much hardship and suffering, but at the same time of so much gallantry and
devoton to duty. Ypres occupies a position in the estimation of the Empire which
is challenged by no place in which British troops served in the War ; and it
must be for ever a source of pride to the regiment that it was privileged to
take part in the second and third battles for its liberation from the Germans.