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4TH Battalion, The London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers)


I. MOBILISATION — Departure Overseas . . 1

II. The 1/4TH Battalion in Malta — Formation OF the 2/4th Battalion

III. The 1/4TH Battalion in France — Operations AT Neuve Chapelle

IV. The 1/4th Battalion in the Second Battle of Ypres, 1915 .

V. Operations during the Summer of 1915 .

VI. The 1/4th Battalion in the 47th Division.

VII. The 2/4TH Battalion in Malta, Gallipoli Peninsula and Southern Egypt .

VIII. The 3/4TH and 4/4th Battalions at Home.

IX. The Formation of the 56th Division. 1916

X. The 1/4th Battalion in the Battles of the SOMME, 1916 — I. The Attack on Gommecourt.

XI. The 1/4TH Battalion in the Battles of  the SOMME, 1916 — II. The Battles of September and October .

XII. The 1/4TH Battalion during the Winter 1916/17

XIII. The 2/4th Battalion in France — German Retirement from the Somme

XIV. The 1/4th Battalion in the Battles of Arras, 1917

XV. The 2/4th Battalion in the Battles for Bullecourt, 1917.

XVI. The Third Battle of Ypres, 1917—1. The 1/4 Battalion on the Menin Road 

XVII. The Third Battle of Ypres, 1917—11. The 2/4 Battalion on the Northern Ridges

XVIII. The 1/4th Battalion in the Battle of Cambrai, 1917

XIX. The 1/4th Battalion, Winter 1917/18— The Reserve Battalion 1916/17

XX. The 2/4th Battalion in the Second Battle of the Somme, 1918 .

XXI. The 1/4th Battalion in the Defence of Arras, 1918

XXII. The 1/4th and 2/4th Battalions during the Summer Months of 1918 — The Reserve Battalion, 1918

XXIII. The Final Advance — I. The 2/4th Battalion in the Battles of Amiens and Bapaume, 1918 

XXIV. The Final Advance — II. The 1/4th Battalion IN THE Battle of Bapaume, 1918

XXV. The Final Advance— III. The 1/4th Battalion in the Battles of Cambrai AND the Sambre, 1918 .

I. Malta . 

II. Honours and Decorations .

HI. The Reconstruction of the 4th London

Regiment in 1920 .