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London University - Officers Training Corps - C.

London University - Officers Training Corps  index

This Roll of War Service records the names and other particulars of officers and former officers and former cadets of the University of London Officers Training Corps who rendered commissioned service in the War between the dates 5th August 1914 and 11th November 1918 (Armistice).

Former Cadets - C:

Cleall, Capt. Percy Cawdell, Essex R. and Spec. Lists : B.A., Birkbeck College & King's College ? F. June to August 18 (prisoner of War).
Clegg, Lt. Edwin Alfred, R.A.M.C. : Middlesex Hospital ? North Sea H.M.S. Ardent November 14 to June 15 (invalid).
Clegg, Lt. Frank, S. Lan. R. : Goldsmiths' College
Clement, 2nd Lt. Hubert Arnold, R. Highrs. : City & Guilds College ? F. April to July 16 (wounded twice) and April to May 17 : mentioned in despatches.
Clements, Lt. Reginald Francis, R. Suss. R. : Birkbeck College ? F. as private November i5toMarch 16 and as officer December i7to August 18 : M.C.
Clementson, 2nd Lt. Clarence George, Lab. Corps.
Cleveland- Stevens, Lt. Cdr. WiUiam Cleveland, R.N.V.R. ? Anti-Submarine work on W. Coast January to March 15 ; H.M.S. New Zealand March 15 to May 17 ; Jutland : mentioned in despatches.
Clewer, Capt. Donald, Spec. Lists (Dent. Surg.) : Guy's Hospital ? F. September 16 to January 20 : mentioned in despatches.
Click, Lt. Frank Evan, M.G. Corps: B.A,, University College ? wounded and invalid
Click, Lt. Thomas James, M.G. Corps : B.A,, King's College ? F. June 16 to March 18 (wounded) and September 18 to January 19 : mentioned in despatches.
Clifford, Capt. Reginald Charles, I.M.S. : St. Bart's Hospital ? Mesopotamia (prisoner of War) : D.S.O. ; M.C. ; mentioned in despatches and W.O. Communiques (twice).
Clifford- Smith, 2nd Lt. Harold Charles, R. Berks. R. : Charing Cross Hospital ? F. June to September 15 ; wounded and invalid
Clinton, Lt. Arnold Cadman, R.A.F. : Battersea Polytechnic ? F. April to May 18 (wounded).
Clive, Capt. John Horace, London Regiment & R.A.F. ? F. April 15 to October 16 ; mentioned in despatches.
Cloake, 2nd Lt. C. S. {see under " Officers and Former Officers ").
Cloutman, Maj. Brett Mackay, R.E. : B.A. ? F. July to November 17 and April to November 18 ; Italy November 17 to April 18 : V.C. ; M.C.
Cloutman, Lt. Wolfred Reeve, R.E. : R. School of Mines ? F. to August 15 : mentioned in despatches (twice).
Clulow, Lt. Frederic Stanley, Gen. List : B.Sc, Royal College of Science
Clutterbuck, Lt. Thomas, R.G.A. : City & Guilds College ? F. September 17 to March 19.
Coate, 2nd Lt. Alfred Melbourne, R.F.A. : City & Guilds College ? F. July to August 18.
Coates, Capt. John, York. R. ? F. 16 to 19.
Coats, 2nd Lt. William Evans, R. Scots. ? F. April 16 to October 17.
Cobb, Surg.-Lt. Charles Eric, R.N. : St. Thomas's Hospital
Cobb, Maj. Maurice Lake, R.E. : University College* F. August 15 to February 19 ; wounded September 17 : M.C. ; mentioned in despatches (twice).
Cochrane, Lt. Gerald Henry Theophilus, Mon. R. : King's College
Cockayne, Surg.-Lt. Alan Andreas, R.N. : St. Thomas's Hospital ? D.S.C.
Cockran, 2nd Lt. WiUiam Bourke, W. Rid R. ? home service
Codling, Lt. Alfred John, R.E. & Staff. ? F. January to November 18 : M.C.
Coe, Capt. Walter Ernest, R.A.M.C. : King's College & Guy's Hospital* F. July 15 to February 19 : Order of St. John of Jerusalem.
CoGGiN, Lt. Percy Henry Gordon, S. Staff. R. ? Gallipoli June to December 15 ; Egypt January to April 16 ; Salonika May to September 16 (wounded).
Cohen, Lt. (A/Capt.) Arthur Evelyn, R.G.A. : B.A., East London College & University College ? F. September 16 to November 17 ; Italy November 17 to April 19.
Cohen, Capt. Charles Benjamin, R.A.M.C. : B.A., Camb. ; St. Thomas's Hospital ? F. April to September 18.
Cohen, Lt. Cyril Daniel, W. York. R. ? GaUipoli and Egypt August 15 to June 16 ; Palestine and Egypt April 18 to March 19 : mentioned in W.O.
Cohen, 2nd Lt, Hyman, R.A.F. : B.Sc, East London College
Cohen, 2nd Lt. JuUus, Suff. R. : St. Mary's Hospital ? India February to August 18.
Cohen, Lt. Morris, R.A.F. : B.Sc, East London College
Cohen, Lt. Stanley Braham, R.A.S.C. ? Italy and F.
Colborne, Surg.-Lt. WiUiam John, R.N. : Charing Cross Hospital
Coldwell, Surg.-Lt. Walter Herbert, R.N. : M.B., B.S., Westminster Hospital
Cole, Lt, Cecil Archibald, York. R. ? Egypt and Palestine January 17 to April 18 ; F.'April 18.
Cole, Capt. Stanley Court, R. Scots : B.A., Birkbeck College ? Gallipoli December 15 to Feb, 16 ; Egypt and Cyprus Feb, 16 to March 18.
Coleman, Lt, John Charles, M.G. Corps : R. Vet. College
Coleman, Capt. Reginald Ernest, Middlesex R. ? India and N.W. Frontier November 14 to September 17 ; Mesopotamia September 17 to April 19 : O.B.E. ; mentioned in despatches (twice).
Coleridge, Capt. Sidney Keith, R. War. R. : B.A., King's College* F. as private 14 and later as officer till October 19 ; Italy (10 mos.).
Coles, Capt. William Edward Kyte, R.A.M.C. : M.B., B.S.. University College Hospital
Coles, Rev. William Francis Joseph George, C/F. : King's College ? F. June to November 16 and June to May 19 ; Salonika November 16 to June 17 ; Palestine June 17 to June 18.
Coley, 2nd Lt. William John, Dorset. R. : King's College ? F. May to July 16.
Collen, Maj. Frank Dudley, Notts. & Derby. R. ? F. January 16 to May 19 ; wounded three times : M.C.
Colley, 2nd Lt. Arthur Stanley, R.A.F. : King's College
Collie, Fit. Lt. Arnold Edgar, R.A.F. : M.A., Camb. ; Middlesex Hospital
Collier, Capt. Edwin, New Armies : Battersea Polytechnic ? F. October 15 to July 16 (wounded and invalid) ; E. Africa May 17 to March 19.
Collier, Lt. Frank Jackson, R.E. : B.Sc, King's College
Collier, Maj. Godfrey William, London Regiment : University College ? Egyptian E.F. : M.C. ; mentioned in despatches.
Collier, Lt. Henry Neilssen, S. Staff. R.& M.G. Corps : Birkbeck College ? F. May to Aug, 16 (wounded) and May 18 to Jan, 19,
Collings, Surg, Lt. Bernard Stanley, R.N. : University College ? F. attd. French Red Cross ; Grand Fleet and Dover Patrol ; Zeebrugge and Ostend : mentioned in despatches.
Collings, Lt. William Norman, North 'd Fus. : Northampton Poly, ? F. Mch, to Sept, 16 (invalid) ; April 17 (wounded and invalid) and August to October 18.
Collins, Lt. Albert Edward Victor, M.G. Corps.
Collins, Lt. Arthur Frederick, New Armies & R.E, : B.Sc, Birkbeck College ? F. May to Sept, 16 (wounded); Egyptian E,F. September 17 to February 19.
Collins, Lt. Samuel Herbert, York. R. ? wounded and invalid
Collins, Capt. Thomas William, Middlesex R. & Staff.: Lond. School of Econ, ? F, March i6 to October 19 ; wounded March 18.
Collins, Lt. Walter Edmund, Lan.Fus.*F. September 15 to May 17 (wounded) and August to October 17 (wounded and invalid) : mentioned in despatches.
Collinson, 2nd Lt. WilHam Edward, R.W. Fus. : M.A., Lond,, Ph.D., Heidelberg ; University College* Seed, to Naval Intelligence, abroad on two occasions.
Colthurst, Capt. Richard St. John Jefferyes, London Regiment ? home service
Comeau, Rev. Percival, C/F : King's College
Compston, Capt, George Dean, R.A.M.C: Middlesex Hospital ? Mesopotamia.
Compston, Lt. Paul, I. A.
Compton, 2nd Lt. Neville George, Wore. R, : R, Dent, Hospital & Middlesex Hospital ? Gallipoli September 15 to January 16 ; Egypt January 16 ; Mesopotamia March to April 16. Com, 2nd Lt. Eric Charles, R.GA. ? F. September i8 to Jan, 19.
Connor, 2nd Lt. Amos Lloyd, Notts. & Derby. R. ? F. to June 17.
Connor, Capt. George Henry, R.E.»F. 17 to February 19: mentioned in despatches.
Conoley, Capt. Daniel James, R.F.A. : King's College
Conoley, 2nd Lt. Nicholas Richard, London Regiment & R.A.F. : Lond. Hosp,
Conoley, Lt. Oliver Francis, R.A.F. : Lond. Hospital ? mentioned in Air Ministry Reports.
Constant, Capt. Charles Frederick, R.A.M.C. : Guy's Hospital
Cook, Capt. Ernest Neville, Spec. Lists : M.B., B.S., University College & Hospital ? E. Africa.
Cook. Maj. Frank, R.A.M.C. : B.Sc, M.B., B.S., Guy's Hospital ? F. August 14 to November 17 ; Mesopotamia December 17 to April 19.
Cook, 2nd Lt. (A/Lt.) Humphrey Noel Felix. R. W. Surr. R. : University College? F. May 16 to June 17.
Cook, Capt. PhiUp Nield, R.A.M.C. : St. Bart's Hospital
Cook, 2nd Lt. Taylor, Arg. & Suth'd Highrs. : B.Sc, Royal College of Science» F. 16 to March 17".
Cook, 2nd Lt. Thomas, Essex R.
Cooke, Sub.-Lt. Arthur Stanley, R.N.V.R. : King's College ? F. June 16 to April 17 : mentioned in despatches,
Cooke. Maj. Cyril Bertram, R.A.F. : Northampton Polytechnic ? Egypt and Soudan 15 to July 16 ; Salonika July to November 16 : mentioned in Air Ministry Reports.
Cooke. Surg. Prob. Cyril John Chesterfield, R.N.V.R. : University College
Cooke, Lt. Lewis John, New Armies : Northampton Polytechnic
Cooke, Maj. Ronald Campbell, R.A.M.C. : St. Thomas's Hospital ? F. March 16 to March 19 : D.S.O. ; M.C. ; mentioned in despatches (twice).
Coombe, Capt. Edward Horace, R.G.A.
Coombes, Lt. Ralph Melville, Tank Corps.
Cooper, Lt. Alfred Duff, G. Gds. ? F. : D.S.O. ; mentioned in despatches.
Cooper, Capt. Arkwright Richard, Wore. R. : City & Guilds College ? F. September to November 15 ; Salonika November 15 to August 17 ; wounded and invalid; D.S.O. ; mentioned in despatches.
Cooper, Capt. Hugh, R.A.V.C. : R. Vet. College ? Mesopotamia April 18 to June 19.
Cooper, Lt. James Askey. R.G,A.
Cooper. Capt. Mervyn Clement. R.A.M.C. : Lond. Hospital ? F. as private 14 ; as officer Macedonia December 16 to January 19 ; Transcaucasia Jan, to March 19 : M.C. ; mentioned in despatches.
Cooper, Lt. William Ashley, R.A.F. : Guy's Hospital
Cooper. Lt. William Harold, Gord. Highrs. : B.Sc. University College
Cooper, see Tyrrell- Cooper. W.
Cope, 2nd Lt. Evan Leslie Noble, E. Lan. R. : University College
Cope, Lt. Noel Harwood, W. York. R. ? IVLB.E.
Copeland, Surg. Lt. Alexander John, R.N. : M.A., Camb. ; B.Sc, Glas. ; St. Bart's Hospital ? H.M.S. Coreopsis based at Gibraltar Jan, to September 18 ; H.M.S. Perth in action Bay of Biscay October 18.
Copperthwaite, Lt. Charles Cuthbert, R.F.A, : B.Sc, King's College ? F. December 15 to March 16 (invalid) and July 16 to May 17 (gassed) ; Italy June to August 18 ; invalid
Corbett, Capt. Rupert Shelton, R.A.M.C. : St. Bart's Hospital ? Mesopotamia September 17 to June 19.
Corbett, Maj. W. V. (see under " Officers and Former Officers ").
CornellL, 2nd Lt. Arthur George, North'd Fus. : East London College ? F. February to July 16.
Cornish, Lt. Ernest Charles Alfred, Oxf. & Bucks. L.I. : King's Coll, ? F. October 17 to April 19 (invalid).
Corry, Surg. Lt. Eric Vere, R.N. : University College* F. August 14 to January 15 and October 18 to January 19 ; North Sea April 16 to August 17 ; Hospital S. Karapara January to March 19 ; Mediterranean March to December 19.
Cosser, Lt. George Alfred, Hamps. R. : University College ? Mesopotamia to May 16.
Cotterell, Lt. Arthur Frederick Hitchmough, R. War. R.
Cotterill, Lt. Harold Gordon Knight, R.F.A. : B.Sc, Royal College of Science ? F. June 15 to June 17.
Cotton, Lt. David Charles, R.F.A. & Staff : R. School of Mines ? F. January to September 15 ; Mesopotamia January to June 16 (invalid) ; India June to December 16 (invalid).
Cotton, Lt. Richard Bohun, R.E. ? F. September to October 16 (wounded) ; June to October 17 (wounded) ; February to September 18 (wounded).
Courtney, Capt. Joseph Monlas, R.A.M.C. : St. Mary's Hospital ? F. as private 14 and later as officer (invalid) : mentioned in W.O. Communique.
Courts, Maj. Arnold Charles Summerson, R.A.M.C. : M.D., B.S., University College Hospital* F. May 15 to May 16 ; Mesopotamia June i6 to April 19.
Cousin, Capt. Arthur Norman, York & Lane. R. : B.Sc, University College ? F. November to December 15 ; Egypt December 15 to February 16 ; F. February 16 to 17 (invalid); October to December 17.
Cousins, Lt. Bertram Poole, D. of Corn. L.I. : Guy's Hospital ? F. August to October 16 (wounded and invalid).
Coutanche, Lt. HeUer Harfield, London Regiment : St. John's College Battersea ? F. ; wounded September 16 and invalid
Covington, 2nd Lt. Ronald Leslie, Oxf. & Bucks. L.I. : University College* F. October 18.
Coward, Capt. Leslie Graham, Middlesex R. : Birkbeck College ? F. August 14 to September 15.
Cowell, Lt.-Col. Ernest Marshall, R.A.M.C. : M.D., B.S., University College & Hospital ? F. July 15 to August 18 : D.S.O. ; mentioned in despatches.
Cowell, Capt. Stuart Jasper, R.A.M.C. : University College Hospital
Cowley, Lt. Anthony Beach, R.F.A. : St. Bart's Hospital* F. April 16 to January 19 ; wounded twice : Croix de Guerre (French).
Cowley, Lt. George Hamilton Ivens, R.G.A.
Cowley, Capt. Richard Lawton, Spec, Lists (Dent. Surg.) : Guy's Hospital
Cowtan, Bt,-Maj, Frank Cuninghame, R.A,M,C. : St, Thomas's Hosp, ? F, 14 ; Mesopotamia May 16 to Apr, 19 : mentioned in despatches (four times).
Cox, Surg. Prob. Alfred Innes, R.N.V.R. : Middlesex Hospital*H.M.S. Manly based at Harwich February to November 16.
Cox, Lt. Gabriel Henry Lionel. N. Staff. R. & R.A.F. : King's College
Cox, Capt. Hedley Chave, R.A.F. : M.B., B.S., St. Bart's Hospital
Cox, Maj. James Wolseley, M.G, Corps: King's College ? F. May 15 to February 17 and July 18 to February 19 : M.C. ; mentioned in despatches.
Cox, Capt. John Rudolph, R.A.M.C. : Guy's Hospital* invalid
Cox, 2nd Lt. William, R.A.F. : Birkbeck College* F. (zh yrs.) : Croix de Guerre (Belgian),
Cox, Capt. William Leigh Spencer, R.W. Surr. R. : University College* F. 16 to July 17 (wounded) : M.C. ; mentioned in despatches.
Craddock, 2nd Lt. Reginald William Ernest, Oxf . & Bucks. L.L & R.A.F. ? F. September 17 to April 18 (wounded).
Crane, Lt. Harold Edward, R.E. : East London College
Crawford, Maj. Hugh Gregan, R.A.M.C. : Guy's Hospital ? F. June 15 to March 19 : M.C.
Crawford, 2nd Lt. James Edward Lawton, R.F.A. ? Egypt and Palestine May to November 19.
Crawforth, Lt. William James Kenyon, Middlesex R. ? Palestine and Syria June 17 to March 19 (invalid).
Crease, Lt. Sidney Herbert, R.E. : B.Sc, King's College* F. March 16 to June 19.
Creed, Lt. Clarence James, R.E. : Birkbeck College * F. : M.C. with bar.
Creed, Capt. Edward ffoliott, R.A.M.C. : B.M., B.Ch., Oxf. ; King's College Hospital * W. Africa 17 to April 19.
Creese, Lt. Lyell Frank, R.N.V.R. : University College * Home Waters 14 ; E. Mediterranean 15 ; Egypt 16 ; H.M.S. Excellent and H.M.S. Mars 17 ; H.M. armed trawlers. North Sea 18 : H.M.S. Sviatogor, White Sea 19.
Crellin, Capt. Douglas, R.A.M.C. * M.C.
Cresswell, Lt. Charles Arthur Frederick, Spec. Lists : University College ? Palestine May 17 to April 19.
Creswell, Capt. Harry Edmund, R.A.M.C. : University College Hospital ? M.C. with bar.
Creswick, Lt. Maurice de Jersey, E. Kent R. * F. October 15 to August 16 (wounded twice) ; India July 17 ; Mesopotamia February 18 to March 19.
Criswell, Maj. Walter, R.E. * Gallipoli 15 (6 mos.) ; F. 16 to 17 (1 1/2 yrs.) ; N. Russia 18 to 19 : O.B.E. ; mentioned in despatches.
Crocker, 2nd Lt. Percival James Wilberforce, R.W. Kent R. : City & Guilds College ? Mesopotamia to November 18.
Crombie, Capt. William Maurice, LM.S. : M.B., B.S., St. Thomas's Hospital * India and Mesopotamia 17 ; invalid
Crone, 2nd Lt. Gerald Roe, R.I. Rif.
Cronin, Lt. Henry Francis, R.E. : B.Sc, City & Guilds College ? Gallipoli August to September 15 ; Salonika November to December 15 ; Madeconia January 16 to January 17 ; F. July 17 to April 18 (wounded twice) : M.C. ; mentioned in despatches.
Crook. Surg. Lt. Eric Ashley, R.N. : B.A., M.B., B.Ch., Oxf. ; St. Bart's Hospital* H.M.S. Ceanothus, Mediterranean ; H.M.S. Excellent, Home waters.
Crook, Lt. Reginald Charles, R.F.A. & R.A.F. * F. March 17 to July 18 ; Italy November 18 to February 19 : M.C.
Crosfield, Lt. James, Rif. Brig. ? F. 15 to i6 and 18.
Crosland, Lt. Leonard, R.G.A. : B.Sc, King's College ? M.C.
Cross, Lt. Clement Henry Woodrow , R.F.A. & R.A.F. ? F. January to October 17 (wounded) and November 18 to March 19.
Cross, Lt. Edgar Hillman, R.A.F. ? invalid
Cross, Lt. Ernest William, R.A.M.C.
Cross, Capt. Philip Kynaston, R.F.A. ? F. February 17 to November 18 : M.C.
Cross, Lt. Stanley Graham Norwood, LA.
Crouch, 2nd Lt, William Ballard, R.G.A. ? F. to April 17.
Crowden, Capt. Guy Fascoe, Yorks. L.L : University College* F. August 15 to 18 : mentioned in despatches.
Crowden, Capt. Reginald Joe Calthrop, Linc. R. ? F. and Egypt (3 1/4 yrs.) : M.C. ; mentioned in despatches.
Crowe, Lt. Harold Norman, M.G. Corps : B.A., University College ? F. October 15 to October 18 : M.C. ; mentioned in despatches.
Crutch, Capt. WilUam Joseph, R.W. Fus. & S. Wales Bord. : B. Sc, King's College* F. March 17 to April 19.
Crutchley, Capt. Gerard Gwyn, London Regiment, R.A.F. & Staff .? Mesopotamia : mentioned in despatches.
Cruttenden, Lt. Leslie Latter, R.A.S.C. : B.A., University College ? Mesopotamia November 17 to August 18 ; India Aug, 18 to January 19.
Cruttwell, Lt. Clement Henry, E. Surr. R. : King's College* F. April 18 to February 19.
Cullen, Surg. Sub.-Lt. Carl Knight, R.N.V.R. : London Hospital* H.M.S. Mischief and H.M.S. Onslaught at Scapa March to November 16 ; Jutland : mentioned in despatches,
Cullen, Capt. Frank Briggs, Spec. Lists (Dental Surgeon) : R. Dent. Hospital
Cullen, Lt. Frederick Henry Barter, R.G.A. : City & Guilds Coll, ? F. March 18 to June 19 : M.C.
Culleton, Capt. Leo GiuHo, R.E. & Staff.* India December 16 to October 17 ; Mesopotamia November 17 to March 19 : mentioned in despatches.
Cullum- Welch see Welch.
Cumming, Surg. Sub.-Lt. Patrick Grant, R.N.V.R. : Charing Cross Hospital * invalid
Cunnew, 2nd Lt. George Arthur, R. Berks. R, : King's College * home serv, ; invalid
Cunningham, Lt, Charles Frederick, R.A.F. : King's College
Cunningham, Capt. Leslie, R.A.M.C, : St, Bart's Hospital
Cunnington, Lt. Cecil Henry, M.G. Corps : B.Sc, University College
Cunnington, Lt. Francis William Buckland, R.A.S.C. : B.Sc, University College * Egypt and Palestine (4 J yrs.).
Cunnington, Surg. Lt. Thomas Morley, R.N. : University College
Curl, Lt. Percy James, Essex R. : King's College * F, as private June 16 to April 17 ; Palestine and Egypt as officer March 18 to July 19.
Curnock, Surg. Lt. Dennis Reginald, R.N. : Birkbeck College & King's Coll, ; R, Dent, Hosp, & Charing Cross Hosp, * F, with Friends' Ambulance April 15 to May 16 ; H.M.S. Agincourt as officer, Grand Fleet March 18 to February 19.
Curphey, Capt. William George Sellar, R.F.C. : King's College * F. ; prisoner of War to May 17 : M.C. with bar,
Currie, Lt, Clarence Algernon, R.E. : King's College ? F. August to December 15 : mentioned in despatches,
Currie, Maj. James Mutrie, R.F.A. : R. School of Mines. ? F. November 15 to March 16 ; Egypt March 16 to March 17 ; F. June 17 to March 19 : Croix de Guerre (French).
Currie, Lt. John Alexander, R.F.A. : Guy's Hospital ? S.W. Africa as private February to November 15 ; F. October 17 to September 18.
Curry, Lt. Gerald, R.E. : King's College ? F.
Curson, Surg. Sub.-Lt. Gerald Cecil Wooton, R.N.V.R. : Guy's Hospital ? H.M.SS. Ark Royal and Lychnis, Mediterranean and Aegean (11 mos.).
Curtis, 2nd Lt. Henry Edward, R.E. : King's College ? F. August to December 15 ; Salonika.
Curtis, Lt. Howard, E. Kent R. : Guy's Hospital
Curtis, Capt. Nicholas, Canadian F.A. : University College ? F. : mentioned in despatches.
Curtis, Lt. Vladimir, Quebec R. : University College ? M.C.
Curtis, Lt. Milliam Edward, R.E. : B.Sc, Royal College of Science ? Gallipoli and Egypt as sapper February 15 to May 16 : mentioned in despatches (twice).
Cushny, Lt. John, R.A.F. : B.Sc, City & Guilds College ? F. October to December 17 (wounded).
Cutcliffe, Capt. Ernest Francis, R.F.A. ? F. July 16 to June 19.
Cuthbert, Capt. Edmund Sheppard, R.A.M.C. : St. Bart's Hospital ? F. July 15 to July 18 ; wounded and gassed.