London & World War One gallantry and casualties

London University - Officers Training Corps - G.

London University - Officers Training Corps  index

This Roll of War Service records the names and other particulars of officers and former officers and former cadets of the University of London Officers Training Corps who rendered commissioned service in the War between the dates 5th August 1914 and 11th November 1918 (Armistice).

Former Cadets - G:

Goodwin, Fit, Lt. Edwin Spencer, RA.F. : Guy's Hospital ? N. Russia : A.F.C. ; mentioned in despatches (twice).
Goodwin, Capt. James Alfred, R.E. : R. School of Mines. ? F. February 15 to January 16 ; Salonika January 16 to October 18 : M.C. ; mentioned in despatches (twice) ; Medal for Military Merit, 4th CI. (Greek).
Goodwin, Lt. James Ernest, S. Lan. R. ? F. January to June 17 (wounded and invalid).
Goodwin, 2nd Lt. Norman William, Middlesex R. (previously Lt. London Regiment) ? F. August to September 17.
Goodwin, 2nd Lt. Stuart Wycliffe, Bord. R. : Royal College of Science ? F. October 17 to April 18: M.C.
Goodwin, Maj, William Ernest, R.F.A. : King's College ? F. December 14 to January 16 ; Salonika January 16 to September 17 ; Palestine September 17 to June 19 : M.C. ; mentioned in despatches ; Order of the White Eagle, 5th Cl, with Swords (Serbian).
Goodyear, Lt. Geoffrey, M.G. Corps. ? Egypt as trooper April to August 15 ; Gallipoli August to October 15 ; Egypt as officer May to July 16 ; F. July 16 to March 19 : M.B.E.
Goolden, Surg. Prob. George Anthony, R.N.V.R. : B.A., Camb. ; St. Thomas's Hospital ? invalid
GopsiLL, 2nd Lt. Frank Harold, R.W. Surr. R. ? invalid
GopsiLL, Lt. Walter Leonard, R.A.F. : King's College ? F. December 17 to May 18.
Gordon, 2nd Lt. Brian Wilson Barnett, R.G.A. : St. Mary's Hospital
Gordon, Surg. Lt. Edward Francis Strathearn, R.N, : B.A,, Camb. ; St. Bart's Hospital, H.M.S. Dartmouth, Adriatic Sea, October 17 to January 19; H.M.S. Vivid Jan, to May 19,
Gordon, Lt, James Millar, New Armies, ? W. Africa,
Gordon, Capt. Thomas Milford, R.E, : King's Coll, ? F. December 15 to September 16 (wounded) and June to July 17 (invalid).
Gordon, Capt. William Bonnalie, R.A.M.C. : M.B,. B,C„ Camb. ; University College ? Hospital ship 14 ; F. 15 to June 19 ; wounded : mentioned in despatches.
Gordon- Cleather, Lt. Charles, R, Suss, R.
Goring, Lt, Nelson, R.F.A,: Northampton Poly, ? F. July 16 to September 18 (wounded and invalid) : mentioned in despatches.
Gorsky, Fit, Lt. Jacob, R.A.F, : King's Coll, & Westminster Hospital
Gorton, 2nd Lt. Lionel John, Line. R. ? F. October 17 to April 18.
Gossling, 2nd Lt, Alan Cuthbert, R,F.A. ? Salonika October 18 to February 19.
Gotch, Capt. Thomas Hepburn, R.E. : B.Sc, City & Guilds Coll, ? F. May 16 to November 19 ; wounded April 18 : mentioned in despatches.
Gould, Lt. William John Edward, D. of Lane. Own Yeomanry : School of Pharmacy. ? home service
Goulder, Lt. Douglas Renshaw, R.F.A, ? Salonika (2| yrs,) ; invalid
Goument, Capt, Lionel Charles, R,A,M,C. : St. Bart's Hospital ? W. Africa March 18 to June 19.
Gover. Surg. Lt. William, R.N. : BA., B.M., B.Ch.,Oxf. ; Guy's Hospital ? H.M.S. Fearless, Grand Fleet, June 18 to March 19.
Gowdridge, Capt. Ernest, New Armies : Borough Rd. College ? F. November 15 to May 17 (invalid) and November 18 to March 19 : mentioned in despatches.
Graham, Lt. (A/Capt.) Henry Scott, R.G.A. : King's College ? F. June 16 to Feb, 17 and July 17 to April 19 : M.C.
Graham, Lt. Kenneth James Alonteith, E. Surr. R. : St. Mary's Hospital
Granger- Brown, see Brown, H.F.G.
Grant, Capt. Bramwell Dundas, R.A.S.C. : City & Guilds College
Grant, 2nd Lt. Campbell, D. of Corn. L.L: B.Sc. ? Egypt as trooper March to August 15 ; Gallipoli August to October 15 (invalid) ; Sinai May 16 to October 17.
Grant, 2nd Lt. Harcourt Campbell Reoch, R.A.F. ? F. September to November 18.
Grant, Capt. (A/Maj.) James Harold Dundas, R.A.F.
Grantham. Lt. John Alpe, Rif. Brig. : City & Guilds College
Gravett, Maj. James Arthur, N. Lan. R. : King's College ? M.C. with two bars.
Gray, Capt. Alfred John, R.FA. : MA., B.Sc, Edin.* F. November to December 15 and March 16 to July 19 ; wounded June 17.
Gray, Surg. Sub.-Lt. Edward Emile Delisle, R.N.V.R. : Guy's Hospital ? H.ISLS. Martin, Adriatic.
Gray, Capt. George, Spec. Lists : ALSc, Liverpool. ? F. August to September 15 : M.B.E. ; mentioned in despatches.
Gray, Capt. Hugh Morgan, R.A.M.C. : Guy's Hospital
Gray, Lt. Louis Sinclair, York. R. : Birkbeck College ? F. April to December 18.
Gray, 2nd Lt. Patrick Walworth, R.F.A. ? F. April to May 17.
Gray, Surg. Sub.-Lt. St. George Bernard Delisle, R.N.V.R.: RLB., B.S., Guy's Hospital
Gray, Lt. Walter, E. Lan. R. : B.Sc, Royal College of Sc & Battersea Polytechnic ? Eygpt. Mudros, and F. November 15 to November 16 ; wounded and invalid
Gray, Capt. William, London Regiment : Woolwich Polytechnic ? F. : ALC. with bar.
Grayson, Lt. Jack Kenneth, Middlesex R. : London Hospital* F. November 16 to April 17,
Greathead, Capt. Arthur Merriman, R.E. : B.A., Camb.
Greaves, Lt. Henry Gordon, RA.M.C. : LB., St. Bart's Hospital
Green, Surg. Lt. Algernon Sanders, R.N. : M.B., B.S., University College
Green, 2nd Lt. Charles Taylor, R.W. Surr. R. : Guy's Hospital ? F. September to October 17.
Green, 2nd Lt. Donald Carman, Welch R.
Green, Maj. Douglas Harold, R.E & Staff : B.Sc, City & Guilds College ? F. February 15 to March 19 : O.B.E. ; M.C. ; mentioned in despatches (four times) ; Order of Crown of Roumania, Chevalier.
Green, Lt. Edward Ramsay, R.F.A. : City & Guilds College ? F. ; wounded May 16 and April 18 and invalid
Green, Surg. Lt. Edwin Augustus, R.N. : London Hospital : MA., M.B., B.Ch., Camb. ; London Hospital ? Convoy duties with 10th Cruiser Squadron : mention in Admiralty despatches.
Green, 2nd Lt. Eric de Wilde, R.W. Surr. R. ? F. September 17 to April 18.
Green, Lt. (A/Capt.) Harold Lynn, R.F.A. : University College ? India and Mesopotamia July 16 to January 19 : mentioned in despatches (twice).
Green, Capt. James Nelson, R.G.A. ? F. June 17 to November 18.
Green, Capt. John Alexander, S. Staff. R. : Battersea Polytechnic ? F. to August 18.
Green, Capt. John Edward, A. Cyclist Corps. : St. John's College Battersea ? F. July 16 to July 19.
Green, Capt. Philip, Spec. Lists (Dental Surgeon) : Guy's Hospital
Green, Capt. Ronald Benjamin, R.A.M.C. : University College
Green, Capt. Samuel Withers, London Regiment : B.A., King's College* F. December 14 to June 16 (wounded and invalid) : mentioned in despatches.
Greene, Lt. Edward Alfred, Lab. Corps : King's College
Greenfield, and Lt. Gerald Henry, R.F.A. : St. Bart's. Hospital ? F. September 16 to August 17.
Greenhill, Lt. Arthur Leslie, A. Cyclist Corps ? Salonika.
Greenhill, Lt. Frank Allen, R.F.A. ? F. June 17 to March 18 (wounded).
Greenhill, Capt. Reginald Fowler, Lan. Fus. : University College ? F. to January 18.
Greenish, Surg. Lt. Frederick Harold Sellick, R.N. : M.A., Camb. ; London Hospital
Greenland, 2nd Lt. George Thomas, Tank Corps ? F. September 16 to May 17.
Greenop, Lt. (A/Capt.) Maurice Edwin, D. of Corn. L.L & LA.
Greenslade, Lt. (A/Capt.) Charles Frederick Alexander, R.G.A. ? F. February to August 17 and November 17 to March 19 : mentioned in despatches.
Greenwood, Obs. Offr. Eric Major, R.A.F.
Greer, Lt. (A/Capt.) Gerald Joseph, S. Wales Bord. : University College
Greer, Capt. John Stanley, New Armies.
Gregor, Surg. Prob. John Beaumont, R.N.V.R. : Guy's Hospital ? Grand Fleet July 16 to July 17 ; Dover Patrol August 17 to March 18.
Gregory, Lt. Arthur John Castell, R.A.O.C. : East London College ? F. August 15 to June 19 ; gassed twice.
Gregory, Capt. John Sheridan, R.A.S.C.&R.F.C.: B.A., LL.B., Camb. ? F. August 14 to February 18.
Grey, Capt. Llewellyn, R.A.M.C. : Univ, College Hospital* Mesopotamia.
Griffin, Lt.-Col. Cyril James Anthony, R.A.M.C: University College ? F. : D.S.O. ; mentioned in despatches (twice).
Griffin, Capt. John, R.W. Surr. R. : M.A., Camb, ? invalid
Griffin, Lt. Richard Philip, R.E. : City & Guilds College ? F. July 15 to September 17 (wounded) : mentioned in despatches.
Griffith, Capt. Herbert Stewart, R.A.M.C. : St. Bart's Hospital
Griffiths, Lt. Christopher William, R.E. ? F. to November 18.
Griffiths, Lt. John Preedy, R.G.A. ? F. Apr, 17 to February 19 ; wounded August 17.
Grimes, Lt. George Herbert, London Regiment ? F. : invalid July 16.
Grimsdell, Capt. Gerald Lucien, S. Lan. R. : King's College ? F. September 15 to August 16 ; wounded and invalid : M.C. ; mentioned in despatches (twice.)
Gripper, Capt. Geoffrey Dowson, R.A.M.C: Guy's Hospital *E. Africa January 16 to April 18.
Grose, Lt. Harold John, London Regiment ? F. June to Dec, 17 (wounded) and April 18 to March 19 ; wounded May 18 : M.C.
Grose, Lt. John Wellington, R.A.F.: B.Sc, City & Guilds College ? home service
Grose, Maj. Stewart Jewell, R.F.A. : B.Sc., City & Guilds College ? F. September to November 15 ; Salonika November 15 to February 19 : M.C. ; mentioned in despatches
Gross, Lt. Harry Ranson, Leic. R.,
Grosvenor, Lt. Vernon Loesewitz, E, Kent R.
Grout, Lt. William Henry, R.G.A, : King's College
Groves, Capt. (T/Maj.) Geoffrey Lancaster, R.W. Surr. R. & Staff : B.Sc, City & Guilds College ? India December 14 to October 19.
Grundy, Maj. Frank, R.E. : B.Sc, City & Guilds College *F. ; M.C; mentioned in despatches (twice) ; Croix de Guerre (Belgian).
Gunter, Surg. Sub.-Lt. Stanley Allwright, R.N.V.R. : St. Bart's Hospital ? convoy escort.
GUppy, Capt. Francis Henry, R.A.M.C. : St. Bart's Hospital & University College ? F. August 14 to March 19 : M.C. ; Medaille des Epidemics en Vermeil (French).
Guppy, 2nd Lt. William John, R.A.F. ? Mediterranean July 16 to April 19.
Gurney, Paymr. Sub.-Lt. Henry Frank, R.N.R. : King's College, H.M.S. Kent, Pacific, Cape and W. African stations and H.M.S. Vindictive, North Sea, Oct 15 to January 19.
Gwynne-Griffith, Capt. Gilbert Digby Mansel, R.E. : B.Sc, City &
Guilds College ? India October 16 ; Persia Dec 17 to July 18 : mentioned in W.O. Communique,
Gwynne-Jones, Capt. Howell, R.A.M.C. : London Hospital
Gwynne-Jones, Surg. Lt. Tudor, R.N. : London Hospital