London University - Officers Training Corps index
This Roll of War Service records the names and other particulars of officers
and former officers and former cadets of the University of London Officers
Training Corps who rendered commissioned service in the War between the dates
5th August 1914 and 11th November 1918 (Armistice).
Former Cadets - H2:
Hawkins, Lt. Charles Frederick, Spec Lists (Dental Surgeon) : Guy's Hospital
? F. as private (12 mos.) : M.M.
Hawkins, Lt. Gilbert William, K.R. Rif. C. * F. to November 16.
Hawkins, Lt. Walter Elmslie, Glouc. R. : B.Sc, East London College * F. to June
Hawksley, Maj. Joseph, R.F.A. & Staff : B.Sc, University College ? F. November
15 to February 16 ; Egypt and Palestine February 16 to July 19 : mentioned in
Haworth, Capt. Arthur Noel, R.A.M.C. : Charing Cross Hosp,
Haycraft, Lt. John Montagu, R.W. Kent R. : City & Guilds College ? home service
Haydon, 2nd Lt. Edgar Frederick Bewes, R.F.A. : Middlesex Hospital
Haydon, Lt. Percy Montague, W. York. R. ? F. September 16 to January 19 : M.C.
Hayes, Maj. Herbert Henry, R.G.A. : Royal College of Science ? F. 16 to October
18 : mentioned in despatches (twice),
Hayman, Capt. John Rollo, R.A.M.C. : Middlesex Hospital
Haysom, Capt. Nathan Norris, R.A.M.C. : St. John's College Battersea & St.
Bart's Hospital
Haythornthwaite, 2nd Lt. Alan, R.F.A. : B.Sc, Royal College of Science* F. ;
invalid October 15.
Haythornthwaite, Lt. William, S. Lan. R. : B.Sc, King's College ? F. 16 to 17 ;
Hayton, 2nd Lt, Walter James, York, R. ? F. July to September 16.
Hayward, Capt. Charles William, R.A.M.C. : University College Hospital
Hayward, Capt. Kenneth Alfred, R.F.A. : University College*F. November 15 to
April 1 6 ; gassed, wounded and invalid
Haywood, 2nd Lt. Brian George Edwin, R.W. Surr. R. ? F. ; wounded and invalid :
Haywood, Capt. Frederick Bruton, R.F.A. ? F. January 17 to March 19.
Hazell, Fit. Lt. (A/Maj.) Tom Falcon, R.A.F. : City & Guilds College* F. January
17 to March 19 : D.S.O. ; M.C. ; D.F.C. with bar ; mentioned in despatches.
Hazlerigg, Lt. Martival Grey, R.F.A.
Heading, Lt. (A/Capt.) Frank Reginald, R.E. : B.Sc, City & Guilds College * F.
Sept, 15 to Feb, 19,
Heald, Lt. William Margetson, R.A,M,C. : B.A., Camb. ; St, Bart's Hospital ? F.
April to September 18.
Healey, Lt. Colin John Christopher [Kaye] Elkanah, R.G.A, : Univ, College
Healy, Lt. Francis Joseph, R.E.
Hearnden, Surg. Sub.-Lt. Walter Ralph Gill, R.N.V.R. : Guy's Hospital ? H.M.S.
Mansfield, Dover Patrol, April to September 18 ; H.M.S. Rosemary, Northern
Patrol, September to Nov, 18 ; Zeebrugge, Ostend.
Hearsch, 2nd Lt. Edward, R.F.A. : University College,
Heath, Capt, Thomas Lowthian, R,A,M,C, : Guy's Hospital
Heatly, 2nd Lt. Henry Francis, York. R. ; B.Sc, University College & London Day
Training College* F. to February 15.
HEATON, 2nd Lt. Eric Rupert, Middlesex R. : Birkbeck College* F. February to
July 16.
Heaton, Capt. Trevor Braby, R.A.M.C; M.B., Oxf . ; Guy's Hospital* India :
O.B.E. ; mentioned in W,0, Communique,
Heckels, Capt, Graham William, R.A.M.C. : Guy's Hospital ? Mesopotamia June 17
to March 19.
Heddy, Capt, William Reginald Huleatt, R,A,M.C, : Middlesex Hospital
Hedgcock, 2nd Lt, Stuart William, R,A,F, : King's College,
Hedgeland, Lt. Charles Samuel, M,G, Corps : B,A., University College & London
Day Training College * F. April 16 to April 18 : mentioned in despatches.
Heesem, Lt. Joseph Martin, R.A.F. : City & Guilds College
Hefferman, Lt. (A/Capt ) Leslie William, Bord. R. : Middlesex Hospital ? F.
February to June 16 (wounded and invalid) and July to November 17.
Heinig, Capt, Joseph Eric, R.E. : B.Sc, City & Guilds College* Egyptian E.F. :
mentioned in despatches.
Heiron, Surg. Lt. George Murray, R.N. : M.B., B.S., London Hospital
Hellon, Lt. Kenneth Adair, R.A.S.C. : City & Guilds College
Helm, Lt.-Col. Cyril, RA.M.C. : Middlesex Hospital ? F. August 14 to 19: D.S.O.
; M.C. ; mentioned in despatches (thrice).
Helsham, Surg. Lt. Christopher Thomas, R.N. : Guy's Hospital* H.M.S. Crusader,
Dover Patrol, December 14 to November 16 ; H.M.S. Broke November 16 to October
17 (action off Dover April 17) : D.S.C.
Henderson, Lt. Francis Adrian, R.E. : Northampton Polytechnic ? F. 16 to July 17
(wounded and invalid).
Henderson, Lt. George Douglas, R.E. ? F. 18 : M.C.
Henderson, Lt. George Edward, York. R. ? F. 16 to April 17 (wounded and
Henderson, Capt. Percy Charles, K.R. Rif. C: King's College* (wounded and
Hendrey, Capt. Frank, Spec. Lists (Lt. K.R. Rif. C.) : Battersea Poly, ? F. as
private December 15 to December 17 and as officer November 18 to October 19 :
D.C.M. ; M.M.
Hendrie, Lt. James Matthew, Bedf. R. : B.Sc, East London College
Henley, 2nd Lt. Frederick Louis, Notts. & Derby. R, : M.A., Dublin ; King's
College ? F. August to October 16.
Henry, Lt. Stanley, M.G. Corps : B.A., King's College & London Day Training
College ? F. July to September 16 and October 17 to July 18.
Hensley, Capt. Egerton Henry Valpy, R.A.M.C. : St. Thomas's Hospital
Henzell, 2nd Lt. John Sithern, R.E. : B.Sc.
Hepburn, 2nd Lt. Arthur Jacobs, R.G.A. : East London College* F. July 17 to
March 18.
Hepburn, Fit. Offr. George Donald, R.N. * invalid
Hepper, Maj. John Eric, R.A.M.C. : St. Bart's Hospital
Herbert, Lt. Arthur Grenville, E. Kent R. : M.A., LL.M., Camb.* F. (6 mos.)
Herbert, Lt. Frank William, Spec. Lists (Dental Surgeon): Charing Cross Hospital
Herington, Surg. Lt. Cecil Edward Eede, R.N. : M.B., B.S., St. Bart's Hospital *
F. with Austrl. Hospital August to November 14 ; as officer H.M.S. Eden, English
Channel, November 15 to March 16 ; Mediterranean March to September 16 (wounded)
; H.M.S. Glorious, Grand Fleet, September 18 to January 19.
Herman, Capt. Walter Sebastian, R.A.M.C. : B.A., Camb. ; London Hospital
Hersey, 2nd Lt. George Brian, R.G.A. : S.E. Agric. College & City & Guilds
College * F. June 15 to February 18.
Hetherington, Capt. Guy, Essex R. : Royal College of Science* GalUpoli August to
December 15 ; Egypt and Palestine July 16 to March 17.
Hewer, Lt. Austin George, R.A.F. : Middlesex Hospital * mentioned in Air
Ministry Reports.
Hewer, Lt. Christopher Langton, R.A.M.C. : M.B., B.S., St. Bart's Hospital *
home service (invalid).
Hewett, Capt. Arthur Frederick, R.E. : B.Sc, University College* F. June 15 to
January 16 (wounded and invalid).
Hewett, Lt. Selwood Hyde, Spec. Lists : King's Coll,
Hewitt, 2nd Lt. Geoffrey George, R.E.
Heyward, 2nd Lt. Maurice, Dorset. R. : B.A., King's College* F. July 15 to July
Heywood, Capt. Colin Goldsworthy, C. Gds.
Heywood-Waddington, Surg. Lt. William Broke, R.N. : M.B., B.S,, St. Bart's
Hospital*H.M.S. Loyal, Destroyer Flotilla, Harwich October 14 to June 15 ;
HILLS. Ramillies, Grand Fleet, May 17 to December 18.
Hiam, Surg. Sub.-Lt. Frank, R.N.V.R. : Middlesex Hospital & R. Dental Hospital ?
home waters and Baltic May to December 18.
Hibbert, Rev. Harold Victor, C/F : King's College* Salonika 18.
Hick, Capt, Godfrey Macdona, Spec. Lists (Dental Surgeon) : R. Dent. Hospital
and Middlesex Hospital
Hick, Capt. Rupert Bannatyne, R.A,M,C. : St, Mary's Hospital * India and
Macedonia September 16 to April 19,
Hickey, Capt. Daniel Edgar, Tank Corps (Lt. Suff. R.) : University College &
King's College ? F. August 17 to August 18 (wounded),
Hickley, Surg. Sub.-Lt. Reginald Arthur, R.N.V.R. : St. Mary's Hospital
Hicks, 2nd Lt. Walter Gerald, R. Fus, : University College * F. to August 15.
Hickson, Capt, Eric Blanford, R.A.M.C. : University College * F, as dresser 14 ;
India as officer April 17 to March 19.
Hidden, Lt.-Col. Arthur Moreton, R.A.O.C. & Staff, * F, : mentioned in
Higgins, Lt. Charles Samson, R.E, : B. Sc, University College* Mediterranean
E.F. June to September 15 ; wounded Suvla August 15 ; F. May 17 to September 18
Higgins, Surg. Lt. Lionel George, R.N. : M.A., M.B., Camb, ; St, Thomas's
Hospital ? Grand Fleet.
Higginson, 2nd Lt. William Clifton Vernon, R.F.C. : St. Bart's Hospital ? F.
September to Nov, 17,
Higgs, Capt, Philip Robert, I.A.R.0. : University College, * India 16 to 19. .
High, Lt. Richard Thomas, Wore. R. : Goldsmiths' College, * F. ; wounded Sept,
Hill, 2nd Lt, Benjamin Godlonton, R.F.A. : King's College* F. September 16 to
June 17 : M.C.
Hill, Maj. Frederick Theophilus, R.A.M.C, : St. Bart's Hospital * F, August 14
to October 18 : M.C. with bar ; mentioned in despatches.
Hill, Capt. Geoffrey Terence Roland, R.A.F. : B.Sc, University College* F.
August 16 to February 17 (invalid) : M.C. ; mentioned in Air Ministry Reports,
Hill, Capt. John, AustraHan Inf.: B,Sc., R, Coll, of Science,* wounded : M.C.
Hill, Capt, (A/Maj,) John Anderson, R,A.M.C. : London Hospital * Egyptian E.F.
February 17 to March 19,
Hill, Surg, Lt. Kenneth Reed, R.N. : M.B.. B.S„ University College & Hospital ?
H.M.S. Amaryllis, Mediterranean ; invalid
Hill, Capt. Norman Hammond, R.A.M.C. : M.B., B.S., St. Bart's Hospital * F.
February to April 17.
Hill, Lt. Richard Alexander, R.G.A. * F. to April 17.
Hillebrandt, 2nd Lt. Frederick Edmund, R.F.C. * Egypt January 16 ; Salonika ;
invalid Sept, 16,
Hilliard, Capt. Richard, R.A.M.C. : London Hospital
Hillier, Capt. Harold, R.A.F. : Borough Rd. College ? Salonika September 15 to
June 17 ; Egypt June 17 to April 18 ; Salonika Apr, 18 to April 19 : D.F.C. ;
mentioned in despatches.
Hillier, Surg. Prob. Tom Robert Ernest, R.N.V.R. : Middlesex Hospital
Hillman, Lt. Henry Archibald, M.G. Corps. ? F. October 17 to September 19.
Hills, Maj. Harold William, R.A.M.C. : B.Sc, M.D.. B.S., University College &
Hilton, Fig. Offr. Edward Goodwin, R.A.F. : University College* F. September to
October 14 and September 15 to May 19 ; Egypt & Persian Gulf May to August 19 :
Hilton-Jones, see Jones, R.O.H.
Hince, Lt. Harry Archer, R.A.F.
Hind, Capt. (A/Lt.-Col.) Hugh William, I.A. Gallipoli August to November 15 ;
Egypt and Palestine November 15 to October 18; India October 18 to April 19:
D.S.O. ; M.C. ; mentioned in despatches (twice).
Hinde, Capt. Harry Percy, London Regiment ? F. May to October 18.
Hindell, Capt. Harold Goodall, R.E, : Northern Polytechnic & Northampton
Polytechnic* N. Russia: M.B.E.
Hindle, Maj. Gilbert William, R.W. Kent R. ? F. June to July 16 (wounded) ;
November 16 to February 17 (wounded) ; September to November 17 ; Italy November
17 to February 18 ; F. February to September 18 (wounded) : M.C. with bar.
Hine, Capt. Sydney Thomas, Line. R. (Lt. S. Staff. R.) : Guy's Hospital ? F.
July 16 to January 19.
Hines, Capt. Cyril Patrick, R.A.M.C. : St. George's Hospital
Hines, 2nd Lt. John Henry, Welch R. ? F. ; invalid April 18.
Hipkins, Capt. Norman, N. Staff. R. ? F. October 16 to September 18 : mentioned
in despatches.
Hirsch, Capt. Valentine Robert, R.A.M.C. : Guy's Hospital
Hirschhorn, 2nd Lt. Cecil, Wilts. R. ? F. and Italy October 17 to February 18.
Hirst, 2nd Lt. Joseph Frederick, Middlesex R. : East London College & Woolwich
Polytechnic ? F. November 18 to March 19.
Hitch, Lt.-Col. Arthur Tyler, Line. R. (Capt. Bedford R.) : B.Sc, City & Guilds
College ? F. June 15 to May 16 (wounded and invalid) ; July 17 to January 18 and
April 18 to March 19 : D.S.O. ; mentioned in despatches.
Hitchcock, Capt. Humphrey Knight, R.A.F,
Hoare, Capt. Edwin Salter, R.E. : B.Sc, City & Guilds College ? F. March 18 to
March 19 : M.C.
Hoare, 2nd Lt. Henry Joseph, London Regiment : LL.B., B.Sc, King's College &
London School of Economics ? Gallipoli August 15.
Hobbs, Lt. William George. R. Berks. R. : LL.B., University College ? F. August
to September 15.
Hobden, 2nd Lt. Charles Frank, R.G.A. : R. School of Mines.* Gibraltar February
to September 15,
Hobley, Lt. Frank Ernest, R.A.F. & Staff : City & Guilds College
Hobson, Lt. Ernest Noel, R.F.A. : City & Guilds College ? F. : M.C.
Hobson, Lt. George Vernon, R.G.A. : B.Sc, R. School of Mines. ? F. February to
July 15 (wounded and invalid).
Hodes, 2nd Lt. Francis Percy, R. War. R. ? F. May to July 16.
HOdgen, Capt. Gordon West, LA. : Royal College of Science ? India : M.B.E.
Hodges, Capt. Robert Hamer, R.A.M.C. : M.B., B.S., King's College & Hospital ?
F. Egypt and Mesopotamia 14 to 18 : M.C.
Hodgson, Surg. Prob. Thomas Barnard, R.N.V.R. : St. Bart's Hospital ? home
waters April to October 18.
Hodgson, Lt. William Hope, R.F.A. ? invalid June 16 ; F. 17 to April 18.
Hodkin, Capt. Wilfred, I.A. : S.W. Polytechnic ? F. August 16 to April 17
(wounded) ; India April 18 to January 20.
Hodson, Capt. John, R.A.F. : LL.B., B.A., Camb. ? Dover Patrol May 16 ; Dunkirk
seaplane base June 16 ; Belgian coast, &c., 17 and 18.
Hodson, 2nd Lt. Robert Charles, R.E. : King's College
Hoffmeister, see Aubrey.
Hofmeyr, 2nd Lt. Robert Ernest Murray, York. R. and M.G. Corps : R. Dent.
Hospital & Middlesex Hospital