The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Strand District, by
Sir Walter Besant and Geraldine Edith Mitton
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Albemarle, Duchess of, 74
Albemarle, Duke of, 83
Addison, 58 , 95 , 106
Adelphi, 72
Adelphi Terrace, 74
Admiralty, 12
Agar Street, 71
Apsley House, 52
Arlington House, 2
Arne, Dr., 104
Arundel Street, 88
Astley, 62
Babington, 96
Bacon, 71
Baily, 27
Beauclerk, Topham, 30
Beaufort Buildings, 77
Beckford, Alderman, 33
Bedford Coffee House, 102
Bedford House, 77
Belines, 27
Berkshire House, 58
Bermudas, 16
Bleak House, 98
Blessington, Lady, 50
Blood, Colonel, 57
Bohemia, Queen of, 22 , 97
Bolingbroke, Lord, 40
Booksellers' Row, 99
Boswell Court, 99
Bow Street, 105
Bracegirdle, Mrs., 88 , 96 , 97
Braganza, Catherine, 83
Bridgewater House, 37 , 58
Buckingham, Duke of, 2 , 12
Buckingham Palace, 1
Buckingham Street, 71
Burdett, Sir Francis, 76
Burke, Edmund, 29 , 30 , 54
Burlington Arcade, 44
Burlington Gardens, 44
Burlington House, 43
Burney, Miss, 23 , 58
Bury Street, 64
Butcher Row, 99
Butler, Samuel, 104 , 108
Button's Coffee House, 106
Byron, Lord, 57 , 61
Canning, George, 10 , 54
Caribbean Islands, 16
Carlisle House, 33
Carlton House, 8
Carlton House Terrace, 8
Caroline, Queen, 52
Catherine Street, 107
Cecil Hotel, 76
Cecil House, 77
Centlivre, Susannah, 104
Chandos Street, 72
Chapel Street (Soho), 30
Charing Cross, 13
Charing Cross Road, 21 , 30
Charing Cross Station, 70
Charles Street, 49 , 54
Charlotte, Queen, 2 [Pg 113]
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 17 , 81
Chaworth, Mr., 61
Chester Inn, 84
Chippendale, 110
Chapel Royal, 7
Essex Street Chapel, 91
German Chapel, 7
St. Anne's, 25
St. Clement Danes, 88
St. James's, 41
St. Martin's, 18
St. Mary le Strand, 85
St. Mary the Virgin, 30
St. Patrick, 35
St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 104
St. Philip's, 64
Cibber, Colley, 10
Cibber, Mrs., 40
Clare, Earl of, 96
Clare Market, 96
Clarence House, 6
Clarendon, Lord, 77
Clarges, Anne, 73
Clement's Inn, 97
Cleveland House, 52
Cleveland Square, 58
Albany, 44
Almack's, 45 , 56
Army and Navy, 52
Arthur's, 56
Athenæum, 63
Boodle's, 55
Brooke's, 56
Button's, 106
Carlton, 63
Cocoa-tree, 56
Colonial, 52
Conservative, 56
East India United Service, 52
Guards, 61
Junior Carlton, 53
Junior United Service, 65
Kitcat, 95
New Oxford and Cambridge, 61
Old Slaughter's Coffee House, 110
Oxford and Cambridge University, 52 , 61
Pall Mall, 51
Parthenon, 53
Portland, 60
Reform, 63
Rumpsteak, 61
Savage, 75
Sports, 50
St. James's Coffee House, 57
Thatched House, 57
Tom's, 107
Travellers', 63
Union, 18
United Service, 64
White's, 55
Whittington, 88
Will's Coffee House, 106
Willis's Rooms, 45
Windham, 51
Writers', 87
College of Physicians, 18
Congreve, 87 , 88
Constitution Hill, 1
Cooper, Samuel, 108
Cornelys, Mrs., 34
Cosway, 62
Cottonian Library, 91
Coutt's Bank, 75
Covent Garden, 100
Covent Garden Market, 101
Coventry Street, 39
Crabbe, 54
Craig's Court, 11
Craven, Lord, 41 , 97 [Pg 114]
Craven House, 97
Craven Street, 70
Cromwell, Oliver, 83 , 108
Crown Court, 98
Crown Street, 30
Dane's Inn, 97
Dean Street, 26
Delaney, Mrs., 58
De Quincey, 29 , 36 , 40
Derby, Earl of, 50
Derby House, 48
Dickens, 72
Drummond's Bank, 10
Drury Lane, 97
Dryden, 4 , 29 , 106 , 108 , 110
Duke Street, 45 , 71
Durham House, 72
Duval, Claude, 72
Essex, Earl of, 90
Essex House, 89
Essex Street, 89
Evelyn, 4
Exeter Hall, 78
Exeter House, 77 , 89
Exeter Street, 77
Fielding, Henry, 105 , 107
Flaxman, 26
Fleetwood, General, 12
Fox, C., 57
France, King John of, 80
Francis, Philip, 51
Franklin, Benjamin, 70
Frederick, Prince of Wales, 8 , 22
Free Library, 109
Frith Street, 27 , 30
Froissart, 81
Gainsborough, 62 , 110
Gaming House, 37
Garrick, 98 , 103
Garrick Street, 109
Gaunt, John of, 81
Gay, 77
George III., 22
Gerrard Street, 29
Gibbon, 57
Gibbons, Grinling, 104 , 107
Gladstone, Mr., 50
Godolphin House, 4
Golden Cross Hotel, 70
Golden Square, 40
Goldsmith, Dr., 30
Gordon, General, 17
Gordon Riots, 22
Green Park, 1
Grenville, 59
Grey, Lady Jane, 73
Guards' Monument, 64
Gwynne, Nell, 20 , 53 , 60 , 97
Halifax House, 52
Handel, 44
Hartshorn Lane, 16
Hawkins, Sir J., 30
Hayman, 27 , 97
Haymarket, 65
Hazlitt, 26
Hedge Lane, 67
Henley, Orator, 96
Henrietta Maria, 83
Henrietta Street, 107
Hog Lane, 30
Hogarth, 27 , 110
Holywell Street, 99
Hone, Nathaniel, 62 , 110
Charing Cross, 71
Diseases of the Heart and Paralysis, 32
King's College, 94 , 97
For Women, 32
Howard Street, 88 [Pg 115]
Howard, Thomas, 90
Hume, David, 30
Hungerford Market, 70
Inchbald, Mrs., 28 , 86
Irving, Henry, 78
Italian Opera Company, 66
Ivy Bridge Lane, 76
Jeffries, Lord, 29
Jermyn Street, 41 , 45
Jerrold, Douglas, 88
Johnson, Dr., 30 , 48 , 78 , 89 , 91
John Street, 53 , 75
Jones, Inigo, 11 , 83 , 109
Jonson, Ben, 16
Joyce, Colonel, 17
Kauffman, Angelica, 40
Kean, Edmund, 30
Kemble, Charles, 30 , 104
Kemp's Field, 25
King's College, 84
King Street, 45
King William Street, 71
Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 102
Konigsmarck, Count, 60
Kynaston, Edward, 104
Langton, Mr., 30
Law Courts, 94
Lawrence, Sir Thomas, 23
Lee, Nathaniel, 89
Leicester, Earl of, 80 , 90
Leicester Square, 21
Lely, Sir Peter, 102 , 104
Lichfield House, 51
Lightfoot, Hannah, 65
Lincoln's Inn Fields, 96
Locket's Ordinary, 10
London House, 48
London Library, 51
Long Acre, 108
Lord Mayor of London, 24
Macklin, Charles, 104
Maiden Lane, 108
Marble Arch, 3
Market Street, 65
Marlborough House, 7
Marvel, Andrew, 108
Mathews, Charles, 24 , 76
Milton, 11
Mohun, Lord, 88
Monmouth, Duke of, 32 , 77
Monmouth House, 31
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 105
Monument, The, 17
Moore, Thomas, 54
Mountford, 88
Mozart, 27
Mulberry Gardens, 3
National Gallery, 18
National Portrait Gallery, 21
Nelson, 17
Newcastle Street, 97 , 100
New Exchange, 73
New Inn, 97 , 99
Newton, Sir Isaac, 23 , 45
Nollekins, 27
Norfolk Hotel, 87
Norfolk House, 48
Norfolk Street, 87
Northumberland, Earl of, 15
Northumberland House, 15
Nugent, Dr., 30
Oates, Titus, 15
Old Curiosity Shop, 94
Old Scotland Yard, 11
Onslow, Speaker, 35 [Pg 116]
Orange Court, 30
Ormond, Duke of, 57 , 77
Ormond House, 50
Ossulston House, 49
Otway, 89
Oxford, Earl of, 107
Paget, Lord, 90
Paine, 62
Pall Mall, 59
Pall Mall East, 64
Panton Street, 39
Park Place, 58
Penn, William, 87
Pepys, 4 , 94 , 98
Peter the Great, 71 , 87 , 95
Piazza, The, 101
Piccadilly, 38
Piccadilly Circus, 41
Pindar, Peter, 104
Pitt, 50 , 58
Pope, Alexander, 58 , 110
Portsmouth Street, 94
Portugal Street, 94
Postlethwaite, 24
Public Library, 21
Punch , 98
Radcliffe, Dr., 96 , 107
Raleigh, Lady, 99
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 73
Regent Street, 40
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 23 , 30 , 110
Rich, 103
Rodney, Admiral, 59
Rogers, Samuel, 58
Rolls, The, 93
Roman Bath, 86
Romilly, Sir Samuel, 27
Roubiliac, 110
Roxburgh Library, 51
Royal Mews, 16
Rupert, Prince, 10
Russell, Lord William, 96
Sackville Street, 43
Salisbury House, 76
Savage, Richard, 48
Savoy, 78
Savoy, Peter of, 80
Schomberg House, 62
Scott, Sir Walter, 45
Shaftesbury Avenue, 24
Shaver's Hall, 39
Shear or Shire Lane, 95
Sheppard, Jack, 95
Sheridan, 43 , 108
Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, 35
"Simple Story," 28
Antiquaries, 44 , 84
Arts, 75
Beefsteak, 78
Chemical, 44
Ethical, 91
Geographical, 44 , 84
Geological, 84
Linnæan, 32
Royal, 44 , 84
Royal Academy of Arts, 84
Royal Astronomical, 44 , 84
Soho, 24
Soho Square, 31
Somerset, Duke of, 15
Somerset House, 83
Somerset House (New), 84
Somerset, Protector, 83
Spenser, 90
Spring Gardens, 8
Spur Alley, 70
St. Albans, Earl of, 37
St. Alban's Place, 65
Stafford House, 4 [Pg 117]
St. Catherine's Hermitage, 12
Steele, Sir Richard, 54 , 95
St. James's Hall, 45
St. James's Market, 65
St. James's Palace, 4
St. James's Parish, 37
St. James's Place, 58
St. James's Street, 54 , 67
St. James's Square, 46
St. Martin's Lane, 109
St. Martin's Town Hall, 21
St. Mary Rounceval, 13
St. Paul's Parish, 100
St. Peter's Court, 109
Strand Bridge, 86
Strand Lane, 86
Strand, The, 67
Suckling, Sir John, 39
Suffolk, Duke of, 70
Suffolk House, 15
Sully, Duc de, 84 , 99
Surrey Street, 87 , 88
Sutton Street, 35
Tart Hall, 2
Temple Bar, 91
Temple, The, 93
Tenison, 41
Tenison's School, 23
Terry, Ellen, 78
Adelphi, 76
Criterion, 41
Drury Lane (King's House), 103
Empire Music Hall, 21
Gaiety, 100
Haymarket, 67
Her Majesty's, 66
King's, 94
Lyceum, 78
Olympic, 97
Vaudeville, 76
Theodore, King of Corsica, 25
Thornhill, Sir James, 27 , 102 , 110
Tom's Coffee House, 107
Tonson, 95
Tooke, Horne, 24
Trafalgar Square, 16
Tunstall, Bishop, 72
Turk's Head, 30
Turner, 27 , 105 , 108
Tyburn, 3
Tyler, Wat, 81
Tyrconnell, Duchess of, 74
University of London, 44
Usher, Archbishop, 12
Vanbrugh, Sir J., 11 , 95
Vestris, Madame, 27
Victoria Embankment, 71
Villier's Street, 71
Voltaire, 108
Waller, 57 , 107
Wallingford House, 12
Ward, 27
Wardour Street, 26
War Office, 62
Warwick, Sir Philip, 10
Wedgwood, 28 , 49
Wellington Street, 82
Western General Dispensary, 30
Whitcomb Street, 67
White Bear, 41
Wilkes, 58
Williamson, Mr., 28
Willis's Rooms, 45
Will's Coffee House, 106
Wimbledon House, 82
Winchester House, 52
Windmill Street, 89 [Pg 118]
Wolcott, John, 104
Wolfe, 57
Woodfall, 12
Worcester House, 77
Worcester, Marquis of, 77
Wren, Sir Christopher, 11 , 57
Wych Street, 97
Wycherley, 104 , 107
Wycliff, 81
Wild Street, 96
York Column, 8
York House, 71
York Street, 54
And Last updated on: Thursday, 09-Jan-2025 14:14:08 GMT