Bull, Captain Francis George M.C.

Medal & Mortality index

The Military Cross was instituted as a Decoration on December 28th, 1914, to reward Distinguished Services rendered by Officers of certain ranks in the army in time of war. Bars may be added for additional acts of gallantry. Since August 1st, 1918, it has, like the D.S.O., been awarded for "services in action" only.

Department of the Clerk of the Council in the L.C.C.

Bull, Francis George (1914-19); M.C. and bar ; Captain, Royal Fusiliers ; France and Germany 3 years 3 months.

Capt. , Bull, F.G. , 4. 6.17 , Military Cross
Capt. , Bull, F.G. , 26. 7.17 , Bar to M.C.

Battle of the Ancre.
The failure at Thiepval and Beaumont Hamel on 1st July and the partial success at the former on 26th September have already been referred to Our advance over the high land east of Thiepval to the line Les Boeufs — Gueudecourt — Le Sars threatened to cut off the Germans in. the valley of the Ancre round about Hamel and Beaucourt, but the continual rain put an end to that advance. It was therefore decided to deal with the enemy positions on the Ancre by direct assault.^ Early in November the weather improved, with frost in place of rain. On 13th November, after a bombardment lasting 48 hours, the attack was launched in a mist and at almost every point was completely successful. On this or succeeding days the 19th and 39th Divisions captured St. Pierre Divion and land to the east, the 63rd was successful at Beaucourt, the 51st at Beaumont Hamel and the 2nd to the north thereof. The number of prisoners taken was 7,200.
In the fighting near Beaumont Hamel Lieut, (afterwards Captain) F. G. Bull (23rd R. Fusiliers, Clerk) gained the M.C., and in the same neighbourhood Sergeant T. J. Sevier (R.A.M.C, Educ.) gained the M.M. on 16th November for rescuing wounded under heavy shell fire. On 13th November H. F. Bentley (R.N.V.R., Tram.) was killed near Beaucourt and S. H. Boot (5th Seaforth Highdrs., Arch.) near Beaumont Hamel, on the 14th H. J. Dunford (Hon. Artillery Co., Educ.) near Beaucourt and on the same date C. J. L. Jewell (R.G.A., Tram.) died near Albert of wounds received the day before, probably in this sector.

Battles of Arras, 1917.
In the second phase of the battle the line was advanced only about a mile, but 8,000 prisoners were captured, with 57 guns, bringing the total gains up to 21,000 prisoners and 257 guns, in addition to many machine-guns and trench mortars and immense quantities of war material. About twelve miles of the Hindenburg line or of systems allied to it were captured. Our total casualties amounted to 196, no. ^

Captain A. C. Hancock, M.C. and bar (R.A.M.C, Asylums) received a second bar to his M.C. when " he established his advanced dressing station in a village, although it was under very heavy shell fire. He attended and evacuated a very large number of wounded, working all night, finally going out himself along the front to see if there were any left." In the fighting at Oppy Lieut, (afterwards Captain) F. G. Bull (23rd R. Fusiliers, Clerk) was awarded a bar to his M.C, " for his conspicuous gallantry ... as battalion signalling officer when, in spite of continuous heavy shelling and constant moves over difficult ground, he maintained communications."