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Gallantry awards & Casualties from WWI 1914 - 1918


I am selecting random people to add research detail.

Here are  the few selected so far, this will grow.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V 

QUARE, Capt. Herbert Alfred Brame M.C.

UMBERS, Lieut. John Ludford M.C.

VANN, Lt.-Col. Bernard William, Victoria Cross, Croix de Guerre

VAUGHAN, Lieut. Edwin Stephen C M.C.

VERGETTE, 2/Lieutenant George M.C.

VERNON, 2/Lieutenant Cyril Harker M.C.

VINCENT, 2/Lieutenant Cecil Richard Causabon M.C.

Voss, 2/Lieutenant Gordon Philips M.C. 

WADSWORTH, Lieut. Arthur M.C.

WAGNER, Lieut. Dixon Park M.C.

WAKELY, 2/Lieutenant Arthur Day M.C.

WALBY, Capt. Herbert Charles, M.C. D.S.O.

WALFORD, Capt. John Osborn M.C.

WALKER, 2/Lieutenant Henry Edward M.C.  D.F.C.

WALLWORK, Lieut. John Wilson M.C.

WALTERS, 2/Lieutenant Sydney Evelyn M.C.

WALTON, 2/Lieutenant Sydney M.C.

WARD, Capt. Harold Frederick M.C.

WATKINS, 2/Lieutenant William Henry Ernest M.C.

WATSON, 2/Lieutenant Arthur Vivian Cradock M.C.

WATSON, Major Thomas William M.C.

WATT, 2/Lieutenant Hugo Burr Craig M.C.

WEAVER, Capt. Frederick M.C.

WEBB, Lieut. Clarence Harold M.C.

WEEKS, Capt. William Edward M.C.

WEIR, 2/Lieutenant James M.C.

WELCH, 2/Lieutenant Stanley Thomas M.C.

WELLBORNE, 2/Lieutenant Harry Harold Gordon M.C.

WELSH, 2/Lieutenant Robert M.C.

WELTE, 2/Lieutenant Ernest James M.C.

WENGER, 2/Lieutenant Theodore Lanternier M.C.

WENYON, Lieut.-Col. Herbert John. D.S.O.

WEST, Capt. Frank M.C.

WEST, Lieut. Richard Goy M.C.

WHEATE, Lieut. Thomas Ernest M.C.

WHEELER, Capt. William Robert M.C.

WHINNEY, Charles Toller M.C.

WHITAKER, Capt. Donald Nicoll M.C.

WHITE, 2/Lieutenant John Broadwood M.C.

WHITE, 2/Lieutenant Thomas Herbert M.C.

WHITEAWAY, Major Edward George Lang M.C.

WHITEHEAD, 2/Lieutenant Frederick William M.C.

WHYTE, Capt. Angus Mclntosh M.C.

WIGHT, 2/Lieutenant Lauder Lylestone M.C.

WILES, Lieut. Osborne David M.C.

WILKES, Lieut. George Thomas M.C.

WILKIE, Lieut. James M.C.

WILKINSON, 2/Lieutenant Arthur Buttle M.C.

WILLANS, Capt. Harry, M.C. D.S.O.

WILLETT, 2/Lieutenant Francis William M.C.

WILLIAMS, 2/Lieutenant Harold M.C.

WILLIAMS, Capt. Noel Victor M.C.

WILLIAMS, 2/Lieutenant William James M.C.

WILLIAMS, 2/Lieutenant William Theophilus M.C.

WILLIAMSON, Lieut. William Henry Rowe M.C.

WILLS, 2/Lieutenant Arthur Reynolds M.C.

WILLIS, Lieut. Cyril Reginald M.C.

WILLIS, Lieut. Dan Hugh M.C.

WILSON, Lieut. John Baxenden M.C.

WILTON, 2/Lieutenant Ralph Antrobus M.C.

WINTLE, 2/Lieutenant George Howard M.C.

WINSHIP, Lieut. Ernest Roland M.C.

WITCOMBE, Capt. Charles Edward M.C.

WOMACK, 2/Lieutenant Bertie M.C.

WOOD, 2/Lieutenant Sydney George M.C.

WOOD, 2/Lieutenant Walter Bertram M.C.

WOODCOCK, Lieut. Humphrey Neville Hodson M.C.

WOODROW, 2/Lieutenant Arthur Blackford M.C.

WOODYEAR, 2/Lieutenant Reginald Percy M.C.

WOOTTON, Lieut. Kenneth Edwin M.C.

WORDEN, 2/Lieutenant Ernest Harold Glover M.C.

WORNUM, 2/Lieutenant William Esmond M.C.

WORRALL, Lieut. Samuel M.C.

WRIGHT, 2/Lieutenant George Edward M.C.

WRIGHT, 2/Lieutenant Herbert Alexander M.C.

WRIGHTSON, Lieut. Edward, D.S.O.

WRIXON, Lieut. Maurice Percival Bentley M.C.

YATES, Major Henry George M.C.

YATES, Capt. William M.C.

YOUNG, Lieut. Oliver M.C.

YUILL, Capt. Harry Hogg, D.S.O.

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