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LAGESSE, Capt. Camille Henri Raoul D.F.C.

Medal & Mortality index

The Distinguished Flying Cross is awarded to Officers and Warrant Officers for acts of gallantry when flying in active operations against the enemy. Bars may be added for additional acts of gallantry.

LAGESSE, Capt. Camille Henri Raoul ... ... ... 29th Squadron, R.A.F.

Near NEUF-BERQUIN, 28th May, 1918. When on wireless interception duty Capt. Lagesse, in company with another officer, was attacked by seven scouts. Engaging one, he followed it down from 11,000 feet to 2,000 feet, when it crashed. Bold in attack, skilful in execution, he has proved himself on many occasions to be a fine airman.


E. of BAILLEUL, August, 1918, and numerous other dates and places. A scout leader of marked ability and daring who, since 28th August, has destroyed thirteen enemy aeroplanes, displaying at all times brilliant leadership and courage. On 2nd October, when leading a patrol of four machines, he dived on eight Fokkers ; four of these were destroyed, Capt. Lagesse accounting for one. [766025