Medal & Mortality index
The Distinguished Service Cross, a Naval Decoration, instituted in June 1901,
and formerly known as the " Conspicuous Service Cross," has since October 1914
been awarded for services before the enemy to Officers below the rank of
Lieut.-Commander, and to Warrant and subordinate Officers previously eligible.
MCGREGOR, Capt. (Acting Flight-Commr.) Norman Miers ... ... R.N.A.S.
In FRANCE, 12th December, 1917. In recognition of his skill and courage in
aerial combats.
Whilst leading his flight on an offensive sweep he encountered a body of
Albatross scouts. In the general fight which ensued he attacked a scout which
was engaging one of our machines and drove it down out of control, and it was
seen to crash. Act. Flt.-Cdr. McGregor has destroyed several enemy machines, and
has led his flight with great dash and judgment. [2925