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WENYON, Lieut.-Col. Herbert John. D.S.O.

Medal & Mortality index

The Distinguished Service Order was instituted by Queen Victoria, September 6th, 1886.  May be conferred on Commissioned Officers who have been specially mentioned in despatches for meritorious or distinguished service in the field or before the enemy. Bars may be added for additional acts of gallantry. Since August 1st, 1918, this Order has been awarded in respect of active service for "services in action " only, i.e., for service under fire or for distinguished individual service in connection with air-raids, bombardments or other enemy action.

WENYON, Lieut.-Col. Herbert John ............ 8/Royal West Kent

S.E. of YPRES, 9th September, 1917. He collected a party, and led them through heavy
shell fire in a counter-attack upon one of our posts, which had been captured by the enemy, and although the position was exceptionally strong, it was retaken at the first attempt. This was entirely due to Captain Wenyon's prompt action and the determined energy which he displayed at a critical moment. [1945


VADENCOURT CHATEAU, 21st March to 5th April, 1918. For conspicuous gallantry and
devotion to duty. He organised defences against heavy enemy attacks and held vastly
superior numbers of the enemy at bay, inflicting heavy losses on them. He set a very fine example of courage and good leadership.