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Baker, Maj. William George M.C.

Medal & Mortality index

The Military Cross was instituted as a Decoration on December 28th, 1914, to reward Distinguished Services rendered by Officers of certain ranks in the army in time of war. Bars may be added for additional acts of gallantry. Since August 1st, 1918, it has, like the D.S.O., been awarded for "services in action" only.

University of London Officers Training Corps  index - former cadet.

Baker, Maj. William George, R.E. ? F. March 16 to May 19: M.C; mentioned in despatches.

BAKER, Temp. Lt. (Actg. Maj.) William George, 204th Field. Company., RE.* Haig's Despatch of 8 November 1918.

BAKER, Temp. Lt. (Actg. Maj.) William George, 204th Fid. Coy., R.E. ? For conspicuous gallantry on i6th, 17th and 18th October 1918, when in charge of the arrangements for bridging the River Lys, south-west of Courtrai, the southern bank of the river being held by the enemy. For three days and nights he went without rest or sleep, and one night he supervised the work of making the first crossing under heavy machine gun fire and gas shelling. — Gazettes, 8 March and 4 October 1919.