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Gallantry awards & Casualties from WWI 1914 - 1918


Medals & Casualties index

I am selecting random people to add research detail.

Here are  the few selected so far, this will grow.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V 

EDE, 2/Lieutenant Edwin William M.C.

EDGHILL, 2/Lieutenant Ashley Gay M.C.

EDLMANN, Major Francis Joseph Frederick D.S.O.

EDMINSON, Lieut. Leonard Oswald M.C.

EDMUNDS, Lieut. John M.C.

EDWARDS, 2/Lieutenant Cyril George D.S.O.

EDWARDS, 2/Lieutenant Griffith Oliver M.C.

EDWARDS, Capt. William Howell M.C.

EGLINGTON, Lieut. Dudley Charles M.C.

EILOART, 2/Lieutenant Ferdinand Robert M.C.

ELKINGTON, Capt. Christopher Garrett D.S.O.

ELKINGTON, Lieut. Howard George M.C.

ELLEN, Lieut. Walter M.C.

ELLIOTT, Lieut. Alfred Ernest Thomas M.C.

ELLIOTT, 2/Lieutenant Arthur Godfrey M.C.

ELLIOTT, Lieut. Ernest Edward M.C.

ELLIS, 2/Lieutenant Joe M.C.

ELLIS, 2/Lieutenant Reginald Donald M.C.

ELLIS, Lieut. Robert M.C.

ELLIS, 2/Lieutenant Shirley Duncan M.C.

ELTON, Capt. Herbert Sauzier M.C.

ELVY, Major Leslie Thomas M.C.

EVANS, 2/Lieutenant Bernard Scott M.C.

EVANS, 2/Lieutenant Douglas William M.C.

EVANS, Lieut. Hugh Elwyn M.C.

EVANS, 2/Lieutenant Thomas Evander M.C.

EVANS, 2/Lieutenant Thomas Kelvin M.C.

EWEN, 2/Lieutenant Henry Spencer M.C.