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Gallantry awards & Casualties from WWI 1914 - 1918


Medals & Casualties index

I am selecting random people to add research detail.

Here are  the few selected so far, this will grow.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V 

GATHER, Geoffrey St. George , Victoria Cross

GARBUTT, 2/Lieutenant John Restarick M.C.

GARDNER, Capt. Henry M.C.

GARRARD, 2/Lieutenant Cyril Proctor M.C.

Garratt, Lieut. Oliver Douglas M.C

GASCOIGNE, Lieut. Hugh M.C.

GAWLER, Capt. Harry Stephen M.C.

GAULDER, 2/Lieutenant Charles William Edward M.C.

GAYWOOD, 2/Lieutenant Frederick James M.C.

GEORGE, Major Walter Hope M.C.

GELSTHORPE, Capt. Alfred Morris D.S.O.

GIBBONS, Capt. James FitzGeorge M.C.

GIBBS, 2/Lieutenant Eric Noel M.C.

GIBBS, Capt. Lawrence Henry M.C.

GIBBS, Capt. Thomas Raleigh M.C.

GIBSON, Lieut. Archibald M.C.

GIBSON, 2/Lieutenant Dudley Robert M.C.

GIFFORD, 2/Lieutenant William Douglas Gowthorp M.C.

GILCHRIST, 2/Lieutenant James M.C.

GILKS, Capt. Humfrey Livingstone M.C.

GILL, Lieut. Hugh Stanley M.C.

GILLESPIE, Lieut. Thomas Leslie M.C.

GILLOTT, Lieut. Cecil M.C.

GJERTSEN, Capt. Rudolf M.C.

GLOVER, 2/Lieutenant Montague Charles M.C.

GOACHER, Capt. Frederick M.C.

GODDARD, 2/Lieutenant Wilfred John M.C.

GODFREY, Capt. Ernest Gordon M.C.

GODFREY, 2/Lieutenant Stanley Charles M.C.

Godley Sidney Frank, Private  V.C.

GOLDIE, Capt. Bernard Charles Mary M.C.

GOLDING, Captain John D.S.O.

GOLDSBURY, 2/Lieutenant Charles Melville M.C.

GOLDTHORP, Lt.-Col. Robert Reward D.S.O.

Goodes, Capt George Leonard, M.C & Bar

GOSLETT, Capt. Raymond Gwynne M.C.

GOSNEY, Lieut. Harold William M.C.

GOTCH, 2/Lieutenant Davis Ingle M.C.

GOUDIE, Capt. Norman D.F.C.

GOULD, 2/Lieutenant Arthur Nutcombe M.C.

GOULD, Lieut. Cyril Edward M.C.

Graham, Brigade Major C. J. M.C. D.S.O.

GRAHAM, 2/Lieutenant Thomas Eric M.C.

GRAY, Capt. Harold Vernon M.C.

GRAY, 2/Lieutenant Harry Albert M.C.

GRAY, Lieut. James M.C.

GRAY, Lieut. Samuel Alexander M.C.

GREEN, a/Lieut. Arthur M.C.

GREEN, Lieut George Richard M.C.

GREEN, Capt. William Charles M.C.

GREENWOOD, Lt.-Col. Charles Francis Hill D.S.O.

GREENWOOD, Lieut. James Hurst M.C.

GRICE, 2/Lieutenant William Stanley M.C.

GRIERSON, Capt. Kenneth Maclver D.S.O.

GRIFFIN, Capt. Arthur Ethelbert M.C.

GRIFFITH-JONES, Lieut. William Lionel Phillips M.C.

GRIFFITHS, 2/Lieutenant William Henry M.C.

GROOM, Lieut. Victor Emanuel D.F.C.

Grover , Major A M.C. D.S.O.

GUTTRIDGE, 2/Lieutenant John Frederick M.C.