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Gallantry awards & Casualties from WWI 1914 - 1918


Medals & Casualties index

I am selecting random people to add research detail.

Here are  the few selected so far, this will grow.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V 

NEEDHAM, Lieut. Leslie William M.C.

NELSON, 2/Lieutenant Lewis Archibald M.C.

NELSON, Lieut. William Percival M.C.

NETHERCOT, 2/Lieutenant Robert Pinkerton M.C.

NEWBERRY, 2/Lieutenant Thomas Frederick M.C.

NEWLAND, Lieut. Arthur Mansfield M.C.

NEWMAN, 2/Lieutenant Arthur James M.C.

NEWTON, 2/Lieutenant Clement Vaughan M.C.

NEWTON, Capt. William Godfrey M.C.

NICOL, 2/Lieutenant Ian Sinclair M.C.

NICHOLAS, 2/Lieutenant Gerald Basil D.F.C.

NICHOLLS, 2/Lieutenant Edward John M.C.

NICKSON, 2/Lieutenant George Bernard M.C.

Nidd, Captain Herbert Henry M.C.

NIMMO, Capt. William Wilson M.C.

NORMAN, 2/Lieutenant Sigurd Oswald M.C.

NYE, Lieut. Frederick M.C.